Friday, July 27, 2012

Hailey Jo {12 months}

Hailey Jo {12 months}
Friday, July 27, 2012
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June 26, 2012

This is you at 12 months old:


You wouldn't sit still for Mommy again this month and let's be honest, you really don't sit still at all anymore. I was going to get 13+ month stickers, but not sure if it's worth it, yet.


You wanted to rip the sticker off so bad.


You are a little stinker.

At your 1 year Doctor visit on July 3, 2012...

You weighed 23 lbs (88%).

You were 29 1/2 inches long (59%).


Your head was 18 inches round (93%).

You are always on the go.


You are totally walking on your own (sometimes running) all over the place!!

You are always getting into everything. "Who me?"


You have found some new places to hide or sneak into...behind the couch, into the bathtub or side of the toilet. 


You sometimes like to get into your puppies kennels, too.


You like to give yourself kisses in the mirror.


You went on your first airplane ride to New York City. Which meant a lot of firsts for not only you, but Mommy and Daddy, too. It was our first family vacation.


Your first time to a petting zoo.


You fighting sleep in Aunt Dana's van on our way to visit the Hamptons in NY.

Your first trip to the ocean.


You hated it. I think it was too loud and too cold for you.

You loved playing in the sand though.


You love the pool. You are spoiled that way.


You like the sprinkler.


And had no fear.

You try pretty much any type of food we give you. No complaints yet.

You see anybody eating anything and you are immediately by their side begging for some.

You love the cheddar penguins from Walgreens. They are your favorite snack right now.


You absolutely love ice cream of any form.

You are still repeating several words:

"bye, bye"
"no, no"

You have now begun to repeat a couple new ones:

"Papa" = Grandpa

You obviously don't say the word entirely clearly yet, but you can definitely tell you are trying to copy what we are saying. It's so fun.

You are eating about 8 oz of milk for feedings. We are going to start to transition you to cow's milk now that you are one.

You love drinking water, but are not a fan of juice, yet.

Your sleep schedule has been pretty much the same. Mommy & Daddy love waking up to this happy, smiley face.


You love to be outside.


You love to swing.

You experienced your first ear infection, your first trip to Urgent Care and your first time with meds.

You had your first (and hopefully only) allergic reaction to Amoxicillan.


You love walks in the stroller.

You are going after the dogs more and more now that you can walk and run. They usually scatter away from you.

You are talking all the time, especially when you are mad or angry. Then it is like you are cursing in another language.

You love to dance to any kind of music!

You have started to drool like crazy again.

You are teething big time.

You still only have 4 upper teeth and 4 bottom teeth, but your gums are swollen and you constantly are chewing on your right side..

You like to play air guitar with Mommy's brush.


You love sitting in the shopping cart.

You love to people watch and are so curious.

You have the biggest and most beautiful eyes.


You We love when your hair is in a ponytail.


You look like such a little person and way too old.

You got your first haircut in the salon on June 15, 2012.


You did so good sitting in the chair and letting the lady cut your hair.


You love your Auntie Amie and she loves you, too!


You still love bath time.

You and Daddy celebrated his first Father's Day. We went out to dinner to celebrate. This is you sleeping on Daddy on our way into the restaurant. It melts Mommy's heart.


You are now generally wearing all 12 month clothes (a few smaller onesies) and even a few 18 month things, but not many.

Your giggle is the best thing in this entire world.

You are still wearing size three diapers.

You had your first birthday in New York!


You love to make funny faces.


You love kisses from your puppy Bella.


You are growing to be such a big girl.

You are just so special and  I want to squeeze you all the time.


We love you so much!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Wendy's Baby Shower

Wendy's Baby Shower
Monday, July 23, 2012
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Sunday June 17, 2012

It was Father's Day, but it was the only weekend The Mahoney's could come into town from Kansas, so we spent the afternoon honoring Wendy and her baby bump!

It was a great day, celebrating one of my besties. We threw the shower at Kristin's house and split up the tasks.

We started out with introductions and a quick game of measuring the bump.


Wendy's Mom, Tammy, brought the cake. It was so cute and yummy. Here is the food table.


We ate, chatted for a bit and then all of us made a scrapbook page for Wendy to take home with her. We each took a month, so she has a book going from month 1 to 12 months. It was so fun and such a great idea Kristin had.

After scrapbooking, Wendy opened gifts.


We took some photos.


1. Kristin, Wendy (Mom to be) and Me. Note: Kristin is also pregnant and they are due just a few days apart.
2. Grammy Vanny (Pat's Mom), Wendy and Grammy Tammy (Wendy's Mom).
3. Wendy and her Mom, Tammy.

And then we just hung out for a bit.


1-3 People standing around talking before shower started.
4. Pat talking before shower.
5. Hailey fell asleep in the chair with her bottle while we were scrapbooking.
6. Hailey loving Kristin's pups.
7. Hailey and Kennedy looking out the front door.
8. Hailey hanging out.
9. Kristin and her son, Blake.

It was such a great day! Happy pregnancy, Wendy!! Love you!

Mrs. Mama D
Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Letters {07.20.2012}

Friday Letters {07.20.2012}
Friday, July 20, 2012
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I'm linking up with Ashley this week for Friday Letters. This is my first one, but several of the blogs I follow do it, so I thought I would give it a whirl.

Dear Hailey... I love you dearly, but this whole new clingy thing with me is not really working out. Makes me feel bad in the morning when I have to leave for work, but I know you are in such good hands with Daddy and Gramma Karla.

Dear Fevers...please leave my Daughter alone...I'm sick of seeing the Urgent Care and dealing with 103.6 temps.

Dear Ear Infections...please rid yourself of my daughter's body.

Dear Urgent Care...even though I love the facility and all the nurses/Doctors are wonderful...I hope to not see you for awhile.

Dear Teething...are you done yet?! I know that is a funny question to ask, but the crabby & whiny little girl you produce is not normal.

Dear Blogger Self... you are really slacking in the posts department. You are behind by about a month. Catch up. Seriously.

Dear Husband...I would like to watch a movie with you some day soon. Please?

Dear Movies... Magic Mike, Katy Perry, Savages...the list goes on and on. I want to see you, but find no time to do so. I also want nachos and a large cherry coke, please. Thanks.

Dear Summer...slow down. That is all.

Dear Hair...I know I need a cut, but could you cooperate with me for just a few more days? Ugh.

Dear Pinterest...I know I have been neglecting you, but I have just been so busy since vacation. Please forgive me. I miss you, too.

Dear Body...I know I need to get back into working out regularly, but I just can't right now. I know I will eventually.

Dear Photography have been keeping me busy as of late, but I like it. Keep it coming.

Dear Pat & Wendy...Congrats on your newest little bundle of joy! So happy that Mallory Lynn Mahoney is healthy with being 29 days early!

Dear Laura & Scott...Congrats on the news of twins! I know they will be a good addition to your 3 boys.

Dear readers... Happy Friday! I hope you all have a great weekend!


Birchbox Brag {July 2012}

Birchbox Brag {July 2012}

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Head over to either Tara's blog or Katie's blog to link up with them for Birchbox Brag.

If you are not familiar with Birchbox and don't know what it is...basically for $10 a month they send you some trial sizes (everyone once in awhile you might get a full size product like I did this month) of various beauty products.

This is my box this month sponsored by Glamour:




All the links will take you directly to the products on the Birchbox website.

I love the earbuds. They are so cute and will come in handy. You really can't have enough of these laying around the house.

 With my new tattoo and summertime I need to remember to put sunscreen on it. This is a moisturizer and sunscreen in one, which will be great for my tattoo. The little packet will come in handy to keep in my purse and they sell a travel size if I do end up liking it.

I always like to try new scents, so I like it when I get a little thing of a new scent. I feel like sometimes I get stuck in a certain one.

I love the color, but I don't paint my nails. I have fakes right now, too, but once I get them off, I might start painting them and try this color. We'll see.

I like trying new things. I probably wouldn't ever purchase a tin of mints online, but they are not bad to try a sample.

I am usually not a fan of liquid eyeliner, but this is a full size product, so I will definitely be giving it a try.

Overall, I think my box was great this month and am happy with the 2 months that I have gotten so far.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Nate & Kayla {Engagement}

Nate & Kayla {Engagement}
Thursday, July 19, 2012
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This is my cousin Nate and his fiance, Kayla. They are just the cutest. It was Saturday, June 9th and we started out in Woodbury with the first two outfits and then drove to Downtown Mpls and did another outfit there and another one at Target Field.

4 outfits, over 400 pictures taken and 5 hours later we were spent.

Here are my fave pics from the 4 different outfits.


With their pup.


With their boots & buckles.



Let's go Twins!


Let's go Sioux!


On August 4th they will become Mr. & Mrs.!


Can't wait for these two love birds to tie the knot!

Mrs. Mama D
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