What's Up Wednesday {Sept 2015}
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
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I'm linking up with Shay today. It's pretty easy; just follow the above prompts. I thought this was a good update to do since it covers a wide range of topics.
WHAT We're Eating this Week...
The last couple of weeks have been light. Wayne has been on his "liver lightening" diet in preparation for his surgery. I don't think I've mentioned that on here yet or written about it, but it's a pretty big part of our lives right now. I did make meatloaf (from scratch) this past weekend with mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. A home cooked meal. Wayne couldn't eat it because it had sour cream and crushed crackers in it. Plus he's supposed to be eating lean proteins...not red meat right now. I had a craving for meatloaf, so that's what I made.
He's been doing a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and then has a sensible dinner which is usually chicken or fish with some veggies right now. I am in need of some healthy options other than those. I have a feeling lots of pinning from Pinterest will be in my future as we embark on this lifestyle change.
WHAT I'm Reminiscing About...
This Vikings game with the Hubby almost a year ago exactly. It was such a great day for us.
WHAT I'm Loving...
All my TV shows starting, our MN Vikings winning...
This quote...
WHAT We've Been Up To...
September was a super busy month...Hailey started soccer, our friends from Minnesota came to visit...Adam, Mike and Katie, we went to the iHeartmedia Festival at the MGM Grand here in Vegas, Wayne started on his diet for his upcoming life changing surgery, and we saw Book of Mormon at the Smith Center. Lots of fun was had in September and I hope to do a Life Lately post soon with pictures.
WHAT I'm Dreading...
I can't really say I am dreading anything. Even though Wayne's surgery makes me nervous, it is not something I am dreading.
WHAT I'm Working On...
I've actually been applying to jobs which is like a full time job in itself. I had one interview last week, but didn't get the job. I'm actually pretty OK with that because I hadn't heard good things about the firm or the main attorney. So it's probably a blessing in disguise.
I have Griffin's birth story all typed out, but was waiting to get a few pictures off of Wayne's phone for the post. I feel like blogging is always two fold. I either have it written and am waiting or working on pictures or I have the pictures and need to write it all out.
WHAT I'm Excited About...
Hopefully a more low key October, although Wayne's surgery is on the 7th and we have friends coming into town that weekend and the next weekend. AND I'm supposed to be going to the Janet Jackson concert on the 9th. Woohoo!
WHAT I'm Watching/Reading...
I've been finishing up Summer TV and gearing up for Fall TV. I'm excited for some old favorites to come back and some new prospects to start. I also binge watched Younger on TV Land and LOVED it!!
WHAT I'm Listening To...
Since his new song (What Do You Mean) came out, I've reintroduced Hailey to Justin Bieber, so we've been listening to a lot of:
WHAT I'm Wearing...
Still wearing shorts/tanks here. It's still be in the high 90's or low 100's. I did buy a couple new pairs of jeans because I can't fit into my existing ones and probably won't be able to for sometime still. The stores all have winter stuff out down here in Vegas, but I'm torn as it's not like Minnesota winter at all. Am I seriously going to be wearing jeans and sweaters and closed toe shoes? It will be interesting to experience our first winter in Vegas.
WHAT I'm Doing This Weekend...
This weekend is Route 91 Country Festival, but I'm not sure we're going. We've just been running ourselves ragged this month and are in desperate need of some down time. Also with Wayne's surgery next week and friends coming into town the next couple of weekends, we might sit this one out.
WHAT I'm Looking Forward to Next Month...
I'm super nervous, but looking forward to Wayne's surgery. I know everything will be OK, I just am a worrier at heart. This will not only be a big lifestyle change for him, but our family as a whole.
Hopefully I will have a job soon. To be honest, I miss working. I miss having my own "thing." I miss that routine. I miss contributing financially to our family and having a little more freedom with money.
WHAT Else is New...
Not much else is new other than what I have mentioned in this post. I AM going to be doing a BLOG re-name with a redesign at some point. I think I have the re-name figured out, now I just need to pull the trigger on the re-design. I WILL be doing updates on life in Vegas, Griffin, Wayne's surgery and his progress and of course continue with our day to day life updates.
Let me know if there is something specific you would like me to update you about! Thanks for reading!