Wednesday, January 3, 2018

2018 Goals

2018 Goals
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
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I am setting some goals for not only myself, but our family as well. These are things I want to work on. I say Goals, but I don't want to beat myself up either if I don't complete these or make these goals every week or month.
Go on a family vacation
Go to MN at least once this year

Work out at least 3 times a week
Make better food/drink choices
Meal prep more foods on the weekends for the week

Start a daily devotional
Work on my fitness (see above)
Blog 3 times a week

Add more veggies to their diets - try more smoothies
Continue to read with Hailey

Find a church in Las Vegas
Monday, January 1, 2018

My Word for 2018

My Word for 2018
Monday, January 1, 2018
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I haven't done this in a few years, but one of my goals this year is to get back to blogging more regularly. So I decided what better way to start the year off than to pick a word. There is one word that has been continuously coming back to me and that is ............

This word has had so much meaning to me the last few months and I decided I want to carry that into 2018. STRONG has so many variations and meanings for me now:


Mentally STRONG

Emotionally STRONG

Physically STRONG

Friendship STRONG

Relationship STRONG



All around STRONG.

With everything that has happened the last few months, being mentally and emotionally strong has been a top priority for me.

I know that not everyone that survived 1 October has support like I do. I have an amazing and supportive Husband and two kids that need and depend on me. They were my driving force that night and continue to be my motivation every day.

I have friendships that I cherish very much and want to continue to grow. I have this blog that has always been an outlet for me that I want to continue.

My relationship with my Husband is number 1 and I want to continue to have date nights and take time for just us.

I have really been lacking on working out and taking care of my body. It is something I really need to focus on this year.

With all that being said, I really feel like STRONG is the best word for me this year. It just fits every aspect of my life right now. Let's make 2018 the STRONGest year yet!
Saturday, November 18, 2017


Saturday, November 18, 2017
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I never thought I would own a piece of jewelry made from a bullet, let alone with such a special meaning behind it. But I do now.

There was a vendor at Route 91 selling Bullet Jewelry. They are a little Mom and Pop type shop. They were by the front entrance of the festival. The old man that helped us create our one of kind pieces was very nice and the shop was very accommodating on what type of stone we wanted in the middle and different chain lengths and even different charms.

Initially, both Katie and Sam bought theirs on Friday, while I said I was going to think about it over the course of the next couple of days. Well, Saturday came around and I decided to buy one because they are each so unique.

All three of us ended up buying a necklace that weekend and Sam actually bought 2.




It didn’t actually hit me until that following Wednesday, October 4th when I was wearing mine that it was an actual bullet. I texted Katie and Sam regarding that same thought and asked them to send me a picture because I wanted to share and write about our necklaces. Katie had informed me that much like me and mine, she hadn’t taken hers off. Sam on the other hand hadn’t taken hers back out of the bags after returning home. She said the thought of them scared her. She knew they shouldn’t scare her, but they did. I again asked her and said that no matter if she wears them ever again, if she could at least take a picture for me, I would be much appreciative. She sent me the above picture minutes later. I explained to both Katie and Sam that my necklace represents only positive. Not negative. It represents our friendship as all three of us bought one that weekend. It represents what we went through that night of October 1st into the next wee morning hours of October 2nd. It represents not only me, but all three of us being safe and physically unharmed. I wear it thinking about them; about us and what we survived.
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