I haven't done this in a few years, but one of my goals this year is to get back to blogging more regularly. So I decided what better way to start the year off than to pick a word. There is one word that has been continuously coming back to me and that is ............
This word has had so much meaning to me the last few months and I decided I want to carry that into 2018. STRONG has so many variations and meanings for me now:
Mentally STRONG
Emotionally STRONG
Physically STRONG
Friendship STRONG
Relationship STRONG
All around STRONG.
With everything that has happened the last few months, being mentally and emotionally strong has been a top priority for me.
I know that not everyone that survived 1 October has support like I do. I have an amazing and supportive Husband and two kids that need and depend on me. They were my driving force that night and continue to be my motivation every day.
I have friendships that I cherish very much and want to continue to grow. I have this blog that has always been an outlet for me that I want to continue.
My relationship with my Husband is number 1 and I want to continue to have date nights and take time for just us.
I have really been lacking on working out and taking care of my body. It is something I really need to focus on this year.
With all that being said, I really feel like STRONG is the best word for me this year. It just fits every aspect of my life right now. Let's make 2018 the STRONGest year yet!