Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Currently (March 2016)

Currently (March 2016)
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
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I haven't done one of these since mid last year, so here goes.


EXCITED for dinner with my cousins that are in town this week visiting Las Vegas. 

I'm also excited for Pitbull to come back. The opening show for this residency is Wednesday night! Woohoo!

I'm also excited that the new Bachellorette is JoJo!!! She was my season favorite and even though I know Ben and Lauren are ultimately better together, I LOVED JoJo and how she carried herself all the way up until the very end.

WORRIED that I won't get the documents I need in order to get a Las Vegas drivers license. I have 24 days to get what I need and get my booty to the DMV.

READING blogs. Trying to keep up on my Bloglovin feed. Also, reading blogs give me some creative juice.

WRITING/CREATING not much other than a few blog posts. 

LOVING my little family. Seriously nothing better than us.

HATING that our rent is going up as of June 1st. Lots of decisions to be made soon. Moving? What area of the city are we moving to? Can we stay in our area? Finding a new place? Finding a new daycare? Getting Griffin into daycare? Hailey starting Kindergarten in the fall? Which school will she end up at?

WONDERING whether we should re-sign our lease at our current house or try and look for something more affordable. We got notice that our rent is going up, so that's not very fun. And while we LOVE the house, we are just not sure if the new price is really worth it.

EATING PF Changs. We went out to dinner over the weekend for the first time in awhile. Love me some good chinese food. 

DRINKING coffee in the AM, water the rest of the day, with a coke thrown in every once in awhile.

CRAVING coke. Sometimes I crave that fountain coke taste and I try and curb it with a regular coke. I end up not even finishing it half the time.

HOPING answers to our rental situation work itself out in the coming weeks.

WATCHING Fuller House with the family. Walking Dead. There were a couple weeks where it was like, what's next and then last weeks episode with Neegan's group was exciting. Now I think we are back to what's next? Bachelor Finale. Read above. So happy that Ben and Lauren are happy and I squeeled with excitement when they announced JoJo as the new Bachelorette. I'm also getting caught up on lots of other shows that I got behind on. Trust me there is a lot and with two kids and working full time, I just don't have the time to really keep up.

LISTENING TO lots of Rascal Flatts lately. Also, 93.1 The Party of course.

WEATHER is in the mid to high 70's this week. It's perfect Spring weather.

WEARING sandals and loving it. There was about a month or two where I wore closed toe shoes, because it was "winter" in Vegas, but other than that, I have been wearing sandals exclusively. I just got these at DSW for super cheap. They are not the MOST comfortable and by the end of the day I need to take them off, but they are super cute and have been my go to sandal since I got them about a month ago now.

LOOKING FORWARD TO our vacation at the end of April. It's the first time Wayne and I have been out of the country and on a vacation just the two of us. No family. No kids. Just us. We even had to get passports, which is crazy.

FEELING very tired. Griffin has been getting up multiple times per night. It sucks for work the next day. #coffeeplease

WANTING some new summer clothes, but I gotta get my booty into the gym first. 

NEEDING a new bed. We have had our current king size bed for almost 10 years and just within the last few months it just hasn't been as comfortable as it used to be.

Also, I am NEEDING to get my booty to the gym. I have been procrastinating because while our gym opened March 1st, the Kids Club hasn't opened yet. so I have been kind of waiting on that.

THINKING ABOUT lots of different things lately. See above HATING with so much on my mind. 

ENJOYING this stage that Griffin's in. He's so smiley and happy and growing too fast. It makes my heart hurt sometimes that both him and Hailey are growing so fast. He's going to be 1 and she is going to be 5 before I even know it. Gah!!

THANKFUL FOR my Husband who works every day for our family. He is my rock and I seriously don't know what I would do without him. 

DREAMING about our vacation in 45 days.

CLICKING ON this BLOG. She does a weekly menu planning blog post, that I have been getting some inspiration from. I haven't tried the meatballs and tortellini bake, but it's on my list. Also, THIS blog is also a good go to if you are looking for uber healthy options.

OBSESSING over the future. So many things on my mind. See previous THINKING ABOUT.

WISHING I had more time in the day for things. I feel like all I do Monday-Friday is work and then by the time I get home, get dinner done, eat and spend a little time being Mom/Wife, there is no time for anything else. Like this little blog for instance. I'm trying to get a better balance of things, but by the time both kids are sleeping, all I want to do is go to sleep.

TRYING to get better at meal planning. It's such a pain, but it's so helpful. Any tips for me?

Until next time.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday Faves (Three Eleven Sixteen)

Friday Faves (Three Eleven Sixteen)
Friday, March 11, 2016
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It seems like I blink and the week has flown by! The last month of work has been crazy. We have been in trial mode since beginning of February for a trial in mid-March and then late last week it got continued to May. Yay! So now this week has been catch-up of all the things we've been putting off because of this stupid trial.

Not only has work been crazy, but my peeps and I have been sick the last couple weeks. We got the crud that's been going around and then Griffin had a double ear infection. I think our house is finally on the mend and we are all on the up and up. Thank God! The only thing worse than your kid(s) being sick, is you being sick with them. Can we say exhausting?

Hailey had a friends birthday party last weekend at Pump It Up, Griffin's been teething and isn't sleeping through the night anymore like he used to. Blah! But he's hitting milestone after milestone and eating lots; so that's all good. Green Gramma took a trip to New York to visit family and the Hubby has been so very busy at his work as well. They are making some changes and switching some things around, which is all fine and dandy, but that just means more work for him and longer hours. This week has been a doozy and we are both looking forward to this weekend very much!

Here is my fun Friday list of things that I am loving and looking forward to.

The Good Dinosour. OMG. What is with these PIXAR animated movies and making grown adults cry like babies. Seriously. It's such a good and cute movie. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

It may be SUPER cheesy, but so was the original. I personally love it. We watch it as a family and actually my daughter has been re-watching them as well. They also have good messages that are great discussion topics with a soon to be 5 year old. Also, I think I cried every episode, too. I'm really excited for season 2 to see where they take this.

I recently signed up for Stitch Fix. After years of reading everyone else's posts about it, I had to give it a try. I will be doing a separate post about what I got and if I kept anything.

I'm so proud of this guy. Monday was his 5 month sleeversary. If you are new around here, he had the sleeve surgery back on October 7, 2015 and in the last 5 months he has lost 120 lbs. It's been a long road and he has put in the work, so I am so proud of where he's at. He's very hard on himself. I keep telling him he has to enjoy where he's at now and more will come as time goes on. After I took this picture, he was totally blown away because he felt like he looked like a different person. He's so handsome!!! We had such a great night at Rascal Flatts.

Thursday was Nevada's Big Give day. It's an all day fundraiser. His station, 93.1 The Party, helped raise money for SafeNest. It's such a great cause helping people in domestic abuse situations. He appeared on the local news station. Again, so proud of him for all he's doing.

I am so excited for the Bachelor Finale this coming Monday. I was not impressed with the Women Tell All. I still hate Olivia. And am on Team JoJo, but the rumor is he picks Lauren. So we'll see.

I've now seen Rascal Flatts twice in the last 3 weeks. Meet n Greets included. Thank you Hubby and 95.5 The Bull.

Here is a picture of Griff's toofers. I need to get caught up on his monthly posts, now that he is almost 8 months old. #HelloLadies

Here is a pic of Hails acting like a teenager, watching the iPad in her room. How is she almost 5? Wah!

And last but not least, Pitbull is coming back to Vegas next week! Yay!! So excited to go see his show again!

That's it for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Three Things Thursday (Two Eleven Sixteen)

Three Things Thursday (Two Eleven Sixteen)
Thursday, February 11, 2016
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I'm linking up with these three lovely ladies and partaking in their Three Things Thursday link-up. 

Talk about any three things in your life. Yup. Anything.

Griffin got his first tooth last week. At least I think it was last week. I'm not exactly sure when it came in to be honest. When I had him into the Dr a few weeks ago for his 6 month appointment, the Dr had pointed out that the bottom left was almost through. I was so focused on checking the bottom, that I didn't even pay attention to the top. And what do you know? That's where his tooth came in. Top left. I didn't even notice it. My Husband had to tell me.

A photo posted by BigDradio (@bigdradio) on

I am SO excited the Broncos won the Superbowl. I am not a Broncos fan by any means, but I am a Peyton Manning fan and wanted him to win just one more Championship before he might retire. 

We watched the game at Aliante with friends in their showroom. Huge screen. Food. Booze. What more could you ask for? Also, my Husband was rooting for the Panthers, so we had a little crap-talk going on. Makes it all more the fun.

A photo posted by BigDradio (@bigdradio) on

My Husband found out for sure he needs surgery on his shoulder. He had an MRI done a couple weeks ago and just met with the Dr on Monday. He has a torn labyrum (pretty much non-existant), broken bone and a cyst forming. It's been about a year and a half since the injury, so it's been a long time coming. That means 6-8 weeks of no lifting. Anything. Which will SUCK big time. He won't be able to lift either of our children or help bring the clothes basket upstairs or help carry groceries. Nothing. I am so anxious to get it over with, but it will for sure suck while he is recovering. I just hope he can get the surgery and everything heals well.

What's on your mind this week? 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Life Update - New Job

Life Update - New Job
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
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Well, well, well. Where has the time gone? That's more of a rhetorical question as I know exactly where it has gone. Since my last blog post in early October 2015, the biggest and most time consuming thing has been that I started a new job. Yay! I started really looking and applying in September. I was going on 6 months of not working and while I enjoyed that time with my kids, re-couping from having my second baby, and enjoying our first summer in Vegas, I like working. Plain and simple. Also, the extra money doesn't hurt either.

I interviewed with one personal injury place, which I am SO happy I did not get. I heard NOT so good things about them afterwards. I also interviewed with a family law attorney, but ultimately am happy that I didn't get that one either. After thinking about the job, the position would have been flaky and just not great.

A photo posted by Leah // Las Vegas (@mrsmamad) on

I started at my current law-firm at the end of October and pretty much the rest is history. Literally. Like I hardly have any time to do anything else other than Work, Wife and Mom. Although it was another transition and this new job is in an area of law I never really thought that I would like working in, it has been such a blessing. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and I am supposed to be where I'm at. I am learning SO much, the firm as a whole to work for is AWESOME, and my co-workers and the attorneys I work for are just as great. They all have been so welcoming and I actually enjoy going to work. Not many people can say that.

Not to say those first three weeks weren't hard. I mean REALLY hard. There were so many new things happening all at once. I was going back to work in an area of law so unfamiliar to me. Hailey starting at a new school and ultimately hating it. Leaving Griffin at home with Gramma (which trust me is a great thing, but can still be hard to leave him everyday). I know it's all the way it's supposed to be, but for those first three weeks, there was so much doubt and I'm not going to lie, there were some tears on my part, too.

Am I where I am supposed to be? Is this job really for me? Is it worth it? Is Hailey supposed to be in school? That school? Should we switch schools? Is there something more going on with her? You start to doubt things and yourself and the decisions you've made.

But ultimately after some time, everything seemed to work itself out. My job got better week by week. I started feeling more confident in the work I was given and producing. We ultimately switched Hailey to a new school. And although it's way more expensive, sometimes you just can't put a price on happiness and a peace of mind.

With me starting a new job, this little space of mine got put on the WAY back burner. I didn't think I would miss it as much as I do, but as time went on, I started missing it more and more. I thought about just letting it go and quitting blogging altogether. But I just can't seem to do that. It's my little creative outlet to share my life and all that comes with it. Whether it be a more serious post like THIS one or a more fun post like THIS one. I've thought about re-branding and changing the name and maybe that will come, but for now it's still me. It's still the same with everything that has changed so much in the last year. This site and everything about it is me and my life and that is ultimately why I started blogging in the first place. So here I am. I may not be back full time, but I am going to try and make this more of a priority as it makes me feel good to blog and share.

This might be late, but HAPPY 2016 everyone!

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