Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Friday, April 27, 2012

My (29th) Birthday! {2012}

My (29th) Birthday! {2012}
Friday, April 27, 2012
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My birthday was Monday, April 9th.

I turned 29.

I don't know how to feel about it.

Quite frankly with Hailey growing up and now walking (yes, she is walking and has been fully walking for about a week+), I really want time to slow down or stop for a bit.

I think I just have so many emotions going on lately, I just don't know what to feel. I've never felt bad about a birthday or about getting older, but this year was definitely bitter-sweet.

It was Easter weekend, so we spent that with our families and then Wayne and I celebrated just the two of us the next Saturday the 14th at Crave. Overall it was a great birthday. I did get a lot of really great gifts.

 Row 1: Flowers from the Hubs // Coach sandals from Green Grandma


Row 2: Coach purse from my Boss, along with some $ // Bday cake Oreos from the Hubs

Row 3:  Apple iPad w/ pink case & Apple wireless keyboard from the Hubs

I also got $ from my parents and since my MIL babysits my Daughter for us just about everyday, I told her it wasn't necessary to get me a gift on top of all she does for us with Hailey every week.

Overall it was a great birthday, aside from the mixed emotions. I am very blessed and loved in many ways and have such great people in my life.  

Mrs. Mama D
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekend Highlights: March 23 - 25, 2012

Weekend Highlights: March 23 - 25, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
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I had this post ready to go yesterday, but I had to get some pics off of my camera first.

So here is my weekend recap.

Friday, March 23, 2012

After work, I went home and cleaned our house. Wayne helped, too. We were having a friend's surprise birthday party at our house Sunday afternoon and I had plans to be gone all day Saturday, so I knew I had to get it done. I never clean on Friday nights, I usually leave it for Saturdays, but that might have to change.I liked not having to clean Saturday or Sunday (minus the few touch-ups right before the party).

Even though I usually like relaxing Friday nights after a long work week, I might have to start Friday nights as cleaning nights. That way I can have the rest of the weekend off.

When do you clean and why?

Wayne left for his gig and after getting Hailey to sleep, I went to bed. I was getting up to meet my Mom at the movie theater for Hunger Games the next morning. I was so excited!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I dropped Hails off at my parents house and we went to the noon showing of The Hunger Games.

Did you see it? Did you like it?


I was a little disappointed. There, I said it. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, and you will too, if you've read the books. If you didn't read the books, you won't get it. Plain and simple. I think most of my disappointment came from the lack of character development. I guess I just wanted more.

What did you think? 

After the movie we went back to my parents house and my Aunt Cindy and Gramma Sharon came over and we played train dominoes and ate foods. I stayed up way passed my bedtime and paid for it on Sunday.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Can you say crabby?

The Hubs had an appearance at the Mall of America, so he left me to pretty much get ready for the party all on my own. Needless to say, I was irritated + tired = one crabby Mama.

It ended up all working out. Everything was ready. People showed up. Birthday Boy showed up. We grilled, ate foods, sang Happy Birthday, ate cake and laughed. I met some new, cool people.


Overall it was a busy, but great weekend!

What did you do?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life Lately {August 2011}

Life Lately {August 2011}
Thursday, October 13, 2011
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Saturday, August 6, 2011

It was Wayne's birthday, but since he had to work all day, we decided it would be OK if Hailey and I rode with my Mom for the day to the annual Stager Family Reunion. I didn't get many pictures of us at the family reunion. It was pretty low key and ended up raining for a portion of the afternoon. Here are a few:

Mom & Dad playing games:


Me & Amie hanging out


My babygirl sleeping (she was a little over a month old)


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Since Wayne's birthday is the the 6th and his brother, Andy's birthday is August 10th, their Mom, Kim, decided to throw them a surprise party. It was big birthdays for each of them.Wayne turned 30 and Andy turned 25. Again I didn't take a ton of pictures, but here were some highlights.

CUPCAKES!! So good!


Aly & Veronika hanging with Hailey


Nick with Hailey. He is Laura's oldest boy and was our RB for our wedding.


Friday, August 12, 2011

I had my 6 week Dr appointment today and everything checked out great!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I took my Mom's friend, Theresa's daughter, Ally's senior pictures today. Stay tuned for a more detailed post soon.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tonight I was celebrating my friend, Laura, on Lake Minnetonka for a dinner cruise for her Bridal Shower. I had never actually been ON Lake Minnetonka, so it was fun to ride around, eat some AMAZING food with some AMAZING company!

Most of the ladies in our party!


Tammy, Me, Laura & Amy
The Bride and her Maids


Me & Laura


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Today we had our annual "Family Fantasy Football Draft Party" at Joe Sensor's in Bloomington. It's always a fun time with family and gets us all pumped up for the new season!

Me & Hailey


Monday, August 22, 2011

I took my cousin, Jenna's senior pictures after work. Stay tuned for a more detailed post soon.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Today Hailey is 2 months old! Wow, how time has flown by. Here are her two month milestone pics again:



Today was family day at the MN State Fair and we were seeing Def Leppard at the Grandstand that night. Stay tuned for a special MN State Fair post.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The State Fair is always a busy time of the year for the radio stations. It seems like Wayne is always working. He was at the fair from 1p-4p. I decided to take Hailey and my sisters with me for the day. Big Time Rush (BTR) was making an appearance at the KDWB booth that afternoon before their concert at the Grandstand that night. Stay tuned for a special MN State Fair post.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hailey had her two month Dr appointment with her first round of shots. She weighed in at 10lbs 10oz. What a big girl!


Look at the pretty bandaids!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I took my littlest sister, Kate to the LMFAO/KESHA concert. She LOVES Kesha, but I think we actually had more fun seeing LMFAO! I wasn't impressed with Kesha, but LOVED LMFAO and would definitely see them again.

Look at how much salt is on that pretzel?! Wowza!







Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wayne had been to Ridgdale the week before and just happened to walk by Flash Portraits. Well, he found TWO pictures of Hailey's newborn shoot were displayed. I had to see for my own eyes!



My punkin is so cute!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weekly Recap {April 4-10, 2011}

Weekly Recap {April 4-10, 2011}
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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Monday, April 4, 2011

It was my sister Amie's 14th Birthday. I went over to my parents house for dinner after work. Wayne had to work that evening, so he couldn't make it. My Mom made spaghetti and then Amie opened up her gifts. She loves to read, so my parents got her a Nook. Both my brother and I have one, so she has wanted one for awhile. I love that she is 14 and so amped to read. After chatting and teaching her a little about her Nook, we had cupcakes and ice cream.


Since all 4 of us kids were there and that doesn't always happen, we always like to try and get a good picture.


It's us 4 kids + mini me at 26 weeks.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I met my friend Laura for dinner at Champps after work. I hadn't seen her since she had Ben at the hospital. That was in February. We had tons to catch up on. For me it was mostly baby and house talk. For her it was mostly baby and wedding talk. We met up at about 6pm and didn't leave the restaurant until 10pm. 4 HOURS OF STRAIGHT TALKING! We could have definitely stayed later, but decided against it. It was so great to see her and just talk. There is nothing like having such a great friend that you have so much in common with that you can talk for 4 hours and could still keep on going.

Friday, April 8, 2011

- Friday morning I went into work late because I had my glucose tolerance test; I didn't hear anything back that day, which I took as a good sign. Not so much, they called me Monday afternoon and told me my levels are "slightly" elevated. I was at 143 and they like to see 135 or below. So Dr. E is ordering the 3 hour glucose test. Not looking forward to it, but I am going to do whatever I have to in order for this baby to be ok. I'm scheduled to go in this coming Monday, 4/18.

- I stopped at Motherhood Maternity on my way home from work and bought my first pair of maternity jeans. I thought it was about time and being as I was going out for my birthday the next night and I REALLY needed them.

- After I got home I continued my Friday night ritual of sitting on the couch watching Season 2 of Brothers & Sisters via Netflix.


Saturday, April 9, 2010

- Today was my birthday. 

- I got up and helped Grams take her two cockers to the Vet.

- Got home and completed my cleaning for the week.

- Took a shower and packed my overnight bag. Met Wayne at Babies R' Us to finish registering for Hailey. He gave me my diamond earrings for my birthday. We had picked them out in February and put them on layaway. I wasn't expecting them until Mother's Day. We then had dinner with my family.

- We met a few of my friends and family members at Babe's Music Bar in Lakeville. Wayne is there every Saturday night for his appearance.


Here is the group for the night: Beth, Joni, Wayne, Jenny, Dan, Al, Nicole, Dad, Me and Mom


My Dad's shirt that was a huge hit with everyone.


Me & my Best Friend a/k/a my Mom


Wayne surprised me with a cake and then proceeded to have the whole bar sing Happy Birthday to me.


And finally me with my love.


- Wayne's appearance is done at midnight, but we didn't leave until about 12:30am, didn't get back to the parents house until after 1am, which means I didn't get to bed until 1:30am. It was a long night and I even got on the dance floor for a couple songs.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

- I woke up at 10am feeling hungover, which is funny since I didn't have any alcohol. I think I was just so sore, achy and tired. I really overdid it and stayed up WAY passed my bedtime.

- After lunch with the family Wayne and I headed home and each took a much needed nap. We ate dinner and then went on a DQ run. We each ended the night watching our respective TV shows...Brothers & Sisters was a new 2 hour episode.

Great week overall and I had such a great birthday!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {04.06.2011}

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {04.06.2011}
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
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I'm Loving the new Britney Spears album Femme Fatale.


I've had it on repeat since last Thursday evening when Wayne surprised me with it. He knows my weaknesses. This is her latest single "Till the World Ends" and the video that was just released today!

She's still got it!

I'm Loving that spring is FINALLY here...I think...I hope. You never know when you live in Minnesota. If you click on the link it shows that we will be in the 60's this weekend! AAhhh! Seeing the sun again is AWESOME!

I'm Loving that it's my birthday on Saturday and I get to see a few of my friends and family.  We are keeping it low key this year with being 27 weeks preggo and meeting for apps/drinks/water at a local restaurant.


I'm Loving all the new blogs I am discovering and exploring. It's so fun!

I'm Loving that I have better than 20/20 vision. I had Lasik done last January and just had my 1 year check-up this morning (since all the after surgery appointments) and my eyes are doing so great! It definitely is the gift that keeps on giving.

What are you loving? Go over to Jamie's Blog to link up!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Weekend Highlight: December 10 - 12, 2010

Weekend Highlight: December 10 - 12, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

I was supposed to go to our firm Christmas party this night, but it was one of the first big snowstorms of the year. The party was out in Stillwater at one of the attorneys houses and I was really looking forward to it, but the weather was ridiculous so I ended up staying home.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

This is the day the Metrodome died. I had bought Wayne tickets to this Vikes/Giants game (and the Bears game, too) for his birthday back in August and what do you know...we didn't get to go. Because of all the snow that had fallen on the 11th, the roof just couldn't handle it. The Vikings ended up playing the next day (Monday night 12/13) in Detroit. Here is the video footage that was everywhere.

Here is a before and after picture of it as well.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Today was my Mom's birthday. It's always a bittersweet day as I do have another sister, Keli Jo, that shares that same birthday with my Mom and would have been turning 16 years old this year. She died when she was only 3 months old from SIDS. I was in the 6th grade. I always try and get my Mom flowers for her birthday, and I ended up getting her a pink poinsettia plant this year and a really nice candle. I thought the plant reminded me of Keli. More for the color, but also because it was something different. That was the first time that day that she had cried. I told her I didn't mean to make her cry, but when I saw it, I knew that was what I needed to get. Our family has our tradition of going out to eat for birthdays. We ended up at Applebees this time. We had lots of fun chatting, laughing and eating.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

I got up and worked at Gold's Gym from 9-12 and then headed down to Ridgedale Mall in Minnetonka to do some Christmas shopping. Every year Green Grandma takes Veronika and Aly out to lunch and then they do some shopping. I usually try and go with them and get my shopping done as well. It's a nice girls day. We ate lunch at my favorite restaurant Big Bowl and then walked around and shopped. Because of the snow-storm the weekend before, this was the last weekend before Christmas to get shopping done. The mall was packed and we ended up being there for longer than I wanted, but I got all my shopping done and got to spend some time with the girls and Grandma.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

We went to see The Fighter this afternoon. We both really liked it. It's not all about fighting and has a really good underlining story. I am a huge fan of Mark Whalberg, but I thought Christian Bale was outta this world. Mark Whalberg is a good actor, but has never really transformed himself into another person. In this movie Christian Bale, completely transforms himself into his character, Dicky. You don't really realize it until the end of the movie, when they show a clip of the real brothers and that's when you can see what a great job Bale did. Amy Adams is also in this movie and plays the lead actress role. I thought she was really good as well. It was a different character than her usual romance movie roles. Definitely something different from her. It's also based on a true story which I love. I really hope it wins some awards and I think Bale should definitely win best supporting actor.


Monday, December 20, 2010

This was the day of the Vikings/Bears game. They held it at TCF stadium (MN Gopher stadium). I did not want to risk getting sick, and Wayne ended up having to work, so we did not go to this game either. With the team not performing it's best and our shot at any sort of play-off game out the window, we just didn't want to do it. We are also not cold people, so we couldn't fathom sitting outside in the cold, while it's snowing for hours on end.

Which brings us to Christmas! Stay tuned for my Holiday post.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dad's Birthday {2010}

Dad's Birthday {2010}
Thursday, December 9, 2010
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

It was my Dad's actual birthday on December 1st, but since it was a Wednesday, and the weeks get so busy, we got together to celebrate that next Saturday. Wayne had to work until 2pm, so we met up at my parents house after a few errands. We have our usual places that we go out to eat at, since some of us are picky, but we decided to go to Champps for dinner for something different. It was fabulous! I didn't get any pictures of anything, not even him opening of the gifts. (That's so not like me to not get at least one picture.) But this is what we got him.

A Vikings hitch post for his truck,

and a Vikings beer coozie.


Do you see a theme here? He LOVES Vikings!! We also got him a bunch of candy, because he has a sweet tooth! He opened gifts, we went to dinner and then went back to the house to hang out. It was a wonderful night hanging out with lots of laughs.

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Aly's 12th Birthday {2010}

Aly's 12th Birthday {2010}
Monday, November 29, 2010
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

So Aly's actual birthday is October 24th, but with all the craziness this fall, this was the first time everyone could get together. I love birthday parties at the Horton House. There is always great food, lots of chatter and definitely lots of laughs. I have to admit I was a tad disappointed with the food selection this year. One of the things I was looking forward to most ended up having onions on it. Gross.

Here is Aly opening gifts.


This is my favorite gift she received. I want to steal them. Haha. Super cute.


This is their dog Sunshine, helping with the gift opening.


I try and capture this picture each year with the cousins.


This one was after she blew out the candles. She had quite a few left.


Look at all those boyfriends! Even though the Vikings lost that day to the Bears, it was still a great afternoon spent with family.

Happy Birthday Aly!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kate's 11th Birthday {2010}

Kate's 11th Birthday {2010}
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
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Friday, July 30, 2010

The family and I met at the mall to do some shopping and have dinner for Kate's birthday. I took her shopping at Aeropostale and bought her some clothes.

We enjoyed DQ (instead of a cake). We decided to do it this way so we don't have any leftovers that will get wasted and thrown away and also then we can all get what we want. :)

[Kate eating her cookie-dough blizzard]


[The family (minus Mom who was actually taking the picture, with addition Hannah (Ross' girlfriend) enjoying our desert/birthday treat]


Thanks Kate for having a birthday. I love you!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rest of April {2010}

Rest of April {2010}
Thursday, May 13, 2010
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After getting back from Florida on the 22nd, I went to see Hylander with my Dad at Dibbos on Friday the 23rd:

[Louie and the Boys]

[Set list]

[MMMmmm...Pizza and beer]

Saturday, April 24th I went to another bridal shower for my best friend Kayla. This was for Mike's side of the family.

[Mike, Briana and Kayla]

Sunday, April 25th was my brother's 19th birthday. We didn't do anything to celebrate because he is a workaholic and doesn't have time. Even though he is 19 now I wish we could still get together like we used to. I miss him.

This was for his 18th birthday. My Mom made him a Rice Krispie Treats cake.

Wenesday, April 28th was my parents 21st wedding anniversary. I am 27 now, you do the math. :)


That's the rest of April for ya. Now onto May. I'm catching up!!

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