Go link up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged for Insta Friday.
Here's my week via Instagram!
Saturday, 11/19/2011
Me & My baby at Grandma Kleene's house. We were goofing around. She was fascinated with my phone.
Sunday, 11/20/2011
Hailey waiting to eat some cereal. It was day 2 of eating solids.
Monday, 11/21/2011
Hails sucking her thumb at bedtime. First time for everything.
Tuesday, 11/22/2011
The veggie pizza I made for the potluck at work on Wednesday. Very pretty AND yummy.
Wednesday, 11/23/2011
No bowl at work for the salad so Nancy improvised with a vase. It's actually quite pretty.
My dinner. BBQ chicken and cheese curd pizza. Oh.So.Good.
Thursday, 11/24/2011
Hailey eating her Thanksgiving meal.
Naptime with Daddy after meal.
Family dominoes on Thanksgiving. Tradition.
Hailey and her uncle Ross trying to smuggle her out of the house. Where has baby gone?
Friday, 11/25/2011
Hailey hanging with Bella.
Bella napping next to Hailey on the couch.
What we did this evening.
Feel free to follow me on Instagram = ladanielson
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