Saturday, February 12, 2011


Staying hydrated...the skinny on water.

So I know I am supposed to normally supposed to be drinking a lot of water, but when you are pregnant it is even more is why.

Hydration is always important, and during pregnancy those fluids are even more precious than usual. Your body needs water to formamniotic fluid, produce extra blood volume, build new tissue, carry nutrients, help indigestion, and flush out your wastes and toxins. (Baby’s, too!) Drinking lots of fluids during pregnancy can work wonders, easing constipation (and therefore hemorrhoids), softening skin, reducing edema and decreasing risk of both urinary tract infections and preterm labor. It’s a good idea to get eight cups each day, and if it’s hot or if you’ve been exercising, you probably need even more.

If the thought of all that water makes you grimace, don't worry -- you’re free to include other fluids. Milk, juice, soup, sparkling water,tea and coffee (decaf only!) all count, and fruits and veggies even add to the tally (five servings of produce = two servings of fluid).

I always knew it was important but never really knew why specifically. Now I know! 

Drink your H2O!

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