I love finding new blogs and making new friends.
I've been tagged by Momma B. Go check out her blog HERE!
I found her blog, not too long ago, then I found out she lives in Minnesota and is also a Legal Assistant, too.
The rules:
*Post these rules.
*Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you.
*Create 11 questions of your own to ask the people that you're about to tag.
*Tag 11 people and link them with your post (and let them know they've been tagged!).
Here are the questions I received:
1. When did you start blogging?
March of 2010.
2. What made you start your blog?
My Husband and I had decided to start a family and I wanted to get my blog up and going before I was actually pregnant. I had some high school Facebook friends that were posting about their blogs with their family happenings and I thought it was a great idea. I'm a scrapbooker, but have fallen in love with blogging. It's so much easier, fast and cheaper!
P.S. I still scrapbook. I can't totally give it up.
P.S. I still scrapbook. I can't totally give it up.
3. What do you like to read about on other people's blogs?
Anything and everything to do with relationships, kids, products, fashion, celebrities, entertainment, etc. You name it, I'm interested.
4. Have you ever regretted anything you've blogged?
No. I try and keep my blog positive, so I try not to do ranting and raving posts.
5. What state/country are you from?
6. Where was the last place you went on vacation?
I took a mini-vacatin back in October for a long weekend down to Arkansas. My Great-Grandma lives down there and it was great for her to meet Hailey. I'm so glad we did, because now she has been in Hospice since the middle of February. Before that it was April of 2010 when i went with Green Grandma down to Florida for a week.
7. Would you go back?
Yes to both. I've been to Arkansas 2 times and to Florida a few times now to visit family and friends that live there.
8. Where's your favorite place to shop?
New York and Company and Maurices. Love everything at both of those stores!
9. What's your favorite nail polish?
Not huge into nail polish. I usually get my nails done at a salon. I guess OPI is my favorite.
10. Are you a 'pinner'?
Yes. You can find me HERE. Follow me and leave a comment with yours and I will follow you back!
11. Have you ever done anything you've pinned? Made a recipe/project/etc...
Not yet. I'm thinking I might for Hailey's 1st birthday though.
Now, here is who I am tagging!
Wendy at Mahoney Moments
Trisha at Owner's Guide to My Happy, Healthy Life
Katie at Hold onto me, never let me go...
Anne at And Baby D Makes Three
Kate at in "hein" sight...
Lindsay at Mac or Cheesy
Kelly at Four Kids, a mini-van and a lot of Love
Anne at And Baby D Makes Three
Kate at in "hein" sight...
Lindsay at Mac or Cheesy
Kelly at Four Kids, a mini-van and a lot of Love
Rachel at The Horton Report
Gabriella from Two Peeps and a Pooch
Kait at Mrs. DIY and the Tennis Guy
Andrea at The Funso Four
I enjoy reading all of these lovely lady blogs! Go check them out!
And here are your 11 questions:
1. What is your favorite vacation spot?
2. What is your occupation?
3. What is your favorite movie?
4. What is your favorite TV show?
5. What is your favorite sport to watch? Team?
6. What is your favorite music group?
7. What is your favorite scent?
8. Who is your guy celebrity crush?
9. Who is your girl celebrity crush?
10. What is your favorite book and why?
11. What is one thing I haven't asked that you would like to tell us about yourself?
I tried to keep the questions short and easy.
Hope you can play along!
Hope you can play along!
Thanks to Momma B for the tag!
Mrs. Mama D
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