Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 23}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 23}
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Thursday, 3/10/2011
(23 weeks)
I can definitely tell my feet are changing and sore more in the last few days. I will need to go shoe shopping at some point.

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {03.09.2011}

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {03.09.2011}
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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I'm Loving that I got my hair trimmed last night (finally) after over 2 months. Feels so much better.

I'm Loving the adorable baby gifts that we have received for Hailey in the past week since finding out we are having a girl.

Her first baby doll from Green Grandma.


 Twins onesies and a pink puppy from our friends John and Jess.


A Twins dress and the same pink puppy from my awesome co-worker Nancy B.


A bunch of cute things from my most fabulous boss Nancy M.


Hailey's first pair of shoes, along with a summer outfit, a super cute hat and a pink onesie that says "Hot Babe." 

I'm also Loving that everything is pink!

I'm Loving Rihanna's new song S&M and the video.

I'm Loving all the Easter candy that is out in stores. To me it is a sign of SPRING! I especially love these:

I'm Loving that the last two Sunday afternoons have been day dates at the movie theater with Wayne. 

Go link up with Jamie for WILW!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Monday, March 7, 2011
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20 Things not to Stress About While Pregnant

"Don't stress if you can't get everything done that you had planned each day. The baby won't know if the housework isn't done!"

"It's okay to tell co-workers that you're not interested in their advice. Every pregnancy is different."

"Remember, every problem has a solution, and confiding in someone who's close to you or who you think can offer help or support is a step forward. Don't be afraid to talk to your partner, OB, or midwife."

"Don't stress about how you look. You're performing a miracle — growing a person inside of you — and that's a fantastic accomplishment."

"If you trust your OB, let her do her job and follow her recommendations; if you don't, find a new doctor who you do trust. You should never be afraid to call your provider with big and small problems."

"Don't stress about tough times with your partner. A baby tests any couple's relationship."

"Don't stress about things like food or weight. Just be sensible. There's no need to give yourself an anxiety attack over the pint of ice cream you just finished. Take it as your special reward for everything you've accomplished so far in your pregnancy, and move on."

"If you're doing everything in your power to make healthy choices, don't worry so much. Women have been having babies since well before we knew what to do and what not to do."

"Mothers-in-law don't know everything!"

"Don't stress too much about things in the environment you think might harm your baby, like standing too close to the microwave or pumping gas. Remember, the vast majority of babies are born healthy."

"Don't worry about labor. It is what it is. Just educate yourself on your options, and be ready to make informed decisions. Beyond that, just take a deep breath and go for it. It's not as bad as you think it'll be."

"Don't stress about how the baby is fending in the womb. It's a roll cage, but your baby is probably comfortable in there."

"Every little twinge doesn't mean something is wrong."

"No matter what decisions you make, someone will always disagree. Try not to let the negative comments upset you, and if you're really worried about something, talk with your doctor or a nonjudgmental friend."

"There's no such thing as a stupid question, especially for first-time mothers. Being pregnant and birthing a child are unique experiences, and a woman will never know what it's all about until she's actually done it herself."

"It's okay if you don't have everything ready for your baby. Newborns don't need a whole lot in the beginning."

"When I accepted heartburn, back pain, lack of sleep, and moodiness as a normal part of pregnancy, they didn't seem to bother me as much anymore."

"If you're worried about being a good mom, you probably have nothing to worry about. My husband keeps telling me that bad mothers don't worry about whether or not they'll be good moms."

"I had never really been around children, and I made mistakes, but as long as you love your baby and are careful with the important stuff, you can't harm him or her with small mistakes. You'll soon get comfortable with the routine."

"Don't stress too much over all the "rules" pregnant women now have. A bath warmer than lukewarm won't lead to disaster. If you accidentally eat a soft cheese you're not sure is safe, there's no use worrying after the fact. Our mothers had fewer restrictions than we do, and we turned out fine."

After reading this list, I just thought it was too good not to post. I have thought about EVERY single one of these thus far and I think I came to a point where I had to start letting things go.

I have told Wayne that we are bringing a life into this world. We are doing something bigger than anything else. Take it one day or one week at a time and everything will work out.
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 22}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 22}
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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Thursday, 3/3/2011
(22 weeks)

Me & Lil D this week:


I have been so scatter brained this past week with different things such as forgetting my phone at home or my nook for the bus. Really the list could go on and on. I saw this cartoon at the end of one of my babycenter emails that I thought was just too appropriate.

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
I have been feeling her kick now for about a week. It's a few different times of the day...usually at about 4:15 pm and 3:00 am and sometimes in the mornings after my OJ. It's crazy to think that she is in there sleeping, sucking on her thumb, yawning and moving about. I'm looking forward to feeling her kick more and more as the weeks go on.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's a Girl! {2011}

It's a Girl! {2011}
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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It's a GIRL!

Hailey Jo
Photos taken: February 28, 2011
At: 21 weeks

Her spine


Her face


Another face shot


Her feet


Her profile


Her sucking her thumb


And my favorite...her yawning or as I like to think...laughing


On Monday we had our ultrasound. Baby was in a pike position and was hiding the goods for awhile. After a few minutes of Dr. E pushing the wand all over my jelly topped tummy, she moved enough to the point where the Dr could tell it was a girl, but couldn't quite get all the different measurements that she wanted to. So now we go back Friday, March 11th for another ultrasound to finish the check-up and hopefully confirm AGAIN (for sure) that she is in fact really a she.

Everything that Dr. E saw on Monday was right on schedule. She is weighing in at about a pound and all the different measurements were ranking her in the 50th percentile.So yay!

It's taken me these last few days for it to sink in and not call her an "it" anymore. I can call her a her or refer to her as she or call her by her name...Hailey Jo.

To see what our boy name was look HERE.

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {03.02.2011}

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {03.02.2011}

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I'm Loving that we found out we are having a GIRL and we have new pictures of her! I'm also secretly loving that she was in such a weird position that we have to go back next Friday (March 11th) for another ultrasound (more pictures) to complete the Dr's check-up. Everything thus far looked GREAT though. New post with the new ultrasound pics and update coming soon.

I'm Loving that I am going through pregnancy with a couple of my very best friends in the world! I'm thinking about doing a "Girlfriends" post so that I can brag about the lovely ladies below as well as a couple of other besties.

Kayla & I
She is two weeks behind me.


Me & Anne
She is 4 weeks ahead of me.


I'm Loving the show "One Born Every Minute" on Lifetime! I'm also loving that Wayne likes to watch it with me now every week. 

I'm Loving these cute things from Motherhood Maternity.




I'm Loving my wonderful Husband! He has been so helpful and selfless during this pregnancy thus far with only being half way there!


Go link up to Jamie for her “What I'm loving Wednesday” weekly post.

What are you loving today?

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