Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 30}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 30}
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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Thursday, 4/28/2011
(30 weeks)
Me & Lil D this week:


Baby's now the size of a squash!
I am really feeling her jab, punch and kick. You can really see my belly move when she is active. Sometimes it can be uncomfortable, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I have been feeling more tired lately, but I really haven't had any trouble sleeping either. It's just that I'm always sleepy and ready for a nap.

I haven't really noticed that my balance is off yet. Maybe that will come. I haven't noticed yet that my feet are getting bigger, but I've been fortunate enough to be able to wear tennis shoes most of the time, even at work.
As far as emotional mood swings go, the only one that Wayne has mentioned is that I have gotten bitchier. I thought that was funny. It might have something to do with the fact that we have a lot going on right now and my patience or tolerance level is just real low.

As far as dreams go, I had one weird one this past week and the only thing I remember is standing on a chair and seeing a bunch of rats running around on the ground. That's about it.

We are 3/4 of the way through this pregnancy. We can't believe that we only have about 10 weeks left. Yay!
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 29}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 29}
Thursday, April 21, 2011
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Thursday, 4/21/2011
(29 weeks)

Baby's now the size of a squash!
It's so crazy to read about how much calcium she is taking in as the past week I have drank an obscene amount of milk. I now know why I have been feeling like I can’t get enough milk. It still amazes me that my body knows what it needs to help her grow and in its own way lets me know that.

I have been having a few more dizzy spells as I have gotten bigger. Good to know that it is normal at this point to happen every once in awhile.

Another thing is I always have the feeling of needing to go pee. Pretty much 24/7. I know it’s only going to get worse as she continues to grow as well.

We have so many fun things to look forward to in the coming weeks and months and I know it is going to go by so fast. She will be here before we know it!
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 28}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 28}
Thursday, April 14, 2011
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Thursday, 4/14/2011
(28 weeks)
This is me and Lil D this week:



Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
Maternity Clothes: I have been adding to my collection week by week. I've bought a few new things, but have had some great luck lately from consignment shops as well. A few of my normal items I have been able to continue to wear, so that has been great. I'm also trying to keep the shirts that I can wear as maternity separate from everything else, so I know what I can and cannot wear.

Sleep:I have been sleeping really well lately, which I hope keeps up.

Best Moment of the Week: Wayne feeling her kick again this week and actually starting to see my belly move when she moves. Finishing one of our baby registries. Yay!

Movement: I feel her move all the time now. The past few evenings she has been so active that I can start to see my belly really move with her. It's so fascinating to just stare at it.

Food Craving: I've really like Heath blizzards the last few weeks. For my birthday, a co-worker made the "Better than Sex Cake" cause it has Heath on top. They know me so well and it was delicious!

Food Aversions: None as of lately.

Morning Sickness: None.

Gender: It's a girl! Hailey Jo is her name.

Symptoms: Constipation is the major one that continues to stick with me. Good thing it is manageable. Other than that, lower back pain and some round ligament pain has started. Achy feet after only being on them for a short period.

What I miss: Bending over.Being able to roll over in bed or get out of bed without it being a production. Walking fast. I'm normally a fast walker and I have really had to slow down otherwise I get a side ache. Getting in and out of the car with no hassle. Not feeling like I have to pee all the time.

What I'm looking forward to: Starting and hopefully finishing our other baby registry sooner rather than later. Organizing, packing and getting rid of stuff to move mid-May. Garage sale season.
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 27}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 27}
Thursday, April 7, 2011
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Thursday, 4/7/2011
(27 weeks)

Baby's now the size of an eggplant!

I have had more leg cramps than normal, most of them at night when my legs are not moving. I don't think it happens during the day, because I am moving around. 

I am excited to experience her hiccups. She has been so active this week, really moving and wiggling around. The other night Wayne pushed on the side of my belly and she punched him. He freaked out and said, "that was her." I responded with,"Yes, honey. She is really in there." It was super cute and hilarious all at the same time. I have to remember that I can feel her move all day long and it's "normal" to me. He doesn't get to experience that part of it.

I have also had a pretty constant back ache lately. My lower left side aches more than anything and sometimes I feel like my left leg is going to give out. Sometimes I have to walk really slowly to get anywhere, which for me is hard because I have always been a fast walker.

I have my glucose test tomorrow morning. I'm hoping everything turns out ok with that and I don't have to do the 3 hour test. After tomorrow's appointment we are going to try and switch clinics. We'll see how that goes!
I can't believe this is the last week of the 2nd trimester. I feel like time is just flying by. I'm trying to stay positive heading into the 3rd trimester as I know it is going to be probably the most difficult out.
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 26}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 26}
Thursday, March 31, 2011
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Thursday, 3/31/2011
(26 weeks)
Here is me and Lil D this week:


Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
I definitely have noticed how round my tummy has gotten more round and Wayne has commented that I now have a "pregnant" belly. She is also moving a lot more and sometimes I feel like she is going to kick right through my stomach. Wayne felt her for the first time last week. She was being active and so I told him to press his hand (somewhat firmly) on my lower ab. It was almost like she was kicking his hand. His face lit up and he was so excited and wide-eyed. He has since been able to feel her a couple more times that way as well as see my belly actually move. 

I have been short of breath more often. I can no longer walk and talk on my cell phone at the same time. I am usually only talking to Wayne or my Mom at that point and just tell them I need to call them back in a bit.

I have not had any Braxton Hicks thus far, but my back has sure been taking a beating. Thankfully I have a wonderful Husband that is willing to rub my lower back when I need it. The last few nights I have been pretty much clinging to my body pillow. I'm hoping that can continue to comfort me and help with my back while sleeping.

I can't believe we only have a couple more weeks until the 3rd Trimester!
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 25}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 25}
Thursday, March 24, 2011
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Thursday, 03/24/2011
(25 weeks)

Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
I have noticed that I am warmer than usual. I am normally a chilly person, always needing a sweatshirt or cover-up of some sort, but lately I find that I am OK with just a t-shirt, even in winter.
   I have not experienced any carpal tunnel thus far, but I have 15 weeks left, so we will see.

The extra hair will fall out? That's great news. One more thing to look forward to I guess.
It is definitely taking me longer to get from point A to point B. Even a simple thing as rolling over in bed or sitting up has become a task. I keep telling myself that my belly is not even that big as to what it will be in just a matter of a couple months.
I have my glucose screening test set for Friday, 4/8/2011. I will be 27 weeks. I'm not looking forward to drinking that little clear bottle of solution.
Sometimes I feel like everything is going way too fast!
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 24}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 24}
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Thursday, 3/17/2011
(24 weeks)
Here is me and Lil D this week:


Maternity Clothes: I have officially started wearing maternity pants. I had purchased 2 bella bands, which were getting a little uncomfortable holding up ok , but now that I know how comfortable maternity pants are, I think I would have skipped the Bella Bands all together and went straight to maternity pants.

Sleep: Everyday and week is different depending on what I have going on. This week has been hard with daylight savings time and I have been busy with different things. I have been waking up in the middle of the night a few nights the past couple of weeks for 1-2 hours at a time. Those days are worse and it ends up catching up with me eventually.

Best Moment of the Week: Figuring out that maternity pants are HEAVEN!

Movement: I have been feeling her move A LOT. More and more every day and week. I have noticed that she is a lot more active after I eat.

Food Craving: I have definitely gotten some of my appetite back. I am open to more foods and they actually sound appealing. I still like my popsicles/icees though.

Food Aversions: Green Grandma made corn beef and cabbage in the crock-pot last week and the smell made me really nauseous, but other than that I have been really good.

Morning Sickness: None.

Gender: It's a girl! Read that post HERE.

Symptoms: Flatulence and constipation are the major two that continue to stick with me.

What I miss: Bending over and putting on shoes without a hassle. I know it's only going to get worse.

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing up our registry, setting baby shower dates and finding a place of our own just to name a few.

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 23}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 23}
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Thursday, 3/10/2011
(23 weeks)
I can definitely tell my feet are changing and sore more in the last few days. I will need to go shoe shopping at some point.

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Monday, March 7, 2011


Monday, March 7, 2011
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20 Things not to Stress About While Pregnant

"Don't stress if you can't get everything done that you had planned each day. The baby won't know if the housework isn't done!"

"It's okay to tell co-workers that you're not interested in their advice. Every pregnancy is different."

"Remember, every problem has a solution, and confiding in someone who's close to you or who you think can offer help or support is a step forward. Don't be afraid to talk to your partner, OB, or midwife."

"Don't stress about how you look. You're performing a miracle — growing a person inside of you — and that's a fantastic accomplishment."

"If you trust your OB, let her do her job and follow her recommendations; if you don't, find a new doctor who you do trust. You should never be afraid to call your provider with big and small problems."

"Don't stress about tough times with your partner. A baby tests any couple's relationship."

"Don't stress about things like food or weight. Just be sensible. There's no need to give yourself an anxiety attack over the pint of ice cream you just finished. Take it as your special reward for everything you've accomplished so far in your pregnancy, and move on."

"If you're doing everything in your power to make healthy choices, don't worry so much. Women have been having babies since well before we knew what to do and what not to do."

"Mothers-in-law don't know everything!"

"Don't stress too much about things in the environment you think might harm your baby, like standing too close to the microwave or pumping gas. Remember, the vast majority of babies are born healthy."

"Don't worry about labor. It is what it is. Just educate yourself on your options, and be ready to make informed decisions. Beyond that, just take a deep breath and go for it. It's not as bad as you think it'll be."

"Don't stress about how the baby is fending in the womb. It's a roll cage, but your baby is probably comfortable in there."

"Every little twinge doesn't mean something is wrong."

"No matter what decisions you make, someone will always disagree. Try not to let the negative comments upset you, and if you're really worried about something, talk with your doctor or a nonjudgmental friend."

"There's no such thing as a stupid question, especially for first-time mothers. Being pregnant and birthing a child are unique experiences, and a woman will never know what it's all about until she's actually done it herself."

"It's okay if you don't have everything ready for your baby. Newborns don't need a whole lot in the beginning."

"When I accepted heartburn, back pain, lack of sleep, and moodiness as a normal part of pregnancy, they didn't seem to bother me as much anymore."

"If you're worried about being a good mom, you probably have nothing to worry about. My husband keeps telling me that bad mothers don't worry about whether or not they'll be good moms."

"I had never really been around children, and I made mistakes, but as long as you love your baby and are careful with the important stuff, you can't harm him or her with small mistakes. You'll soon get comfortable with the routine."

"Don't stress too much over all the "rules" pregnant women now have. A bath warmer than lukewarm won't lead to disaster. If you accidentally eat a soft cheese you're not sure is safe, there's no use worrying after the fact. Our mothers had fewer restrictions than we do, and we turned out fine."

After reading this list, I just thought it was too good not to post. I have thought about EVERY single one of these thus far and I think I came to a point where I had to start letting things go.

I have told Wayne that we are bringing a life into this world. We are doing something bigger than anything else. Take it one day or one week at a time and everything will work out.
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 22}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 22}
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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Thursday, 3/3/2011
(22 weeks)

Me & Lil D this week:


I have been so scatter brained this past week with different things such as forgetting my phone at home or my nook for the bus. Really the list could go on and on. I saw this cartoon at the end of one of my babycenter emails that I thought was just too appropriate.

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
I have been feeling her kick now for about a week. It's a few different times of the day...usually at about 4:15 pm and 3:00 am and sometimes in the mornings after my OJ. It's crazy to think that she is in there sleeping, sucking on her thumb, yawning and moving about. I'm looking forward to feeling her kick more and more as the weeks go on.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's a Girl! {2011}

It's a Girl! {2011}
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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It's a GIRL!

Hailey Jo
Photos taken: February 28, 2011
At: 21 weeks

Her spine


Her face


Another face shot


Her feet


Her profile


Her sucking her thumb


And my favorite...her yawning or as I like to think...laughing


On Monday we had our ultrasound. Baby was in a pike position and was hiding the goods for awhile. After a few minutes of Dr. E pushing the wand all over my jelly topped tummy, she moved enough to the point where the Dr could tell it was a girl, but couldn't quite get all the different measurements that she wanted to. So now we go back Friday, March 11th for another ultrasound to finish the check-up and hopefully confirm AGAIN (for sure) that she is in fact really a she.

Everything that Dr. E saw on Monday was right on schedule. She is weighing in at about a pound and all the different measurements were ranking her in the 50th percentile.So yay!

It's taken me these last few days for it to sink in and not call her an "it" anymore. I can call her a her or refer to her as she or call her by her name...Hailey Jo.

To see what our boy name was look HERE.
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 21}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 21}
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Thursday, 02/24/2011
(21 weeks)
My stomach has definitely been feeling very dry and itchy lately. I have been lathering on lotion at night, although I know I should do it in the morning, but I just never seem to have time. I really have to start getting up earlier to do so though. I haven't noticed any stretch marks yet. We'll see.

I'm looking forward to (but also nervous), about our Dr. appointment on Monday night. Keep us in your prayers!


Baby's now the size of a banana!
Friday, February 18, 2011

Foods & Pregnancy

Foods & Pregnancy
Friday, February 18, 2011
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I read this online at The first is a list of top 10 healthy "fast foods" = THE GOOD. They are pretty much a given and expected. These are ones you will see over and over again on what to eat while you are pregnant aka uber healthy for baby.

What I didn't expect after the top 10 list, was a few of the things on the list of the 5 "foods to avoid" = THE BAD.

1. Fruit

Grab an apple, banana, pear, orange, or another favorite fruit. Or if you prefer, try those handy little 4-ounce fruit cups, which count as one serving toward your daily recommendation for fruits and vegetables during pregnancy. Choose varieties packed in their own juice rather than in sugary syrup.

Find out why fruit is one of our ten best foods for pregnancy.

2. Raisins

A small (1 1/2-ounce) box provides a little boost of fiber, iron, and potassium while satisfying a sweet tooth.

3. Yogurt

One 6-ounce container of this classic nutritious-and-convenient food can provide 25 percent of your daily calcium requirement, as well as protein and several necessary vitamins and minerals. If the label says "live and active cultures," you'll also get the benefit of probiotics – helpful bacteria that aid digestion and protect your digestive tract.

Find out why Greek yogurt is one of our ten best foods for pregnancy.

4. Make-it-yourself trail mix

Add a cup of whole grain cereal to a handful of your favorite dried fruits and nuts (try dried cherries and almonds, or dried cranberries and walnuts). Keep it in a resealable bag in your desk or car for a handy, crunchy snack.

Find out why walnuts are one of our ten best foods for pregnancy.

5. Salad bar

Some fast-food restaurants and many grocery stores have salad bars where you can serve yourself practically a whole day's worth of fruits and vegetables. Load up on spinach, carrots, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, and zucchini. Add nuts, chickpeas, and kidney beans for a protein boost, and top with raisins for iron, fiber, and potassium.

Find out why dark, leafy greens are one of our ten best foods for pregnancy.

6. Baby carrots

Carrots are full of vitamin A and fiber, and you can find them in single-serving bags. Dip them in hummus or yogurt for an extra dose of nutrition or add a dab of salad dressing for flavor. Look for other prewashed veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach to make a quick dinnertime stir-fry.

7. String cheese

If you don't know about string cheese now, just wait until your baby is a toddler – this food is likely to become a favorite snack. Low-fat mozzarella sticks are full of calcium, and one stick provides the same amount of protein as an 8-ounce glass of milk.

8. Orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D

Just half a cup provides half the daily requirement of vitamin C and about 15 percent of your calcium needs. Grab a juice box (check the labels for maximum fortification) when you're on the go.

9. Whole grain cereal or instant oatmeal

Stash a few single-serving packages in your desk at work for a quick, filling snack. Almost all breakfast cereal is now fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, including folic acid.

10. Fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a good source of protein and a fair source of calcium. Look for single-serving containers in the dairy section of most grocery stores. Top with fruit or throw in a handful of nuts and dried fruit to make things more interesting.

Foods to Avoid

1. Packaged ramen noodles

Read the label: These quick-cooking noodles are packed with salt, fat, and little else.

2. Soda

If you fill up on empty calories and sugar, you won't have any room for more nutritious drinks. Low-fat milk, water, and juice are better choices.

3. Shelf-stable commercial lunches

Sure, they're a quick fix for hunger pangs, but preservatives, salt, and fat make most of them a poor choice. There are some okay packaged lunch options out there, though, so check the labels!

4. Too many frozen prepared meals

There are some good choices out there, but many have astronomical amounts of salt and fat. Instead, pop a potato in the microwave, then top it with cheese and steamed broccoli for a fast, healthy meal. If you can't avoid the occasional frozen meal, look for organic brands that are low in salt and fat.

5. Iceberg lettuce

When it comes to lettuce, choose greens, such as romaine, that are full of fiber, A and C vitamins, folic acid, calcium, and potassium. Iceberg lettuce has only trace amounts of these nutrients.

They all make sense after reading, but I just thought there are worse things out there to be on a list like this than ramen noodles or iceberg lettuce. But what do I know? Good thing I have gotten my fair share of ramen noodles over the years and I tend to eat spinach salads. Haha.
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 20}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 20}
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Thursday, 2/17/2011
(20 weeks)

This is me and Lil D this week:


As you can see my belly has popped out somewhat. It's still so crazy to me.

Maternity Clothes: I had purchased 2 bella bands (one white/one black), but didn't need to start wearing them until last Thursday (week 19). I have also resorted to the rubberband trick of keeping my pants together and then with the bella band it gives it enough support so that my pants stay up.I can only zip them up about half-way.

Sleep: I'm not as tired now in the 2nd trimester as I was in the 1st, which I know is common. Some evenings/nights are better than others. If I am so tired, where I do go to bed early, I wake up in the middle of the night from 2am - 4am. So it really depends on the day(s) or evening.

Best Moment of the Week: Being 20 weeks along and half way!

Movement: None so far that I can tell for sure is baby. Everyone keeps asking me and I'm sure I have felt it at some point in the last couple weeks, but nothing real definitive. Two of my friends, who are also first time mommy's both said that they first felt it between 20-21 weeks and then it gradually got more and more consistent.

Food Craving: See this post...HERE.

Food Aversions: Meat, unless it is smothered in some sort of sauce.

Morning Sickness: None.

Gender: N/A yet. We are scheduled for our Ultrasound on February 28th, so in addition to them checking all of baby's systems and making sure he or she is growing good, we will hopefully be able to find out the sex as well if baby cooperates. Keep your fingers crossed.

Symptoms: Flatulence and constipation are the major two that have stuck with me thus far

What I miss: I continue to miss Caribou less and less each day, although somedays I really want a caramel cooler. I know I can, but I just don't at this point. I don't think I have the power to just have one and not want one the next day, too. So I'm not even going to start.

Wine is the other thing that I find myself missing. Wayne and I had gone to The Olive Garden a few weeks back and used a giftcard from Christmas and I really wanted a nice cold glass of Reisling with my pasta. I know they say it's ok to have a glass, but honestly, I would want more than just one. Who am I kidding? Haha. 

What I'm looking forward to: Our next Dr. appointment, which includes an ultrasound and new pictures on February 28th.


Baby's now the size of a cantaloupe!
Saturday, February 12, 2011


Saturday, February 12, 2011
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Staying hydrated...the skinny on water.

So I know I am supposed to normally supposed to be drinking a lot of water, but when you are pregnant it is even more is why.

Hydration is always important, and during pregnancy those fluids are even more precious than usual. Your body needs water to formamniotic fluid, produce extra blood volume, build new tissue, carry nutrients, help indigestion, and flush out your wastes and toxins. (Baby’s, too!) Drinking lots of fluids during pregnancy can work wonders, easing constipation (and therefore hemorrhoids), softening skin, reducing edema and decreasing risk of both urinary tract infections and preterm labor. It’s a good idea to get eight cups each day, and if it’s hot or if you’ve been exercising, you probably need even more.

If the thought of all that water makes you grimace, don't worry -- you’re free to include other fluids. Milk, juice, soup, sparkling water,tea and coffee (decaf only!) all count, and fruits and veggies even add to the tally (five servings of produce = two servings of fluid).

I always knew it was important but never really knew why specifically. Now I know! 

Drink your H2O!
Friday, February 11, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 19}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 19}
Friday, February 11, 2011
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Thursday, 2/10/2010
(19 weeks)

Yesterday I was 19 weeks and it has been the first time that I actually feel pregnant...I mean belly wise. Up until this point I have just felt chubby, but today I actually feel like I have a pregnant belly. I can't believe we are almost at the half way point. It's going faster than I expected.

Baby's now the size of a mango!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Food cravings so far...

Food cravings so far...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
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I haven't had too many cravings thus far and it has been actually burdensome to find something that is actually appealing to eat, but I think it is getting better and better week by week. These are the things that I have been the most consistent thus far:



I usually get a cinnamon sugar bagel with plain cream cheese.


Orange Juice...pretty much any kind or brand will do. For a few weeks I changed to apple juice (couldn't get enough of it and I don't even care for apple juice), but now it seems I am back to OJ.



I find myself wanting this almost every night for dinner:


1 slice of cheese pizza...I haven't found meat very appealing thus far unless it is slathered in some sort of sauce to drowned out the meat flavor.


And as you are supposed to have 6 small meals per day, then I find myself snacking in the meantime on other various things such as popcorn, chips, granola bars, etc.



McDonalds shakes...specifically vanilla.




DQ ice cream...specifically an oreo or snickers blizzard or a peanut buster parfait.


I usually eat a pickle a day. I think it is a vinegar thing because sometimes I crave french fries and ketchup. I only like a certain kind:


Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up and have a popscicle:


Some of these are cliche...pickles and ice cream, but I don't care. I'm eating what I want and still trying to sneak in those fruits/veggies. I think I'm doing good so far. Almost half way there.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 18}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 18}
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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Thursday, 2/3/2011
(18 weeks)

Well, we had our Dr. appointment on Monday, January 31st with Nancy Decker. Dr Emery is on medical leave as she is struggling with some personal medical issues. Not sure the status yet and it makes me nervous, but we will see how next time goes.

This is the second time in a row that we have met with Nancy instead of Dr. E. I'm really ok with that becuase I LOVE Nancy and I think Wayne does, too, which is terrific.But if this is going to be a regular thing than we might just decide to switch Drs now. I've also heard great things about Dr. Minke, so we will see what this next appointment brings.

This is me & Lil D this week:


We also scheduled our next appointment for February 28th (21 weeks), which will be the Ultrasound appointment where we find out the SEX! Hopefully, keep fingers crossed that baby cooperates with that.


Baby's now the size of a sweet potato!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Weeks 16 & 17}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Weeks 16 & 17}
Thursday, January 27, 2011
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Thursday, 01/20/2011
(16 weeks)
I’ve actually felt pretty good this past week. Some days are better than others obviously. My appetite has not come back any, so it’s still a struggle to figure out what I’m hungry for. ANNOYING!

This is me and Lil D this week:

I can't believe how much a difference 4 weeks makes and this is only the beginning.


Baby's now the size of an avocado!
Thursday, 1/27/2011
(17 weeks) 

I'm looking forward to our Dr appointment on Monday evening. Yay! At that point we will schedule our next appointment (4 weeks out/end of February or early March), which will be the Ultrasound appointment where we find out the SEX! Hopefully, keep fingers crossed that baby cooperates with that.

Baby's now the size of an onion!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 15}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 15}
Thursday, January 20, 2011
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Thursday, 01/13/2011
(15 weeks)
Saturday, January 15, 2011

I bought a belly band and a couple of new bras today. Much needed stuff. I can’t wait to try out the belly band.

I also cleaned a lot today and I think I over-did it. By the end of the night I was sore and super tired.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Both Wayne and I slept until NOON! I couldn’t believe it. Actually I can as this is not the first time. But at that point I knew I did too much the day before.


Baby's now the size of a naval orange!

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