Showing posts with label Lil D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lil D. Show all posts
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Baby Classes

Baby Classes
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
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Wayne and I decided to take the parenting classes offered through our clinic/hospital. We went back and forth on if we really needed to take them and had heard from people on both sides of "they were helpful" to "you won't learn anything." Well, let me tell you as first time parents they were DEFINITELY helpful.I would recommend taking them.

The name of the class is actually "Childbirth Preparation," which I thought was a very appropriate name and it was a six-night series every Wednesday night. They recommend starting at 28 weeks. That way it's not too early where you forget, but not too late, where you probably won't finish. We started at 31 weeks.

Our teacher, Cherste, was a RN for many, many years and has now been teaching these classes for 5 years. She also was just finishing up her masters. I felt she was very knowledgeable on everything, as well as honest (didn't sugar coat parenthood) and a great resource for questions.

Weeks 1 (May 11th), 2 (May 18th), and 3 (May 25th) were all about understanding birth.

We learned and focused on preparing for a vaginal delivery. We went over the signs of pre-term labor, when to come to the hospital (511 rule), stages of labor and delivery, breathing and relaxation techniques, and medications for labor. We had to bring 2 pillows with us the first 2 weeks to practice labor techniques with each other. The third class my Mom actually came with me because Wayne had to work that night. That was the night where we reviewed all the different options for drugs during labor and delivery.

Week 4 (June 1st) was about Cesarean Birth, Postpartum Care and we took a tour of the hospital.

I liked that they went over both vaginal deliveries in the early weeks, but we also learned about c-sections as well. It was nice to learn about both and be prepared just in case. A lot of times you just plan for a vaginal birth and then unexpectedly, you need a c-section. That recently happened to a friend of mine after 19 hours of labor, they ended up doing a c-section.

It was fun to see the labor & delivery rooms as well as the Mom & Baby rooms as they call them at our hospital. We discussed the hospital stay, recovery time from a cesarean or vaginal delivery, and how to care for ourselves when we go home.

Week 5 (June 8th) was about caring for our newborn after birth

We learned the basics of infant care (such as bathing, swaddling, diapering and feeding options) and different skills for calming a fussy baby (the 5 S's).

Week 6 (June 15th) was all about Breastfeeding

I thought this class was extremely helpful. Our teacher was recently finishing up her masters and did her thesis on breastfeeding, so I felt like she was very knowledgeable about breastfeeding. We touched on how to recognize baby’s hunger cues, how to know and signs that baby is nursing well and getting enough, pumping, and breast milk storage information for time away from baby. I definitley think it was a good thing that both Wayne and I went to this class, becuase then he learned and now knows how demanding and time consuming for me it will be to breastfeed. She gave the guys tips on how to help the Mom's breastfeed, especially in those first few weeks.

Overall I thought all the classes were very helpful and I am glad we decided to take them. Wayne was joking that they should give out official graduation certificates so that when Hailey is 13 and starts talking back, we can show her the certificate of "parenting" and say..."See this, we are certified." If only it were that easy. LOL.

I'm grateful that my Husband wanted to take these classes with me and participate in them and learn just as much as I wanted to. I know he will be a great Father to Hailey and a great and supportive Husband as we welcome our first child into this world and learn to be parents together.

Love you Babydoll!
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 35 & 36}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 35 & 36}
Thursday, June 9, 2011
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Thursday, 6/2/2011
(Week 35)

Baby's now the size of a honeydew!

Thursday, 6/9/2011
(Week 36)
This is me and Lil D this week:



Baby's now the size of a honeydew!


I don't feel like she has dropped at all, but the other night I did feel like I had to take more bathroom breaks than usual. So maybe she is on her way down. We'll see.

I am definitely feeling her very HEALTHY punches and kicks. It's very noticeable now when my tummy gets super lopsided because she is just so out there.

I have been feeling Braxton-Hicks contractions more and more, but none that have been on a regular basis. It happens usually when I'm walking.

I am definitely waddling and feeling my leg ligaments shift. There has been a couple times when I have moved my leg and my hip has a shooting pain.

We are now going to the Dr every Tuesday. This past Tuesday they did the Group B test. I will find out the results this next Tuesday. They also drew blood to check my hemoglobin. Another thing they start checking is effacement/dilation, which was none this week. I am ok with that being I am only 36 weeks and she still has some growing to do.

Full term next week! Yay!
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 32 - 34}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 32 - 34}
Thursday, May 26, 2011
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Thursday, 5/12/2011
(32 weeks)

I've been behind the last few weeks with working, packing/organizing/throwing, garage saling for the new house/new baby and growing this little peanut below, which let's just say the first trimester tiredness came back full force.

Here is me & Lil D at 32 weeks:



Baby's now the size of a squash!
Thursday, 5/19/2011
(33 weeks)


Baby's now the size of a honeydew!

Thursday, 5/26/2011
(34 weeks)

 This is me & Lil D this week:



Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
To start at the beginning, I have actually been waddling for awhile. Wayne just laughs.
I do feel some tightening in the tummy area every once in awhile. It's mostly when I am walking and then I have to really slow down and almost stop.I've just assumed those are Braxton Hicks and will be asking the Dr about them at our next appointment. They are so infrequent right now, that I am not too worried.

We had our 32 week Dr appointment on May 16th. The Dr felt my tummy and thought she was head down, butt up. Yay. Hopefully she stays that way. My blood pressure was perfect and Hailey's heartbeat sounded great!

I haven't had any heartburn, yet...knock on wood, but I do get short of breath very easily. I don't believe she has dropped any at all because of that. I've had to sleep propped up by pillows for awhile now. I'm using 3 (a body pillow and 2 king size pillows) but I'm actually thinking I need a couple more. Lying flat is not an option. I just feel dizzy, even if it is on my side.

I have not had much back-pain thus far. It's mostly just the normal aches and pains of stretching and moving.

This week my ankles have disappeared, which is not a pretty sight to see and kind of embarrassing, but it's nothing I can control and I have to keep reminding myself of that. My feet are swollen by the end of the day and every once in awhile my fingers swell up to little sausages. I'm definitely glad I took off my rings when I did a few weeks back.

My body temperature has gone up and I get warm easily. It's almost like I am having hot flashes. I'm usually the one with the sweater or hoodie with me at all times, just because I get so chilly quickly. I have actually been the opposite and wearing tank tops with ease.

I am feeling her jabs and kicks all the time now and it's so fun to just stare at my belly and see her move around in there. Sometimes they do startle me and are harder than what I think they should be. But I just keep thinking that it's all a good sign that she's moving that much and so active. Wayne gets a kick out of it as well and when he sees it, his eyes get all big and he looks at me like, "Oh my gosh, that was really her." I reply back with, "Yes, honey, who else would it be."

I do plan on breastfeeding. I am going to give it a go and really try hard. I know it's better for baby and it's obviously cheaper, but we'll see how it goes.

Even though the last couple weeks have been harder and rougher on my body as she gets bigger and the pounds keep adding up, it's still been a relatively easy pregnancy. I know I could have it so much worse and I'm just thankful for what I'v had thus far.

Here is a funny that was in one of my baby emails. It's so true.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 31}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 31}
Thursday, May 5, 2011
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Thursday, 5/5/2011
(31 weeks)

Baby's now the size of a squash!

She is moving so much this past week, it's crazy. We had our 30 week appointment at our new clinic with a new Dr this past Monday, May 2nd. I had my records transferred to this new clinic, the Dr looked them over and said they did a very good job, all my levels looked great and there was really nothing more to add, other than if Wayne and I had any questions. We went over a few things about the new clinic, etc.,  but other than that we were pretty set.

I hopped up and laid on the table and the Dr started pressing on my belly. She then squirted it with the gel so that we could hear the heartbeat. Once she started doing that Hailey kicked so hard that it startled the Dr and she said, "Wow, you have a social little thing in there." I had to laugh and think to myself, "Oh boy, she is taking after Wayne already."

Also, when we met with the nurse before that (who has 5 kids of her own, 3 boys & 2 girls), she made a point to us that Hailey will be a Daddy's girl all the way. That made Wayne grin from ear to hear. He loved that!

Her heartbeat was so good at 147 bpm. It was super exciting since we hadn't heard it in almost a month. Overall the new clinic/staff/Dr was awesome. We now start going every 2 weeks with our next appointment at 32 weeks on Monday, May 16th.

We are also starting our baby classes on Wednesday, May 11th. It is a 6 week course, every Wednesday night. We are really excited to start that process.

I have not felt any Braxton Hicks thus far...keeping fingers crossed.

I have been feeling more out of breath lately, but it's really only when I try and lay down to go to bed. It doesn't happen so much yet when I am walking or anything. I have been using extra pillows to prop me up at an angle as that tends to feel better. It has been definitely taking extra effort to get comfortable at night going to bed and getting situated, though, that's for sure.

Wayne and Green Grandma have really started to see my belly move and shake. Her movements are so different now that she's getting bigger. Sometimes they are uncomfortable, but I just keep telling myself that it's all a good thing that she's moving that much.

We still can't believe how fast it's going. Now with the more frequent Dr appointments, baby classes, moving on the 21st, Memorial Day weekend and then baby showers coming up, it is going to be June before we know it!

Happy 31 weeks to us!
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 30}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 30}
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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Thursday, 4/28/2011
(30 weeks)
Me & Lil D this week:


Baby's now the size of a squash!
I am really feeling her jab, punch and kick. You can really see my belly move when she is active. Sometimes it can be uncomfortable, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I have been feeling more tired lately, but I really haven't had any trouble sleeping either. It's just that I'm always sleepy and ready for a nap.

I haven't really noticed that my balance is off yet. Maybe that will come. I haven't noticed yet that my feet are getting bigger, but I've been fortunate enough to be able to wear tennis shoes most of the time, even at work.
As far as emotional mood swings go, the only one that Wayne has mentioned is that I have gotten bitchier. I thought that was funny. It might have something to do with the fact that we have a lot going on right now and my patience or tolerance level is just real low.

As far as dreams go, I had one weird one this past week and the only thing I remember is standing on a chair and seeing a bunch of rats running around on the ground. That's about it.

We are 3/4 of the way through this pregnancy. We can't believe that we only have about 10 weeks left. Yay!
Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekly Recap {April 11-24, 2011}

Weekly Recap {April 11-24, 2011}
Monday, April 25, 2011
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Monday, April 11, 2011

I was feeling pretty good and upbeat, because I hadn't heard from the Dr regarding my glucose test from the Friday before and they tell you if you don't hear anything, then everything is good to go. Well, they ended up calling me late in the afternoon and telling me that my level was "slightly" elevated. It was at 143 and they like to see it at 135 or below. Not sure what a high number is. I didn't ask many questions, because I was so disappointed, but I will be asking questions at our next appointment. So because of that the Dr was ordering the 3 hour test. Even though it was a minor hiccup in what has been a pretty normal pregnancy thus far, I wasn't feeling too good about it. But I knew it had to be done and whatever happened at that point we would just have to deal with head on.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I stopped by the JBF sale in Maple Grove after work. It was very picked over except for the baby clothes, which I expected. I didn't really have much energy to pick through the baby clothing, so I actually looked through the maternity clothes and instead of getting anything for Hailey, I got 4 shirts and a dress for me for about $30.00. What a great deal!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Since Grams was gone on vacation in AZ and Wayne is usually gone Friday nights I decided to have my sisters come and spend the night with me. We just hung out with the pups, ate dinner, watched a movie and went to bed. Nothing too exciting, but I think they really enjoyed seeing the pups and hanging out. I know the pups also enjoyed seeing them as well. It had been too long.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

They spent the day helping me clean and packing some things up. It was so nice of them to help me start packing and organizing. Again, it was a very uneventful day, but very productive nonetheless. I brought them home that evening (after a DQ stop of course), stopped at Kohl's to get yet another (much needed) new bra and went home to relax for the rest of the night.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It was nice to have the house to ourselves for the day. It was the one day where we were both home together the whole day. Wayne slept most of the morning as he usually does because of his crazy schedule, but then when he woke up, we got right to work. He hauled all the boxes that we had packed up the day before out to the garage, we reorganized the garage to store some of our packaged up belongings, he swept it out, I went through a few more boxes that we had stored in the garage and filled the trash with things we were getting rid of. It felt so good to purge. I also completely cleaned out my car as Wayne and I were switching. We have a Trailblazer and a Camry and we decided to switch for these last couple of months of pregnancy as it is MUCH easier for me to get in/out of the TB than it is the Camry. What a sweet guy he is for being so understanding. We then headed to Pizza Ranch for dinner, just the two of us. It was our first time there and it was delicious!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today I had my 3 hour glucose test. I took the day off of work and I was scheduled to be at the lab at 8:30 a.m. I had been fasting (no drink or food) since the night before. They drew my blood, I drank the little bottle of what tastes like over sugared orange pop and then I sat there for 3 hours and they drew my blood 3 more times, every hour, on the hour. I couldn't eat anything until it was over and I could only sip on water. It wasn't a horrible experience. Much more of a mind game than anything else. I brought along my portable DVD player and watched August Rush, which took up about 2 of those hours, I then read on my Nook the other hour. 


It was a very touching movie. The only bad part was burping up the glucose drink as I didn't have anything in my stomach. I left the clinic at noon and met Wayne at Applebees for lunch. It was a great lunch and everything tasted so good.

Grams also came back from AZ with her sister Sandy, who is here to stay for the summer.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I had started getting a sore throat the day before, which then went from that to just a scratchy throat and runny nose. My head felt like it was 100 lbs. I went directly home, ate dinner and went right to bed.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I still didn't feel the best, but I didn't want to miss my friend, Anne's baby shower that afternoon. It was great to see her and our other friend, Tara. It was at Biaggi's in Eden Prairie. This is us with our pregnant bellies.



I am 29 weeks and she is 33 weeks. After the shower I came home, did some cleaning, more packing and then some relaxing. I also watched Winter's Bone.


Overall, the movie was OK. Kinda slow. I really like Jennifer Lawrence though, so that is what made me finish it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter! We spent the afternoon with Wayne's family and ate some great food. Wayne hauled out more boxes to the garage of what I had packed up the day before. We watched some tv together and just hung out. It was a very nice, relaxing and low key day.

Hope everyone had a great holiday no matter if they celebrated or not.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 29}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 29}
Thursday, April 21, 2011
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Thursday, 4/21/2011
(29 weeks)

Baby's now the size of a squash!
It's so crazy to read about how much calcium she is taking in as the past week I have drank an obscene amount of milk. I now know why I have been feeling like I can’t get enough milk. It still amazes me that my body knows what it needs to help her grow and in its own way lets me know that.

I have been having a few more dizzy spells as I have gotten bigger. Good to know that it is normal at this point to happen every once in awhile.

Another thing is I always have the feeling of needing to go pee. Pretty much 24/7. I know it’s only going to get worse as she continues to grow as well.

We have so many fun things to look forward to in the coming weeks and months and I know it is going to go by so fast. She will be here before we know it!
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 28}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 28}
Thursday, April 14, 2011
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Thursday, 4/14/2011
(28 weeks)
This is me and Lil D this week:



Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
Maternity Clothes: I have been adding to my collection week by week. I've bought a few new things, but have had some great luck lately from consignment shops as well. A few of my normal items I have been able to continue to wear, so that has been great. I'm also trying to keep the shirts that I can wear as maternity separate from everything else, so I know what I can and cannot wear.

Sleep:I have been sleeping really well lately, which I hope keeps up.

Best Moment of the Week: Wayne feeling her kick again this week and actually starting to see my belly move when she moves. Finishing one of our baby registries. Yay!

Movement: I feel her move all the time now. The past few evenings she has been so active that I can start to see my belly really move with her. It's so fascinating to just stare at it.

Food Craving: I've really like Heath blizzards the last few weeks. For my birthday, a co-worker made the "Better than Sex Cake" cause it has Heath on top. They know me so well and it was delicious!

Food Aversions: None as of lately.

Morning Sickness: None.

Gender: It's a girl! Hailey Jo is her name.

Symptoms: Constipation is the major one that continues to stick with me. Good thing it is manageable. Other than that, lower back pain and some round ligament pain has started. Achy feet after only being on them for a short period.

What I miss: Bending over.Being able to roll over in bed or get out of bed without it being a production. Walking fast. I'm normally a fast walker and I have really had to slow down otherwise I get a side ache. Getting in and out of the car with no hassle. Not feeling like I have to pee all the time.

What I'm looking forward to: Starting and hopefully finishing our other baby registry sooner rather than later. Organizing, packing and getting rid of stuff to move mid-May. Garage sale season.
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 27}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 27}
Thursday, April 7, 2011
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Thursday, 4/7/2011
(27 weeks)

Baby's now the size of an eggplant!

I have had more leg cramps than normal, most of them at night when my legs are not moving. I don't think it happens during the day, because I am moving around. 

I am excited to experience her hiccups. She has been so active this week, really moving and wiggling around. The other night Wayne pushed on the side of my belly and she punched him. He freaked out and said, "that was her." I responded with,"Yes, honey. She is really in there." It was super cute and hilarious all at the same time. I have to remember that I can feel her move all day long and it's "normal" to me. He doesn't get to experience that part of it.

I have also had a pretty constant back ache lately. My lower left side aches more than anything and sometimes I feel like my left leg is going to give out. Sometimes I have to walk really slowly to get anywhere, which for me is hard because I have always been a fast walker.

I have my glucose test tomorrow morning. I'm hoping everything turns out ok with that and I don't have to do the 3 hour test. After tomorrow's appointment we are going to try and switch clinics. We'll see how that goes!
I can't believe this is the last week of the 2nd trimester. I feel like time is just flying by. I'm trying to stay positive heading into the 3rd trimester as I know it is going to be probably the most difficult out.
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 26}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 26}
Thursday, March 31, 2011
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Thursday, 3/31/2011
(26 weeks)
Here is me and Lil D this week:


Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
I definitely have noticed how round my tummy has gotten more round and Wayne has commented that I now have a "pregnant" belly. She is also moving a lot more and sometimes I feel like she is going to kick right through my stomach. Wayne felt her for the first time last week. She was being active and so I told him to press his hand (somewhat firmly) on my lower ab. It was almost like she was kicking his hand. His face lit up and he was so excited and wide-eyed. He has since been able to feel her a couple more times that way as well as see my belly actually move. 

I have been short of breath more often. I can no longer walk and talk on my cell phone at the same time. I am usually only talking to Wayne or my Mom at that point and just tell them I need to call them back in a bit.

I have not had any Braxton Hicks thus far, but my back has sure been taking a beating. Thankfully I have a wonderful Husband that is willing to rub my lower back when I need it. The last few nights I have been pretty much clinging to my body pillow. I'm hoping that can continue to comfort me and help with my back while sleeping.

I can't believe we only have a couple more weeks until the 3rd Trimester!
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 25}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 25}
Thursday, March 24, 2011
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Thursday, 03/24/2011
(25 weeks)

Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
I have noticed that I am warmer than usual. I am normally a chilly person, always needing a sweatshirt or cover-up of some sort, but lately I find that I am OK with just a t-shirt, even in winter.
   I have not experienced any carpal tunnel thus far, but I have 15 weeks left, so we will see.

The extra hair will fall out? That's great news. One more thing to look forward to I guess.
It is definitely taking me longer to get from point A to point B. Even a simple thing as rolling over in bed or sitting up has become a task. I keep telling myself that my belly is not even that big as to what it will be in just a matter of a couple months.
I have my glucose screening test set for Friday, 4/8/2011. I will be 27 weeks. I'm not looking forward to drinking that little clear bottle of solution.
Sometimes I feel like everything is going way too fast!
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 24}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 24}
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Thursday, 3/17/2011
(24 weeks)
Here is me and Lil D this week:


Maternity Clothes: I have officially started wearing maternity pants. I had purchased 2 bella bands, which were getting a little uncomfortable holding up ok , but now that I know how comfortable maternity pants are, I think I would have skipped the Bella Bands all together and went straight to maternity pants.

Sleep: Everyday and week is different depending on what I have going on. This week has been hard with daylight savings time and I have been busy with different things. I have been waking up in the middle of the night a few nights the past couple of weeks for 1-2 hours at a time. Those days are worse and it ends up catching up with me eventually.

Best Moment of the Week: Figuring out that maternity pants are HEAVEN!

Movement: I have been feeling her move A LOT. More and more every day and week. I have noticed that she is a lot more active after I eat.

Food Craving: I have definitely gotten some of my appetite back. I am open to more foods and they actually sound appealing. I still like my popsicles/icees though.

Food Aversions: Green Grandma made corn beef and cabbage in the crock-pot last week and the smell made me really nauseous, but other than that I have been really good.

Morning Sickness: None.

Gender: It's a girl! Read that post HERE.

Symptoms: Flatulence and constipation are the major two that continue to stick with me.

What I miss: Bending over and putting on shoes without a hassle. I know it's only going to get worse.

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing up our registry, setting baby shower dates and finding a place of our own just to name a few.

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {03.16.2011}

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {03.16.2011}
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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I'm Loving that I finally had the opportunity to go maternity clothes shopping last night and add a few things to my wardrobe.I'm also Loving the feeling of wearing the maternity clothes and feeling pregnant with my preggo belly.

I'm Loving that the Hubs and I are going to look at a house to rent this afternoon.I'm looking forward to living in the cities and cutting down on travel time to work, gas expenses, being closer to my church and family and friends.

I'm Loving that I get to see my (2nd) cousin Beth tonight for dinner at Cadillac Ranch and a Bare Essentials girly party!

I'm Loving the warmer weather this week and that hopefully winter is officially over. You never really know in Minnesota.


I'm Loving that I am feeling Hailey more and more everyday moving in my growing belly. Such a great feeling!

What are you loving? Go over to Jamie's Blog to link up! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 23}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 23}
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Thursday, 3/10/2011
(23 weeks)
I can definitely tell my feet are changing and sore more in the last few days. I will need to go shoe shopping at some point.

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {03.09.2011}

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {03.09.2011}
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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I'm Loving that I got my hair trimmed last night (finally) after over 2 months. Feels so much better.

I'm Loving the adorable baby gifts that we have received for Hailey in the past week since finding out we are having a girl.

Her first baby doll from Green Grandma.


 Twins onesies and a pink puppy from our friends John and Jess.


A Twins dress and the same pink puppy from my awesome co-worker Nancy B.


A bunch of cute things from my most fabulous boss Nancy M.


Hailey's first pair of shoes, along with a summer outfit, a super cute hat and a pink onesie that says "Hot Babe." 

I'm also Loving that everything is pink!

I'm Loving Rihanna's new song S&M and the video.

I'm Loving all the Easter candy that is out in stores. To me it is a sign of SPRING! I especially love these:

I'm Loving that the last two Sunday afternoons have been day dates at the movie theater with Wayne. 

Go link up with Jamie for WILW!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 22}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 22}
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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Thursday, 3/3/2011
(22 weeks)

Me & Lil D this week:


I have been so scatter brained this past week with different things such as forgetting my phone at home or my nook for the bus. Really the list could go on and on. I saw this cartoon at the end of one of my babycenter emails that I thought was just too appropriate.

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
I have been feeling her kick now for about a week. It's a few different times of the day...usually at about 4:15 pm and 3:00 am and sometimes in the mornings after my OJ. It's crazy to think that she is in there sleeping, sucking on her thumb, yawning and moving about. I'm looking forward to feeling her kick more and more as the weeks go on.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's a Girl! {2011}

It's a Girl! {2011}
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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It's a GIRL!

Hailey Jo
Photos taken: February 28, 2011
At: 21 weeks

Her spine


Her face


Another face shot


Her feet


Her profile


Her sucking her thumb


And my favorite...her yawning or as I like to think...laughing


On Monday we had our ultrasound. Baby was in a pike position and was hiding the goods for awhile. After a few minutes of Dr. E pushing the wand all over my jelly topped tummy, she moved enough to the point where the Dr could tell it was a girl, but couldn't quite get all the different measurements that she wanted to. So now we go back Friday, March 11th for another ultrasound to finish the check-up and hopefully confirm AGAIN (for sure) that she is in fact really a she.

Everything that Dr. E saw on Monday was right on schedule. She is weighing in at about a pound and all the different measurements were ranking her in the 50th percentile.So yay!

It's taken me these last few days for it to sink in and not call her an "it" anymore. I can call her a her or refer to her as she or call her by her name...Hailey Jo.

To see what our boy name was look HERE.
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 21}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 21}
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Thursday, 02/24/2011
(21 weeks)
My stomach has definitely been feeling very dry and itchy lately. I have been lathering on lotion at night, although I know I should do it in the morning, but I just never seem to have time. I really have to start getting up earlier to do so though. I haven't noticed any stretch marks yet. We'll see.

I'm looking forward to (but also nervous), about our Dr. appointment on Monday night. Keep us in your prayers!


Baby's now the size of a banana!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Names {2011}

Baby Names {2011}
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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So in less than a week we are scheduled to have our Ultrasound. First and foremost I want to make sure he or she is healthy, but also that is when we will hopefully (fingers crossed) be able to find out the sex. There have been several people that have asked us if we are going to find out and yes, we are and then the follow-up question is do you have names picked out? Yes, we also have names picked out as well.We've had the girls name picked out since practically our first date and we had a boys name picked out but when we actually got pregnant we decided we didn't like it 100% and started from scratch.
Wayne swears it's a girl, he said he just had a feeling from our very first ultrasound, when the baby was just 2cm and measuring 8 weeks, 3 days.

Here is our girl name:

Hailey Jo

origin: English

 meaning: From the Hay Clearing

With many variations of this name on the most popular list, your little Hailey is going to be spelling it out for people no matter which version you pick. Hailey’s currently the most popular version, but it first appeared in the ’60s as Hayley, thanks to the star of The Parent Trap. It wasn’t commonly used until the ’80s though, and since then has been steadily climbing the charts. (Even though it’s gone down a little bit from its peak position, all the multiple spellings make it hard to tell whether it’s really shifted in popularity.) The original spelling comes from an Old English place name meaning “hay clearing,” which sounds more beautiful when you consider it a lovely and idyllic meadow opening.

current U.S. popularity rank: 2010: 25

We have always really liked the name Hailey and like I said above had that name picked out since we first started dating (I knew early on I was going to marry Wayne and we would one day have children). Hailey has no connection to our family and is not taken from anyone that we know of. On the other hand, the middle name "Jo" is my Mother's middle name and my little sister's middle name.

Mother: Karla Jo
Sister: Amie Jo

I've had a feeling thus far it's a boy. I don't know why, but I just do. As we get closer to the Ultrasound day though, I feel less and less certain it's a boy. I don't know if it's all the old wives takes that are making me second guess myself or what, but this is our boys name:

Carter James

origin: English

 meaning: Driver of a Cart

Part of the last-name-as-a-first-name trend, Carter’s risen rapidly over the last decade and is still well on its way up. It’s also yet another one of those popular profession last names…yes, this literally means “someone who carts.” As in, schlepping stuff around. While it’s a fine sounding name, we like it even more when there’s a little history (perhaps a lost maiden name somewhere along the family lines) to make it relevant.

current U.S. popularity rank: 2010: 65
As with the girl name, Carter has no connection to our family and is not taken from anyone, we just really like the name. "James" is taken from Wayne's great uncle Edward James Peck or Uncle Oddie as he was called by most people. He was always like a Father figure to Wayne growing up. When we first were playing around with the name, we didn't know that Oddie's middle name was James. Then one day I asked Green Grandma and when she said James, I said to myself...yup, that's it.

I know picking out names for some couples can be hard, but for us it was least this first time around. If we have a second child, it might be a lot more difficult. But we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Another thing that we have heard is to have a back-up name in case the name we choose doesn't fit the baby and it doesn't look like a Hailey or a Carter upon arrival. To us that just doesn't make sense. What does a Hailey or a Carter really look like? Something to think about I guess.

Stay tuned for my eventual post about whether we have a little Hailey or a little Carter!
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 20}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 20}
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Thursday, 2/17/2011
(20 weeks)

This is me and Lil D this week:


As you can see my belly has popped out somewhat. It's still so crazy to me.

Maternity Clothes: I had purchased 2 bella bands (one white/one black), but didn't need to start wearing them until last Thursday (week 19). I have also resorted to the rubberband trick of keeping my pants together and then with the bella band it gives it enough support so that my pants stay up.I can only zip them up about half-way.

Sleep: I'm not as tired now in the 2nd trimester as I was in the 1st, which I know is common. Some evenings/nights are better than others. If I am so tired, where I do go to bed early, I wake up in the middle of the night from 2am - 4am. So it really depends on the day(s) or evening.

Best Moment of the Week: Being 20 weeks along and half way!

Movement: None so far that I can tell for sure is baby. Everyone keeps asking me and I'm sure I have felt it at some point in the last couple weeks, but nothing real definitive. Two of my friends, who are also first time mommy's both said that they first felt it between 20-21 weeks and then it gradually got more and more consistent.

Food Craving: See this post...HERE.

Food Aversions: Meat, unless it is smothered in some sort of sauce.

Morning Sickness: None.

Gender: N/A yet. We are scheduled for our Ultrasound on February 28th, so in addition to them checking all of baby's systems and making sure he or she is growing good, we will hopefully be able to find out the sex as well if baby cooperates. Keep your fingers crossed.

Symptoms: Flatulence and constipation are the major two that have stuck with me thus far

What I miss: I continue to miss Caribou less and less each day, although somedays I really want a caramel cooler. I know I can, but I just don't at this point. I don't think I have the power to just have one and not want one the next day, too. So I'm not even going to start.

Wine is the other thing that I find myself missing. Wayne and I had gone to The Olive Garden a few weeks back and used a giftcard from Christmas and I really wanted a nice cold glass of Reisling with my pasta. I know they say it's ok to have a glass, but honestly, I would want more than just one. Who am I kidding? Haha. 

What I'm looking forward to: Our next Dr. appointment, which includes an ultrasound and new pictures on February 28th.


Baby's now the size of a cantaloupe!
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