I was going to post this on Wednesday for "What I'm Loving Wednesday", but of course life got in the way, so I re-titled it and decided to do Friday Favorites!
I'm not linking up with anyone this week.
Just throwing out there some of my favorite things lately!
If you know me, you know I am a huge fan and long time viewer of the show The Bachelor/ette. I am also a big fan of Ashley & JP. They announced this week that they are pregnant! I love hearing that some of these reality TV relationships actually make it and succeed.
Another magazine cover. Have they always had this People Country Special? Is it a monthly thing? Or just a special? I don't know, but I LOVE Miranda Lambert and need to look into this. Isn't she pretty?
These are a few products I have been loving lately:
Equate Cocoa Butter Body Conditioning Lotion - I have loved the way it smells and works on my dry skin this winter, plus it's on the cheaper side, so it's good for the wallet, too. It really soaks into the skin and doesn't come off leaving my hands sticky as some lotions do. I just love it all around.
The Curve from NYX (liquid liner) - Ulta had a BOGO sale on all NYX products awhile back, so I decided to take advantage of it. I actually got 4 things, but this has been my favorite so far. I love everything about it.
Jared Allen to Da Bears: Although this one makes me sad because he is not a Viking anymore, I am happy for him that he gets to continue to play football and his career is not ending.
Taco Salad: I made this for dinner earlier in the week and have been eating from it all week long. I HAVE to have Doritos with mine.
I am so excited to see some of my blogger friends tomorrow at the 2nd Annual Favorite Things Party. I will be sure to re-cap it sometime next week, as I am sure many of the other bloggers will be doing. I didn't get a chance to go last year, but it looks like there will be twice as many people going. I will get to meet some new faces as well as see some of my favorites.
I love this show and it has been so good lately. I don't want to give anything away if people are still getting caught up, but it's fast become one of my favorites this season. The twists and turns are really starting to come out. Does anyone else watch this show or just me?
That's about it for this week. Hope you have a great weekend!
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I'm bummed it doesn't work for me to come down for the Favorite Things, I hope you all have a wonderful time!
I loooove Doritos in my taco salad. Really, it's not even right if there aren't any in it. And I secretly want to be best friends with Miranda Lambert. Well, a three way best friend triangle with her and Jennifer Lawrence would be even better ;-)
And on a totally unrelated note, I nominated you for the Liebster award :) http://goo.gl/1bePLt
We had taco salad for dinner this week because of you posting that picture! :)
And, yeah. The Blacklist is getting intense! I can't handle it!
I'm so sad I missed the blogger party this weekend! I hope it was a great time! I'm hoping to be able to make it to an event soon to meet all you fabulous peeps :)
SO happy for Ashley and JP! They are just the cutest!!
THE BLACKLIST!!!!! omygoodness!!! I am still an episode behind but I cannot believe it! I am so glad that we finally found some things out because I was going crazy trying to figure it out. So good.
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