Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Monday, November 11, 2013

7 Years {11.11.2013}

7 Years {11.11.2013}
Monday, November 11, 2013
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7 years ago today I stood up in front of all our family and friends and married my best friend. That's what he was then and that's what he is now. I would say even more so now then ever. And even though we've been married for 7, we've been together as a couple for over 10.

A decade.

And how crazy busy it's been. We started dating when I was just 20 (him 22) and now that I am 30 (him 32), we have truly grown up and matured together.

We've learned from each other and even though we've fought and bickered and disagreed with things, our love and trust in each other has never failed us over the years.

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We've been through so much. We've been through it all. He has truly been my constant and I don't know what I would do or where I would be without him.

I love you, Wayne!! 

Happy 7th Wedding Anniversary! 

Also, happy 1st decade together and here is to many more!

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