Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year...goals for 2012!

Happy New Year...goals for 2012!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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Happy 2012 everyone!
This is my goal list for this year.


the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Some goals to myself for 2012:
  • Join a gym and go at least 3 times a week;
  • Lose a minimum of 10 lbs;
  • Get toned;
  • Cook more meals and eat more healthy;
  • Go on at least 1 vacation...somewhere out of the state of MN;
  • Start a running regimen;
  • Catch up on scrapbooks of Wayne's work a/k/a radio stations;
  • Look into digital scrapbook programs and get scrapbooks organized;
  • Start scrapbook of "professional" pics of Hailey AND keep it up to date;
  • Ride the bus at least 3 times a week;
  • Read 6 books this year...average 1 every 2 months;
  • Blog more often and about more topics (other than Hailey);
  • Make more personal time for me & Husband;
I make this list in hopes I can look back at it throughout the year and add to it or see how I'm doing.

Addition made on 1/3/2012:

  • Come up with a cleaning schedule - don't be so lazy with chores;
  • Pay off debts first;
  • Start and build on a savings account second;
  • Clean up credit reports and build up credit score;
Addition made on 1/5/2012:
  • Bring my lunch to work at least 3 times a week;
  • Wake up in the morning at a time so that I am not rushing out the door;

This is a collage of my facebook updates from 2011! 


And this is Wayne's:


Super geeky, but fun to see. Happy New Year to you all!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas! {2011}

Merry Christmas! {2011}
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
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Merry Christmas from the Danileson Family!!!


This is also Hailey's first Santa picture!!!


Hope everyone had a great Christmas and enjoyed all the blessings in your life!!! 
Here's to a great 2012!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chirstmas Questionairre {2011}

Chirstmas Questionairre {2011}
Saturday, December 10, 2011
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I saw this on a blog I follow and thought it would be fun to participate!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?

Mostly gift bags. I go to the Dollar Tree and stock up. They are super cheap ($1) and come in so many different sizes/colors. I usually can fit more than just one thing in them, too. Also, then people can reuse them if they feel like it. I feel like wrapping paper can be such a waste.

2. Real tree or artificial?

Artificial. But now that we have Hailey we might have to start a tradition of going to a tree farm and picking out our own tree. We'll see about next year.

3. When do you put up the tree?

Usually the day after Thanksgiving we put up the tree, but I start decorating for Christmas usually right away in November. As I take down Halloween decorations, I put up Christmas stuff. Might as well, right?

4. When do you take the tree down?

First week of January. I don't like to rip it all down and put everything away right away.

5. Do you like eggnog?


6. Favorite gift received as a child?

Anything Barbie. I don't remember specifically what year, but I got a Barbie house and a Barbie limo. I was so pumped.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?


8. Hardest person to buy for?

My Dad. He has like everything. I never know what to get him.

9. Easiest person to buy for?

My sisters. They usually make a list and then I go off that. Plus, they like pretty much anything.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?

Mail. I love getting them every year and sending ours out. Probably my favorite part about Christmas besides Music.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?

Can't think of anything off hand. I think every girl goes through a stage, where all you get is lotions, etc. I didn't like that, but I am usually thankful for all gifts received.

12. Favorite Christmas movie?

I like the Charlie Brown Christmas. That's a classic.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?

I am so bad and usually wait until the pay period before Christmas to get things done. I might get a few things earlier, but not much.

14. Ever recycled a Christmas present?


15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?

Potatoes...any kind...mashed, cheesy, etc.

16. Clear lights or colored lights on the tree?

We bought an artificial pre-lit a few years ago with colored, but I think I I wanna go just white next time!

17. Favorite Christmas song?

Silent Night. In my hometown's church (Immanuel Lutheran in Clara City) they do a great tradition on Christmas Eve of handing out candles to everyone and then they all get lit and we sing Silent Night as a tradition. Favorite!!!

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?

The last few years we have stayed home.And by home, I mean around the Twin Cities area. My Hubs usually has to work on either Christmas Eve or Day or both, so it's hard to really go anywhere.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen , Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph!

20. Angel on the tree top or star?

Angel. To me it represents my sister, Keli Jo, that passed away at 3 months old from SIDS. I was in 6th grade.I love it.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?

Both. With certain family it's Christmas Eve and then with other family it's Christmas morning. Now that we have a child, I would like to wait until Christmas morning to open up presents from Santa.

22. Most annoying this about this time of year?

The crowds at the stores and the parking lots especially.

23. Favorite ornamnet, theme, or color?

My favorite color to wear during the holiday season is red. It just gets me in the holiday spirit so much.

24. What do you want for Christmas this year?

We want a lot of big stuff this year. A new computer, new camera, car starters for both of our cars. We both need some new clothes. I need a new pair of tennis shoes and I want a pair of brown boots.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm Thankful {Days 24 - 30}

I'm Thankful {Days 24 - 30}
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
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November 24th: I'm thankful for food and tradition and laughter.

I don't know why, but it's the only time of year I usually eat pumpkin pie. We also watch football and play dominoes as a family every year and have lots of laughs. It's such a happy time.


November 25th: I'm thankful for holidays. This is my favorite time of the year and it will be our first with child. I usually get the day after Thanksgiving off. We usually put up Christmas decorations and the tree. This is our tree this year. It's a pre-lit that we bought a few years ago at Walmart. It's never looked so small. Maybe we'll have to invest in a bigger one next year. Nevertheless it still makes me happy.


November 26th: I'm thankful for the gift of life. Today we went to a baby shower celebrating the life of Elliott Horton. His Mommy, Rachel, is married to Wayne's cousin, Evan. Elliott is exactly 3 months younger than Hailey. So that means today Hailey is 5 months old (6/26) and Elliott is 2 months old (9/26). Rachel had a very rough pregnancy and was in the hospital 7 times (8th time he was born) and on complete bed-rest from about week 27. Let's just say he is a very blessed little boy with lots of people around him that love him. We are so happy he arrived safe and healthy. Here is the 4 of us today.


November 27th: I'm thankful for my Church (Immanuel Lutheran) and pastors (Paul and Susan).


I have been at the same church since I was in 3rd grade. I have had the same pastor (Paul) since I started confirmation in 7th grade. Pastor Paul saw me through confirmation and also married Wayne and I in 2006. It is such a great community of faith.


November 28th: I'm thankful for my DVR. It is something silly and trivial, but anything that makes my life a little bit easier and more convenient I am a fan of.

November 29th: I'm thankful for memories. I found out last Wednesday (23rd) that a childhood classmate took his life. His parents found him and it is a terribly sad situation. It definitely put a whole new meaning on being "Thankful." His funeral was today and I cried a lot at what everyone had to say not only about Jimmy, but about life in general.


A quote from the day that will always stick with me was said by Pastor Paul..."Love them while you can and love them well." A message to anyone that feels like nobody cares...there is always someone and it will get better.


And a message to those who care, always say I Love You. You never know when it might be the last time.

November 30th: I'm thankful for movie night. There is nothing better than getting comfy (usually in PJs) on the couch (with a blanket) and either a soda and popcorn or candy (or both) and putting in a movie with the lights off. It's the sense of escaping to another time and place or even a whole other world.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Insta Friday {11.25.2011}

Insta Friday {11.25.2011}
Friday, November 25, 2011
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Go link up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged for Insta Friday.

life rearranged

Here's my week via Instagram!

Saturday, 11/19/2011

Me & My baby at Grandma Kleene's house. We were goofing around. She was fascinated with my phone.


Sunday, 11/20/2011

Hailey waiting to eat some cereal. It was day 2 of eating solids.


Monday, 11/21/2011

Hails sucking her thumb at bedtime. First time for everything.


Tuesday, 11/22/2011

The veggie pizza I made for the potluck at work on Wednesday. Very pretty AND yummy.


Wednesday, 11/23/2011

No bowl at work for the salad so Nancy improvised with a vase. It's actually quite pretty.


My dinner. BBQ chicken and cheese curd pizza. Oh.So.Good.


Thursday, 11/24/2011

Hailey eating her Thanksgiving meal.


Naptime with Daddy after meal.


 Family dominoes on Thanksgiving. Tradition.


Hailey and her uncle Ross trying to smuggle her out of the house. Where has baby gone?


Friday, 11/25/2011

Hailey hanging with Bella.


Bella napping next to Hailey on the couch.


What we did this evening.


Feel free to follow me on Instagram = ladanielson

Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekly Recap {April 11-24, 2011}

Weekly Recap {April 11-24, 2011}
Monday, April 25, 2011
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Monday, April 11, 2011

I was feeling pretty good and upbeat, because I hadn't heard from the Dr regarding my glucose test from the Friday before and they tell you if you don't hear anything, then everything is good to go. Well, they ended up calling me late in the afternoon and telling me that my level was "slightly" elevated. It was at 143 and they like to see it at 135 or below. Not sure what a high number is. I didn't ask many questions, because I was so disappointed, but I will be asking questions at our next appointment. So because of that the Dr was ordering the 3 hour test. Even though it was a minor hiccup in what has been a pretty normal pregnancy thus far, I wasn't feeling too good about it. But I knew it had to be done and whatever happened at that point we would just have to deal with head on.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I stopped by the JBF sale in Maple Grove after work. It was very picked over except for the baby clothes, which I expected. I didn't really have much energy to pick through the baby clothing, so I actually looked through the maternity clothes and instead of getting anything for Hailey, I got 4 shirts and a dress for me for about $30.00. What a great deal!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Since Grams was gone on vacation in AZ and Wayne is usually gone Friday nights I decided to have my sisters come and spend the night with me. We just hung out with the pups, ate dinner, watched a movie and went to bed. Nothing too exciting, but I think they really enjoyed seeing the pups and hanging out. I know the pups also enjoyed seeing them as well. It had been too long.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

They spent the day helping me clean and packing some things up. It was so nice of them to help me start packing and organizing. Again, it was a very uneventful day, but very productive nonetheless. I brought them home that evening (after a DQ stop of course), stopped at Kohl's to get yet another (much needed) new bra and went home to relax for the rest of the night.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It was nice to have the house to ourselves for the day. It was the one day where we were both home together the whole day. Wayne slept most of the morning as he usually does because of his crazy schedule, but then when he woke up, we got right to work. He hauled all the boxes that we had packed up the day before out to the garage, we reorganized the garage to store some of our packaged up belongings, he swept it out, I went through a few more boxes that we had stored in the garage and filled the trash with things we were getting rid of. It felt so good to purge. I also completely cleaned out my car as Wayne and I were switching. We have a Trailblazer and a Camry and we decided to switch for these last couple of months of pregnancy as it is MUCH easier for me to get in/out of the TB than it is the Camry. What a sweet guy he is for being so understanding. We then headed to Pizza Ranch for dinner, just the two of us. It was our first time there and it was delicious!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today I had my 3 hour glucose test. I took the day off of work and I was scheduled to be at the lab at 8:30 a.m. I had been fasting (no drink or food) since the night before. They drew my blood, I drank the little bottle of what tastes like over sugared orange pop and then I sat there for 3 hours and they drew my blood 3 more times, every hour, on the hour. I couldn't eat anything until it was over and I could only sip on water. It wasn't a horrible experience. Much more of a mind game than anything else. I brought along my portable DVD player and watched August Rush, which took up about 2 of those hours, I then read on my Nook the other hour. 


It was a very touching movie. The only bad part was burping up the glucose drink as I didn't have anything in my stomach. I left the clinic at noon and met Wayne at Applebees for lunch. It was a great lunch and everything tasted so good.

Grams also came back from AZ with her sister Sandy, who is here to stay for the summer.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I had started getting a sore throat the day before, which then went from that to just a scratchy throat and runny nose. My head felt like it was 100 lbs. I went directly home, ate dinner and went right to bed.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I still didn't feel the best, but I didn't want to miss my friend, Anne's baby shower that afternoon. It was great to see her and our other friend, Tara. It was at Biaggi's in Eden Prairie. This is us with our pregnant bellies.



I am 29 weeks and she is 33 weeks. After the shower I came home, did some cleaning, more packing and then some relaxing. I also watched Winter's Bone.


Overall, the movie was OK. Kinda slow. I really like Jennifer Lawrence though, so that is what made me finish it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter! We spent the afternoon with Wayne's family and ate some great food. Wayne hauled out more boxes to the garage of what I had packed up the day before. We watched some tv together and just hung out. It was a very nice, relaxing and low key day.

Hope everyone had a great holiday no matter if they celebrated or not.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentines Day {2011}

Happy Valentines Day {2011}
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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I received this cute poem in my email yesterday.
 (along with every other mom-to-be)

It made me smile.

We're counting the days, right along with you
At least while you're waiting, you can eat for two!

Morning sickness is a drag, and heartburn's no fun
But you win the award for the most potty runs

We love how you look when your belly is showing
Swollen ankles and all, you're absolutely glowing

Your new job is the most important on earth
A great mom will be born on the day you give birth


Our Valentine's Day was low key. I have really wanted to go to The Melting Pot for awhile to try it out and so we will be going there for our "Valentine's Day Dinner." When that will be, I don't know exactly, but in the interim Wayne picked up a couple of heart shaped pizzas from Broadway Pizza - Robbinsdale.


Robbinsdale is the only location we go to or pick-up from since it's family owned. It was delicious as always.

I got Wayne a card and this:


Of course he made the joke, "Well, this isn't going to fit." Hardy har har.

He got me a card and these:


Now if you look at the bouquet you will only find 9 roses...why not a full dozen you ask? Well he put something cute in my card that for every white rose that turns red, we are another month closer to growing our family. There are 9 roses...5 are red symbolizing that we are 5 months pregnant with 4 white ones (a little over 4 months to go).

I thought that was so sweet and creative and super special. What a great Daddy he will be.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Christmas {2010}

Christmas {2010}
Friday, January 28, 2011
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This is my Christmas post. Better late than never, right? I wanted to wait until after we shared our exciting news about Lil D until doing this post because so much of Christmas this year involved "baby" things. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

My MIL, Kim, her boyfriend, Paul and my BIL, Andy came to Green Grandma's house for the day. Here is everyone in the living room post dinner/pre presents. We were all in a food coma from eating so much.


BIL, Andy, got a Wii.


Our Christmas Tree this year.

Photobucket Photobucket

Me opening gifts.


Wayne and I also opened our stockings and we each pulled out these:


It was one of the first times thus far where it really hit me, that this is real and happening. I know that there will be many more times like these, but it was a very profound feeling.

My puppies were also especially snuggly that day:

Photobucket Photobucket


Saturday, December 25, 2010

I met Wayne at my parents in the afternoon after he got done with work. After we at dinner and opened gifts, we started a heated game of dominoes.


There were many laughs and inside jokes made. I was so proud of my Dad. He got these on his own:

Photobucket Photobucket



We spent the night and got up that next morning and went to get the baby furniture that I blogged about HERE. Overall it was a wonderful Christmas!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

We got together with Wayne's other part of his family that couldn't make it on Christmas Eve. I made spaghetti, we opened gifts and then hung out and chatted.

From L to R: Veronika, Aly, Wayne, Green Grandma, Jared


This is Wayne having a "talk" with them.


From L to R: Veronika, Me, Aly, Wayne and Jared

And this was our silly shot.


This is how I usually feel around Christmas...bring on the wine.


But this year was different as I can't have any for obvious reasons and although sometimes I really crave a glass of wine and it irritates me, I'm OK with that because I know what I am going through and the things I am giving up do not compare to the moment(s) of being a MOM.

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