Showing posts with label humpday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humpday. Show all posts
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday {ten29fourteen}

What I Wore Wednesday {ten29fourteen}
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
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HAPPY HUMP DAY!! Here are a couple things that I wore recently.

On one of our date nights, my Hubby and I went to the Jason Derulo concert. It was all about leather and lace that night. We had so much fun!

I am a huge fan of The Walking Dead and my favorite character is Daryl Dixon. If you are not familiar with TWD, you should be. Daryl is the one with the bow and arrows if you don't know. He's super bad ass. My Husband actually found this shirt at Hot Topic and knew he had to get it for me. It's super comfy and long enough that I have worn it with leggings.

Hope y'all are having a great week!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Humpday Confessions {10.08.2014}

Humpday Confessions {10.08.2014}
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
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Linking up with Vodka and Soda for Humpday Confessions.

Vodka and Soda

I confess...

Even though I said I was back at this blogging thing on September 8th (a month ago), I haven't blogged since then. Oh life. Hopefully with the turning of the seasons, it will be the turning of me blogging more.

I confess...

We cancelled our Lifetime Membership, joined Snap Fitness a month ago and neither me or my Husband have been yet. Oh, we went and toured it, but have not been back to work out.

I confess...

I love wearing leggings way too much. Like. Way. Too. Much.

I confess...

I push the snooze button way too many times in the morning and then oversleep and then rush around and out of the house because I am "running late." Ugh. It's a vicious cycle I am trying to stop. I so need this shirt.

I confess...

I rarely actually type a text out anymore. I use the microphone option on my iPhone and speak that shiz out. I'm lazy like that and...

I confess...

I watch way too much TV. I can't help it and I don't care. #sorrynotsorry

That's it for this week. Do you have anything to confess this week?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Humpday Confessions {04.23.2014}

Humpday Confessions {04.23.2014}
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
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Linking up with Vodka and Soda for Humpday Confessions.

I confess...

...I bought this can of Pringles yesterday and they are gone today. Less than 24 hours. Granted I had my almost 3 year old helping me, but OMlovinG are they SO good. The Nacho Cheese are where it's at my friend! Eat them with salsa and they be gone!

...I've been having baby fever something fierce lately. was my first day back at the gym for about a week and a half. When Mollie is gone on vacation, I feel like it's OK if I don't go. I know. Bad me. The only difference is that she was in Mexico and I was NOT. Grumble.

...we've been talking about going to New York again this summer to visit my Husband's family out there. Not sure it will happen, but it's got me wanting to get away. That and everyone else's fun trips. Mexico!? Italy!? Really? Take me with!

...fake people and fair weather friends are the worst. So don't have time for them. Sorrynotsorry.


...Green Gramma is sick. So everything is whine this, whine that. So over it.

... I feel like I'm just now (today) caught up on sleep from the weekend.

1. I drank WAY too much;
2. I stayed up way too late;
3. I got up way too early; and
4. I was way too busy the next day.

But I had SUCH a good time and wouldn't change any of it.


... I bought a cheap planner at Target this year because I am too impatient to order one and wait. Well, big mistake. There is just not enough space for everything and I feel more unorganized because of it. I'm thinking of ordering one for the rest of the year. Is that weird? I will not be making this mistake again.

...I shot an actual video over the weekend, but I'm too scared to post it. I even edited and everything. I did forget some stuff, so I'm thinking of re-shooting, but then that would mean I would have to re-edit it. We'll see.

...we didn't even take Hailey to go see the Easter bunny this year. Eh, what you gonna do? Shoot me.

Happy Humpday my homies!
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