Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Never Ever Ever {10.08.2013}

Never Ever Ever {10.08.2013}
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
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Linking up with Neely.

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Never, Ever, Ever

Will I enjoy doing dishes or loading/unloading the dishwasher...least favorite chore

Will I ever LOVE getting up at 5:30am in order to get to the gym by 6am

Do I feel like I get enough friend time. It's so hard to get together with crazy schedules/kids/husbands/boyfriends. I think I'm due for a night out!

Would I put gas in my car before the gas light comes on…my Husband and Dad yell at me for this

Will I hate having windows open on crisp days

Will I not want to eat all the Halloween candy

Will I not love naps...I've been taking them every weekend lately

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weekly Web Recap {10.05.2013}

Weekly Web Recap {10.05.2013}
Saturday, October 5, 2013
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So I've seen this done on several other blogs. I like the idea to highlight and mention any posts or articles that I see throughout the week that are helpful to me or inspire me or just plain make me laugh. Plus a shout-out to a fellow blogger or friend never hurts, right?

First off, I love Alissa over at Rags of Stitches. I love her weekly videos. I loved last weeks video about 3 Myths of Work/Life Balance and I equally love this weeks video where she shared her first 3 of 6 tips of how SHE balances it all. I can't wait for her other 3 tips next week.

As I've mentioned recently, I am going to BBC (Bloggy Boot Camp) next weekend. I scoured The SITSgirls website and read up on what to wear, what to expect, what to bring with you, etc.  THIS was my favorite and most informative read yet.

I also loved reading THIS post from Jess over at Wrangling Chaos on people being opinionated. I love her, too. She keeps it real.

I LOL'd after reading THIS post cause it's so dang true! How could WE, as their MOM, be annoying? Go read Mandy's take on it over at A Sorta Fairytale.

I thought Nicole's post about Marriage + Finance over on her blog Pharr Away had some great tips in it. Definitely things I need to remember.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Five on Friday {10.04.2013}

Five on Friday {10.04.2013}
Friday, October 4, 2013
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Linking up with Darci from The Good Life Blog for Five on Friday.

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So I found the Michael Kors clearance website this week. Um, yes please. And how come I never knew about this before now? Does this exist for every brand? I've been wanting a MK purse for quite some time now, but have been putting it off.

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I actually put this one on my wishlist on Amazon and have been waiting for an excuse (Anniversary/Christmas), but with these prices, I don't really NEED a reason, right? I have been a Coach girl since the beginning of time, but have felt the need for a change lately. So we'll see. I have my eye on a few one.

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So last week I wrote about my fitness struggle and then this week I wrote about my first day working out with a new schedule. If you've been following along, I did not get up and work out on Wednesday morning like I had hoped. I had a little technical difficulty as I like to call it. But I did get up yesterday morning and made it to the gym for a HIIT class. It was hard, but I really liked it. I'm hoping I can stick with this and make it a regular thing every Tuesday (Insanity) and Thursday (HIIT) morning. I think my body needs to adjust a little bit to getting up so early. I have been such a night owl my whole life, that it's been hard to shut my brain and body down at a decent hour, so for now we're going to stick with T & Th's and go from there. I'm also debating on doing before and after pictures, but the thought of that scares the CRAP outta me.

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I have been cooking quite a bit the last couple weeks. Which is also another huge thing for me. I'm so not a cook or baker (unless it comes from a box), but I'm trying. I printed off a September - December 2013 calendar and have been trying my best to meal plan and not eat out so much. Also, to try and curb our grocery bill every month. Most of the recipes have been first timers for us and I will be tweaking them the 2nd time around to what works for us. These are not considered healthy recipes or "clean" recipes. I hope to share some of those recipes soon.

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Britney Spears came out with her new "Work Bitch" music video. Love it. No surprise. She looks better than she has in a LONG time. I'm really hoping to get out to Vegas within the next couple years to see her out there. I'm NOT a huge fan of Vegas, but I AM a HUGE fan of Britney, so we'll see. We also have grand plans of hopefully buying a house in the spring and having another baby in 2014, so Brit Brit might have to wait. I went to Vegas once on a girls trip and that was enough for me.I'm so not a gambler and I just can't party it up like I used to.

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I'm so excited for Bloggy Boot Camp next weekend!! I've been messaging with a few of my ladies and I can't wait to see them in person!! Hugs for everyone!! Anyone else going?

 Happy Friday friends!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

365 Photoaday Challenge {August 2013}

365 Photoaday Challenge {August 2013}
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
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This is just an Instagram re-cap of the photoaday challenge that I have been doing since the beginning of the year. Please note, this does not include other photos that I post or videos. You can find me over on Instagram @MrsMamaD

#day213 #aug1 Anyone else as obsessed with the Frosty waffle cones at Wendy's? No? Just me? Ok then. #photoaday365 #suumertime

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#day214 #aug2 Prepping for the annual Stager Family Reunion. #photoaday365

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#day215 #aug3 Annual Stager Family Reunion Bean Bag Toss Tournament. This is what we do ALL DAY! #photoaday365 #family #fun

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#day216 #aug4 Somedays you just need a good hearty bowl of cereal. #photoaday365

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#day217 #aug5 Re-gram from @bigdradio This officially marks his work with the Vikungs & KFAN. So proud of him and all he's doing! #photoaday365

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#day218 #aug6 Happy Birthday to @bigdradio This sweet guy leaves ME a love note on my desk at work. #keeper #photoaday365

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#day219 #aug7 This is what a sick day looks like. #photoaday365

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#day220 #aug8 This is happening. #country #photoaday365

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#day221 #aug9 Nothing like playing in the dog water bowl. What a goofball. #photoaday365

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#day222 #aug10 Hailey meeting Big Time Rush for the 4th time in her life. Also, sound check. #thiskid #btr #rusher #photoaday365

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#day223 #aug11 This happened. So good. #popeyes #photoaday365

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#day224 #aug12 Just found this in the Sunday paper. Woohoo!! #mnstatefair #photoaday365

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#day225 #aug13 She's obsessed with fruit these days. Snack time. Dinner time. Any time. #photoaday365

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#day226 #aug14 Loving "Rose Bud" by CND Shellac. #photoaday365

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#day227 #aug15 Meals on Wheels annual event Meals on Heels. So much fun with my ladies, Katie, Falen & Ali. #photoaday365

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#day228 #aug16 Baby-Q for M & T with great friends. #photoaday365

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#day229 #aug17 Urgent Care on a Saturday afternoon for a sprained ankle. Not fun, but very thankful for this wonderful man who is everything to me. Won't be a fun next few days on crutches, but what can ya do? That's life and trying to stay positive. #thankful @bigdradio #photoaday365

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#day230 #aug18 Between my ankle and cramps, this is a girls best friend. #meds #photoaday365

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#day231 #aug19 Seriously? A whole new meaning to The Learning Chanel. #tlc #wtf #photoaday365

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#day232 #aug20 This is why a girl needs so much make-up. Back-up for when you leave your bag in Husbands car. #photoaday365

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#day233 #aug21 Added another signed pic to Hailey's collection. @thewantedmusic #photoaday365

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#day234 #aug22 First smoothie from The Magic Bullet. 1 banana, 1 cup of blueberries and 1 cup of applesauce. So tasty. #photoaday365

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#day235 #aug23 Have to re-post this cause I am so proud of my Hubs. Today was a great day. #photoaday365

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#day236 #aug24 Morning outside time must have really worn her out cause she fell asleep in the chair eating her snack & watching toons. Naturally, i just got her blanket. Yes, her leg is in the chair and she still has cheese on her face & fingers. Oh well. She slept for over 2 hrs like this. P.S. I still can't get over her lashes. #photoaday365 #naptime

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#day237 #aug25 Finally purchased. Going hard. Wish us luck. #photoaday365 #pottytraining #toddler

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#day238 #aug26 Loving this guac from Aldi. Loving Aldi, too for that matter. #photoaday365 #cravings

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#day239 #aug27 Bedtime cartoon snuggles laying on Bella. #puppylove #photoaday365

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#day240 #aug28 Love good mail days. #makeup #ulta #photoaday365

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#day241 #aug29 Haircut day + good listening skills = sucker. Otherwise known as a bribe. #cute #treat #bribe #photoaday365

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#day242 #aug30 MN State Fair Day 1. #mnstatefair #photoaday365

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#day243 #aug31 Day 2 at the fair with 3 of my fave ladies + a side of Macklemore & lobster Mac n cheese. #mnstatefair @_ktstager @mamiecakes #photoaday365

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Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Let's Workout

Let's Workout
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
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So I did it. I got up this morning and made it to the gym. And you know what? I survived to blog about it. Ha!

The 1st picture is how I felt about getting up early.
The 2nd picture is how I felt about doing an hour long insanity class.
And the 3rd picture is me putting my game face on.
It's all about mindset, right?

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Here is a rundown of what my morning looked like:

5:30 am - Woke up and changed. I had laid everything out and got my bag ready the night before.
5:40 am - Left the house.
5:50 am - Got to the gym.
6:00 am - Class started.
6:50 am - Class ended.
7:00 am - Shower time.
7:30 am - Left gym.
7:45 am - Stopped at Brueggers to get a celebratory bagel and orange juice. Don't judge.
8:00 am - Arrived home.

Hopefully this will become habit and this is what my morning will look like more often than not. Give or take the stop for a bagel.

Wayne was awake when I got home and because our dogs are crazy when anyone comes home, Hailey was stirring in her bed shortly thereafter. They got up, we ate breakfast and got ready for work/school and then headed out the door.

Right now as I'm writing this I can admit I am NOT tired AND I am feeling great. Honestly. It wasn't that hard to get up this morning, but I know it will get worse, before it gets better. I think it partly has to do with adrenaline. I've been psyching myself up for a few days now and preparing myself. I was just going to start out with Tuesday and Thursdays for the month of October, but I almost want to keep it going tomorrow. We will see.

As I was walking through the gym to get to the locker room at 5:52 am and saw all these people already into their morning workouts, full-on sweating, I realized it's kind of like a cult. Only REALLY crazy people get up that early, just to make it to the gym to get their work-out in for the day. Or I realized they're just really dedicated.

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It was like this club I was joining that I realized I really want to be apart of. I felt like this morning was my initiation, but who am I kidding, it takes more than just one morning to really do it. On my way home, Wayne texted me.

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That man melts my heart he does. He told me he was proud of me, too, after I got home. I said it's just one day and he replied with "That's all it takes."

Which is true.
Today is day 1, but I have a motivation right now like I've never had before.
I can do this.

I can be dedicated, too.

365 Photoaday Challenge {July 2013}

365 Photoaday Challenge {July 2013}

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This is just an Instagram re-cap of the photoaday challenge that I have been doing since the beginning of the year. Please note, this does not include other photos that I post or videos. You can find me over there @MrsMamaD

#day182 #july1 This is what Mondays are made for. #icecream #aldi #photoaday365

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#day183 #july2 I love that Hailey thinks this is juice and doesn't know any better. #vitaminwater #trickery #photoaday365

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#day184 #july3 Love my new jewelry holder (left) to go with the one on the right. #photoaday365

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#day185 #july4 Happy 4th of July from the #dfam @bigdradio #photoaday365

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#day186 #july5 Family Day at Como Zoo! #dfam #photoaday365

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#day187 #july6 Trying on Daddy's boxing gloves and taking a couple swings. @bigdradio #photoaday365

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#day188 #july7 She fell asleep in our bed. He stays right by her no matter what. #gaurddog #dpups #tonyboy #photoaday365

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#day189 #july8 I love that I have the AUX option in my car, so I can listen to any of the 4,500+ songs on my iPod. I've had this one on repeat though for awhile now. #photoaday365

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#day190 #july9 Broken watch. No good @charmingcharliestores #photoaday365

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#day191 #july10 Me today. So sick and tired. Literally. #photoaday365

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#day192 #july11 Come to Mama. So glad I got meds from the Doc. #photoaday365

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#day193 #july12 They gave her pigtails at school. #cutie #photoaday365

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#day194 #july13 Prairiefest in CC. #photoaday365 #parade #candy

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#day195 #july14 Concert with my fave guy. #photoaday365 #brunomars #elliegoulding

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#day196 #july15 Really? These sandals look like something a wrestler would wear. #photoaday365 #odd

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#day197 #july16 This is why I don't buy these. I eat them all. #photoaday365 #chocolate #weakness

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#day198 #july17 Yes. I am still reading book one. Probably not the best choice of bookmark, but these books ARE my Mom's so I guess it's ok. #photoaday365

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#day199 #july18 Cutie in glasses. #photoaday365

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#day200 #july19 Such an amazing group of ladies that I am lucky enough to know! #mnbloggers #photoaday365

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#day201 #july20 Mallory's 1st Birthday Party. #partyhat #cake #friends #photoaday365 cc: @wendymahoney

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#day202 #july21 Flowers for no reason from Hubs & Hailey on their grocery shopping date. Awww. #photoaday365

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#day203 #july22 At Hailey's school. So proud of my little peanut! #starofthemonth #photoaday365

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#day204 #july23 Where has this been all my life? Don't mind the price tag, it's worth every darn penny. #photoaday365

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#day205 #july24 First giveaway ever going on over on my blog right now. #blog #photoaday365

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#day206 #july25 H's art projects. #toddlerart #school #proud #photoaday365

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#day207 #july26 These don't need an explanation. #treats #photoaday365

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#day208 #july27 1st time. Get in my belly. #nadiacakes #photoaday365

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#day209 #july28 Smurfs 2 premiere at MOA. Hailey's 1st movie in the theater and 3D no less. #photoaday365

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#day210 #july29 She always sits with her ankles crossed like a proper little lady. Haha. #photoaday365

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#day211 #july30 Happy 4th Birthday to my mini me @_ktstager We love you!! #photoaday365

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#day212 #july31 Finally got this bad boy! Wooooo!! BSB 4ever! #boybandsrule #photoaday365

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