Monday, April 2, 2012

30 Days of Me {Days 1 & 2}

30 Days of Me {Days 1 & 2}
Monday, April 2, 2012
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So I got this idea from Kellie to do 30 Days of Me. I saw it awhile back on her blog, but thought April would be a great month to do it since it's my birthday month. So here we go.I will be trying to do these each day, so I might be posting up to 2+ blogs per day this month.

Day 1: A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself


1. I pretty much love all boy bands. This is my current crush boy band...The Wanted. Love them. They came to the KDWB Skyroom on Friday and Hailey and I got to meet them.

2. I never had a pet up until 2006 and it changed my life forever. Now I have 4 dogs and wouldn’t change anything. I talk to them as though they are human and I believe they understand what I am saying to them. I don’t believe in “outside” dogs. I think that’s stupid and it makes me angry.I can't ever imagine my life without a dog now and my daughter will grow up with at least one.

Go read for all info on my pups.

3. I have a fear of worms and hate walking outside when it rains. My least favorite season is spring for that reason. I also don’t like big bodies of water and have a fear of drowning.

4. I don’t like talking on the phone. I rather text or email. I also screen my calls.

5. I don’t go anywhere without a sweatshirt/jacket and chapstick.

6. I love the smell of meat markets, gas and big permanent marker.

7. I broke both my wrists in 3rd grade.I was running down the steps and fell face forward and braced myself with my arms.

8. I want to get a tattoo and have known what I want for a long time, I just don’t know where I want it.

9. I like to read teen novels. I can't help it. In my defense I have a 14 year old sister that loves to read and she gets me hooked on different books/series.

10. If I am around people that are crying or am even watching tv or a movie where they are crying I will usually cry, too.

11. Sometimes I get motion sickness when I ride in the backseat of a vehicle. Especially a van.

12. I hate making the bed and usually don't unless people are coming over.

13. I love kids cartoons.


14. My mom is my best friend, other than my Husband. I tell her pretty much everything.

15. I don't like corn. I know. People think I'm nutty. I even grew up in the midwest, too. I will have corn on the cob in the summer a couple times, but I usually stay away from it.

Day 2: The meaning behind your blog name

My Some Kind of Wonderful is the name of my blog. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. This blog and where I share my life is My Some Kind of Wonderful.It may not be perfect, but it's perfect for me and it's mine.

My web address is

I recently changed it. I had been thinking about it for awhile and since my twitter has been MrsMamaD, I thought why not have my blog address be that as well. So I bought the web address for it and here we are.

It's me...A Mrs = married AND A Mama = being a Mom. The D is just the first letter of our last name.

Now go find me on twitter and lets be friends!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hailey Jo {9 months}

Hailey Jo {9 months}
Saturday, March 31, 2012
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March 26, 2012

This is you at 9 months old:


You are eating all sorts of "real" food, now and trying lots of things off of Mommy and Daddy's plates.

You love noodles.


You love these:


And these:


Mommy loves these, too, because they dissolve easily and teach you how to chew and swallow without choking.

You still eat a fruit combo in the morning (with Oatmeal) and a vegetable/protein combo at night (with Rice cereal).

You usually have a yogurt as a snack after you wake up from your nap.

You are now eating about 6 oz of milk for daytime feedings and before bed.

You usually take at least one good nap a day.

You are so happy when we come to get you in the morning or after nap time.


Your smile makes our hearts burst!!

You are still going to bed by about 9pm and sleeping until about 8am...on average. Sometimes you have an off night, but who doesn't.

You cried when we got your ears pierced, but not for long. You don't play with them or pull on them at all.


You are still so vocal and are talking and screaming all the time.

You still put everything in your mouth.


You have really started showing us your personality and react to us taking things away from you or saying No.

You love to try and get our keys and the TV remotes.

You are still drooling, but I feel not as much. It may be just because I am so used to it. Who knows.

You still go through about 3-4 bibs a day.

You are crawling!!

You are always moving and don't sit still anymore.

You are getting into crazy places now that you can move and crawl.


 You are also pulling yourself up on things.


You have started to really walk along things and from thing to thing.


You still love your jumperoo, but lately you prefer being on the outside of it, instead of the inside.


You don't like being restricted and not able to move. Go figure.

You love to try and walk with your musical walker.


You still have deep, gray eyes.

Your hair is still growing and Mommy had to give you another bang trim.


You are growing right on track, but are still our peanut.

You are wearing mostly 6-9 month, but some 12 month clothing and pajamas.

You love your puppies and think they are so hilarious!

Your giggle is the best thing in this entire world.

You are wearing size three diapers.

You have your two bottom middle teeth and now you have your two top middle teeth.


You love to make funny faces.

You still don't care for your nuk at all. I can't even remember the last time you had it.

You love when we hold your hands and you stand up.


You immediately start walking when we do this.

You still LOVE bath time and like to kick your feet and splash. You are still in the infant tub, but we will probably try it without soon. Mommy still gets nervous, so we will see.

You are so alert and people comment on it frequently.

You love cuddle time in the mornings with Daddy while watching cartoons.


You are just the best thing that has ever happened to us and we love you more and more everyday.

We love you so much!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tag! You're It!

Tag! You're It!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
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I love finding new blogs and making new friends.

I've been tagged by Momma B. Go check out her blog HERE!

I found her blog, not too long ago, then I found out she lives in Minnesota and is also a Legal Assistant, too. 

What a small world!


The rules:
*Post these rules.
*Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you.
*Create 11 questions of your own to ask the people that you're about to tag.
*Tag 11 people and link them with your post (and let them know they've been tagged!).

Here are the questions I received:

1. When did you start blogging?

March of 2010.

2. What made you start your blog?

My Husband and I had decided to start a family and I wanted to get my blog up and going before I was actually pregnant. I had some high school Facebook friends that were posting about their blogs with their family happenings and I thought it was a great idea. I'm a scrapbooker, but have fallen in love with blogging. It's so much easier, fast and cheaper!

P.S. I still scrapbook. I can't totally give it up.

3. What do you like to read about on other people's blogs?

Anything and everything to do with relationships, kids, products, fashion, celebrities, entertainment, etc. You name it, I'm interested.

4. Have you ever regretted anything you've blogged?

No. I try and keep my blog positive, so I try not to do ranting and raving posts.

5. What state/country are you from?




6. Where was the last place you went on vacation?

I took a mini-vacatin back in October for a long weekend down to Arkansas. My Great-Grandma lives down there and it was great for her to meet Hailey. I'm so glad we did, because now she has been in Hospice since the middle of February. Before that it was April of 2010 when i went with Green Grandma down to Florida for a week.

7. Would you go back?

Yes to both. I've been to Arkansas 2 times and to Florida a few times now to visit family and friends that live there.

8. Where's your favorite place to shop?

New York and Company and Maurices. Love everything at both of those stores!

9. What's your favorite nail polish?

Not huge into nail polish. I usually get my nails done at a salon. I guess OPI is my favorite.

10. Are you a 'pinner'?

Yes. You can find me HERE. Follow me and leave a comment with yours and I will follow you back!

11. Have you ever done anything you've pinned? Made a recipe/project/etc...

Not yet. I'm thinking I might for Hailey's 1st birthday though.

Now, here is who I am tagging!

Gabriella from Two Peeps and a Pooch

Kait at Mrs. DIY and the Tennis Guy

Andrea at The Funso Four

I enjoy reading all of these lovely lady blogs! Go check them out!

And here are your 11 questions:

1. What is your favorite vacation spot?
2. What is your occupation?
3. What is your favorite movie?
4. What is your favorite TV show?
5. What is your favorite sport to watch? Team?
6. What is your favorite music group?
7. What is your favorite scent?
8. Who is your guy celebrity crush?
9.  Who is your girl celebrity crush?
10. What is your favorite book and why?
11. What is one thing I haven't asked that you would like to tell us about yourself?

 I tried to keep the questions short and easy.
Hope you can play along!
Thanks to Momma B for the tag!

Mrs. Mama D
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Midweek Randoms {03.28.2012}

Midweek Randoms {03.28.2012}
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
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I didn't feel like linking up with anyone today, but a blog I follow does a Midweek Randoms post just about every week, so I think I might start doing that, too. Maybe not every Wednesday and maybe not every week even, but we'll see.

1. I am ub-sessed with this song by Carly Rae Jepsen and I like this video better than the actual music video. I like Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, BTR and well, the list goes on and on, so I think that's why I love this video so much. I do love JB's new single "Boyfriend," but I cannot get myself passed this song yet. I have it on repeat. I know. Can you say dork?!

2. I am ub-sessed with my iPad...The New iPad, not iPad 3. I've had it for about a week and a half and am loving how convenient it really is. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do, but I find myself turning it on first thing when I come home. It's so much more convenient than our laptop. It was my early Bday gift from the Hubs (Thanks Honey!) Go watch the Apple video HERE!


3. I love this little girl more than words and I love that the $10.00 Leapfrog Learn and Groove Musical Table that I got from Once Upon a Child worked when I finally put batteries in it. She is standing ALL THE TIME and loves it! So needless to say I got this just in time.


4. I love so many things about this photo that my Hubby posted on Instagram. Yes, he finally signed up and you can follow him. His username is bigdradio


This photo represents:

Grilling outside;
Great weather in Minnesota;
My Husband cooking and more importantly still sticking to his lifestyle change (not calling it a diet anymore); and
Grilling = no dirty pots/pans to clean up afterwards.


5. I am so excited that two of my friends found out they are having girls! Yay for babies and yay for playmates for Hailey! My co-worker (now ex-coworker - she got a new and better job) brought us cupcakes a couple weeks ago to announce. They were delish!


6. I love this picture and frame my Dad found for our 5 generation photo. I am not loving the reason he bought it. My Great-Great Grandma has been in Hospice since mid-February. I'm so thankful we got to visit her in October and she got to meet Hailey. It will be great to have this memory for her when she gets older.


7. I love face-timing while I'm at work. I love seeing my loves during the day.


8. I'm enjoying that everyone seems to be Team Peeta, but I am still Team Gale. You can have Peeta. I'll take Gale any day!


I also love that the Hubs is now reading the books, too!

9. I'm super excited that Green Grandma is coming to visit in April for a week and a half. We haven't seen her (besides Skype) since she moved to AZ in October.

10. I've started watching Game of Thrones on HBO. Wayne and I are catching up on Season 1. S2 starts on Sunday. I really like it. Anybody else watching it?


That's all for right now!

Mrs. Mama D
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekend Highlights: March 23 - 25, 2012

Weekend Highlights: March 23 - 25, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
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I had this post ready to go yesterday, but I had to get some pics off of my camera first.

So here is my weekend recap.

Friday, March 23, 2012

After work, I went home and cleaned our house. Wayne helped, too. We were having a friend's surprise birthday party at our house Sunday afternoon and I had plans to be gone all day Saturday, so I knew I had to get it done. I never clean on Friday nights, I usually leave it for Saturdays, but that might have to change.I liked not having to clean Saturday or Sunday (minus the few touch-ups right before the party).

Even though I usually like relaxing Friday nights after a long work week, I might have to start Friday nights as cleaning nights. That way I can have the rest of the weekend off.

When do you clean and why?

Wayne left for his gig and after getting Hailey to sleep, I went to bed. I was getting up to meet my Mom at the movie theater for Hunger Games the next morning. I was so excited!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I dropped Hails off at my parents house and we went to the noon showing of The Hunger Games.

Did you see it? Did you like it?


I was a little disappointed. There, I said it. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, and you will too, if you've read the books. If you didn't read the books, you won't get it. Plain and simple. I think most of my disappointment came from the lack of character development. I guess I just wanted more.

What did you think? 

After the movie we went back to my parents house and my Aunt Cindy and Gramma Sharon came over and we played train dominoes and ate foods. I stayed up way passed my bedtime and paid for it on Sunday.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Can you say crabby?

The Hubs had an appearance at the Mall of America, so he left me to pretty much get ready for the party all on my own. Needless to say, I was irritated + tired = one crabby Mama.

It ended up all working out. Everything was ready. People showed up. Birthday Boy showed up. We grilled, ate foods, sang Happy Birthday, ate cake and laughed. I met some new, cool people.


Overall it was a busy, but great weekend!

What did you do?

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