365 Photoaday Challenge {June 2013}
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
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Disclaimer: All these pictures are from my Instagram. Follow me @MrsMamaD
#day152 #june1 Fun night with a few of my besties. #friends #photoaday365

We went out for Katie's birthday with some friends. Love these people!
#day153 #june2 She loved eating it like a big girl. Yummy!! #photoaday365

#day154 #june3 Thanks @bigdradio for the sleeping pic. #parentproblems #photoaday365

Every once in awhile if Hailey wakes up in the middle of the night, I will just put her in our bed. She's such a mover and a shaker though, so that doesn't happen too often.
#day155 #june4 Me trying to be healthy. #lunch #photoaday365

Super easy and delicious...spinach, chicken, cashews and balsamic vinaigrette. Sometimes I add cheese or craisans, too!
#day156 #june5 True statement. #photoaday365 #mnproblems

June was just not my month. Green Grandma came into town on the 23rd, so I was pretty MIA from the gym at that point.
#day157 #june6 Spot on. Thanks @mrskatier for the re-gram. #photoaday365

#day158 #june7 So excited that one of my besties is coming to visit with her little fam in July!! #bff #photoaday365

My friend, Wendy, lives in Kansas and tries to make it up here with her Hubby and daughter a few times a year. Every time they come we try and make a point to get together and catch up.
#day159 #june8 Fun day with friends. #gradparty #playingball #swimming #bonfire #auntie @_ktstager #photoaday365

I love taking graduation pictures and then going to the grad party and seeing my work being displayed. Feel so awesome!
#day160 #june9 Yes, I am an old lady. #photoaday365

I needed a better reminder than all the pill bottles, etc. out on the counter.
#day161 #june10 I guess if that's where she wants to sleep. #weirdo #photoaday365

For some reason she has really taken to the floor. No sure why. I don't get it.
#day162 #june11 June bug. Creepy crawler. #gross #photoaday365

#day163 #june12 Finally got these bad boys on the wall. #photoaday365

#day164 #june13 My little "Rusher." #btr #rusher #photoaday365 cc: @bigdradio @bigtimerush

This was Hailey's 3rd time meeting Big Time Rush. They remember her each time and get such a kick out of how big she's gotten!
#day165 #june14 No lie. She's glued to SYTYCD. Absolutely mesmerized. #sytycd #photoaday365

She loves this show just like her Mama.
#day166 #june15 Happy Fathers Day to me. Haha. cc: @bigdradio #spoiled #photoaday365

Even though it was Father's Day, we both got presents! Yay! Thanks honey!!
#day167 #june16 I'm spending today with these 2. Happy Fathers Day to the love of my life. We are so lucky to have you! cc: @bigdradio

These 2 rule my world. What can I say.
#day168 #june17 Little Miss H got her hairs cut. #photoaday365

She always looks so grown up after a fresh haircut.
#day169 #june18 My little boy Puckett at the vet this morning. #puppylove #photoaday365

Just brought him in for his annual exam. Dr said he's all good! Yay!
#day170 #june19 Me today. Outfit on the blog. Link in profile. #selfie #wiww #ootd #photoaday365

#day171 #june20 New swimsuit for the little. #patriotic #photoaday365

I got this at Old Navy for $8. I just couldn't pass it up.
#day172 #june21 Gross storms. Power out. Fun by candlelight. #photoaday365

#day173 #june22 Happy Birthday Dave! #party #photoaday365

We went to a belated birthday party for our friend Adam's Dad, Dave. He's been struggling with cancer the past year and a half, so we wanted to help him celebrate his milestone of 60!!
#day174 #june23 Green Grandma's here!!! #family #photoaday365

Green Grandma came to town from Arizona for two weeks. We went out to dinner after picking her up from the airport. It was so good to spend time with her while she was here.
#day175 #june24 Fell asleep on Green Gramma. #photoaday365

She was so tuckered out and fell right asleep in Grandma's lap.
#day176 #june25 Lunching at Broadway Pizza with Aly & Veronika. Keeping busy with the iPad. #lifesaver #photoaday365 #cousins

Wayne's cousins came to spend the day with us and have lunch. LOVED having them around and Hailey absolutely adores them!
#day177 #june26 Happy 2nd Birthday to my baby girl. #photoaday365

Hailey officially turned 2 today. Happy Birthday babygirl!
#day178 #june27 We love popcorn! #bedtime #snack #photoaday365

#day179 #june28 Birthday Party prepping. #photoaday365 #elmo

#day180 #june29 D Fam pic at the end of the night cause I was too busy during the day to take one with her cute bday outfit on. #photoaday365

#day181 #june30 She's 2 now. Sheesh. Such a big girl. #photoaday365

So there you go.
As always if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment, email me or find me on social media.
#day152 #june1 Fun night with a few of my besties. #friends #photoaday365

We went out for Katie's birthday with some friends. Love these people!
#day153 #june2 She loved eating it like a big girl. Yummy!! #photoaday365

#day154 #june3 Thanks @bigdradio for the sleeping pic. #parentproblems #photoaday365

Every once in awhile if Hailey wakes up in the middle of the night, I will just put her in our bed. She's such a mover and a shaker though, so that doesn't happen too often.
#day155 #june4 Me trying to be healthy. #lunch #photoaday365

Super easy and delicious...spinach, chicken, cashews and balsamic vinaigrette. Sometimes I add cheese or craisans, too!
#day156 #june5 True statement. #photoaday365 #mnproblems

June was just not my month. Green Grandma came into town on the 23rd, so I was pretty MIA from the gym at that point.
#day157 #june6 Spot on. Thanks @mrskatier for the re-gram. #photoaday365

#day158 #june7 So excited that one of my besties is coming to visit with her little fam in July!! #bff #photoaday365

My friend, Wendy, lives in Kansas and tries to make it up here with her Hubby and daughter a few times a year. Every time they come we try and make a point to get together and catch up.
#day159 #june8 Fun day with friends. #gradparty #playingball #swimming #bonfire #auntie @_ktstager #photoaday365

I love taking graduation pictures and then going to the grad party and seeing my work being displayed. Feel so awesome!
#day160 #june9 Yes, I am an old lady. #photoaday365

I needed a better reminder than all the pill bottles, etc. out on the counter.
#day161 #june10 I guess if that's where she wants to sleep. #weirdo #photoaday365

For some reason she has really taken to the floor. No sure why. I don't get it.
#day162 #june11 June bug. Creepy crawler. #gross #photoaday365

#day163 #june12 Finally got these bad boys on the wall. #photoaday365

#day164 #june13 My little "Rusher." #btr #rusher #photoaday365 cc: @bigdradio @bigtimerush

This was Hailey's 3rd time meeting Big Time Rush. They remember her each time and get such a kick out of how big she's gotten!
#day165 #june14 No lie. She's glued to SYTYCD. Absolutely mesmerized. #sytycd #photoaday365

She loves this show just like her Mama.
#day166 #june15 Happy Fathers Day to me. Haha. cc: @bigdradio #spoiled #photoaday365

Even though it was Father's Day, we both got presents! Yay! Thanks honey!!
#day167 #june16 I'm spending today with these 2. Happy Fathers Day to the love of my life. We are so lucky to have you! cc: @bigdradio

These 2 rule my world. What can I say.
#day168 #june17 Little Miss H got her hairs cut. #photoaday365

She always looks so grown up after a fresh haircut.
#day169 #june18 My little boy Puckett at the vet this morning. #puppylove #photoaday365

Just brought him in for his annual exam. Dr said he's all good! Yay!
#day170 #june19 Me today. Outfit on the blog. Link in profile. #selfie #wiww #ootd #photoaday365

#day171 #june20 New swimsuit for the little. #patriotic #photoaday365

I got this at Old Navy for $8. I just couldn't pass it up.
#day172 #june21 Gross storms. Power out. Fun by candlelight. #photoaday365

#day173 #june22 Happy Birthday Dave! #party #photoaday365

We went to a belated birthday party for our friend Adam's Dad, Dave. He's been struggling with cancer the past year and a half, so we wanted to help him celebrate his milestone of 60!!
#day174 #june23 Green Grandma's here!!! #family #photoaday365

Green Grandma came to town from Arizona for two weeks. We went out to dinner after picking her up from the airport. It was so good to spend time with her while she was here.
#day175 #june24 Fell asleep on Green Gramma. #photoaday365

She was so tuckered out and fell right asleep in Grandma's lap.
#day176 #june25 Lunching at Broadway Pizza with Aly & Veronika. Keeping busy with the iPad. #lifesaver #photoaday365 #cousins

Wayne's cousins came to spend the day with us and have lunch. LOVED having them around and Hailey absolutely adores them!
#day177 #june26 Happy 2nd Birthday to my baby girl. #photoaday365

Hailey officially turned 2 today. Happy Birthday babygirl!
#day178 #june27 We love popcorn! #bedtime #snack #photoaday365

#day179 #june28 Birthday Party prepping. #photoaday365 #elmo

#day180 #june29 D Fam pic at the end of the night cause I was too busy during the day to take one with her cute bday outfit on. #photoaday365

#day181 #june30 She's 2 now. Sheesh. Such a big girl. #photoaday365

So there you go.
As always if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment, email me or find me on social media.