Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life Lately {May 2011}

Life Lately {May 2011}
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
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Monday, 04/25/2011

Just had to post this picture of my now 20 year old brother. I know it's from April, but I couldn't resist.


His birthday is April 25th, but we didn't celebrate until the 28th, which also happens to be my parents wedding anniversary. Happy 22 years of marriage Mom & Dad.


Monday, 5/2/2011

Baby Dr. Appointment. We now start going every 2 weeks.
(You can read any Dr updates in the weekly baby updates)

Wednesday, 05/11/2011

We started week 1 of 6 weeks of baby class at our hospital. I will be posting a separate blog post about this soon.

Thursday, 05/12/2011

The Woodbury city wide garage sales were today and I scored big-time! I took the day off and spent the day with my Dad and a few other family members. I will be posting a separate blog post about this day, all the great deals I got as well as a few other great deals from thrift stores and craigslist.

Monday, 5/16/2011

Baby Dr. Appointment. We are now going every 2 weeks.
(You can read any Dr updates in the weekly baby updates)

Wednesday, 05/18/2011

Week 2 of 6 of baby class - blog post to follow.

Saturday, 05/21/2011

MOVING DAY and let me tell you the day did not start out well. I promptly got up early to finish the remaining little packing that needed to be accomplished and was ready to go pick up the moving truck with my Dad at 9am, when one of my pups got into RAT POISON and had to be rushed to the vet to get his stomach pumped and be kept for a few hours for observation. He stayed there the whole time while we were loading up the truck and cars and while the guys left for the new house with the moving truck I went to pick him up at the Vet. Here he is in the car with me after his Vet visit, on our way to the new house:


Look at that face. : ( They said he vomited quite a bit, so that is good and then they prescribed him Vitamin K pills for 10 days to regulate his blood clotting. Wayne took him back into the vet after that, they drew blood and they said it was not clotting in the range they like to see, which could be normal for him, but one never knows, so they wanted to do another 10 day round of the Vitamin K pills and see him back again after that for another blood test. He went back in this morning and we will get the results tomorrow. One positive thing the tech said this morning was that it was a good sign that he was still alive. Well, thank you for that positivity. I was hoping my dog wouldn't just fall over dead. Please pray for my little pup to continue to get better!

Wayne got out of moving because he had to work and by the end of the day I told him I was NEVER moving without him being there again. It wasn't just the stressful morning with Tony and the Vet visit, but also just moving in general. It rained off and on for most of the day; I couldn't do a whole lot to help being 33.5 weeks pregnant; it was so muggy and I was so swollen it was ridiculous and uncomforable! I just thank the heavens for my wonderful family and in-laws that moved us and my wonderful parents, who pretty much put our house together. You will see some of the new house pictures in the months coming up as we continue to get organized and ready for baby.

Tuesday, 05/24/2011

My long time friend Wendy was in town for a long weekend and so I met up for dinner with her and her Husband, Pat. It was great catching up. They had just bought a new house, moved and were still getting settled. I didn't tell her this, but I totally thought they were going to tell me she was pregnant. I was anticipating it. She's not...yet. They did tell me that they are probably going to start trying this fall, which is super exciting!

Wednesday, 05/25/2011

Week 3 of 6 of baby class - blog post to follow.

Saturday, 05/28/2011

I headed to Clara City with my Mom and sisters for a couple family graduation parties.


This is us at Jorun's grad party. She is the foreign exchange student staying with my Aunt & Uncle.


This is cousin Anya hanging out at Brittney's party. Her Uncle Nate tied balloons onto the back of her outfit, which she thought was hilarious!


She ate her food, while we ate Taco's in a bag...SO GOOD!


We hung out for the day and ended with a bonfire:


Even though I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, it was a fun day with family and others that I hadn't seen in awhile.

Sunday, 05/29/2011

It was the actual graduation ceremony day:

This is cousin Brittney and her parents...Jeff & Cari:


This is me and the graduate:


Monday, 05/30/2011

Memorial Day. I had come home from Clara City the night before, because I really wanted a day to just relax and get some stuff done before going back to work on Tuesday. It was a great, low-key day spent at home with the Hubby.

Tuesday, 5/31/2011

Baby Dr. Appointment. After this appointment we start going every week.
(You can read any Dr updates in the weekly baby updates)

That is May in a nutshell. Can't believe it went so fast and now it's the middle of June. Stay tuned for June updates and the above mentioned follow-up blogs.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 35 & 36}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 35 & 36}
Thursday, June 9, 2011
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Thursday, 6/2/2011
(Week 35)

Baby's now the size of a honeydew!

Thursday, 6/9/2011
(Week 36)
This is me and Lil D this week:



Baby's now the size of a honeydew!


I don't feel like she has dropped at all, but the other night I did feel like I had to take more bathroom breaks than usual. So maybe she is on her way down. We'll see.

I am definitely feeling her very HEALTHY punches and kicks. It's very noticeable now when my tummy gets super lopsided because she is just so out there.

I have been feeling Braxton-Hicks contractions more and more, but none that have been on a regular basis. It happens usually when I'm walking.

I am definitely waddling and feeling my leg ligaments shift. There has been a couple times when I have moved my leg and my hip has a shooting pain.

We are now going to the Dr every Tuesday. This past Tuesday they did the Group B test. I will find out the results this next Tuesday. They also drew blood to check my hemoglobin. Another thing they start checking is effacement/dilation, which was none this week. I am ok with that being I am only 36 weeks and she still has some growing to do.

Full term next week! Yay!
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 32 - 34}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 32 - 34}
Thursday, May 26, 2011
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Thursday, 5/12/2011
(32 weeks)

I've been behind the last few weeks with working, packing/organizing/throwing, garage saling for the new house/new baby and growing this little peanut below, which let's just say the first trimester tiredness came back full force.

Here is me & Lil D at 32 weeks:



Baby's now the size of a squash!
Thursday, 5/19/2011
(33 weeks)


Baby's now the size of a honeydew!

Thursday, 5/26/2011
(34 weeks)

 This is me & Lil D this week:



Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
To start at the beginning, I have actually been waddling for awhile. Wayne just laughs.
I do feel some tightening in the tummy area every once in awhile. It's mostly when I am walking and then I have to really slow down and almost stop.I've just assumed those are Braxton Hicks and will be asking the Dr about them at our next appointment. They are so infrequent right now, that I am not too worried.

We had our 32 week Dr appointment on May 16th. The Dr felt my tummy and thought she was head down, butt up. Yay. Hopefully she stays that way. My blood pressure was perfect and Hailey's heartbeat sounded great!

I haven't had any heartburn, yet...knock on wood, but I do get short of breath very easily. I don't believe she has dropped any at all because of that. I've had to sleep propped up by pillows for awhile now. I'm using 3 (a body pillow and 2 king size pillows) but I'm actually thinking I need a couple more. Lying flat is not an option. I just feel dizzy, even if it is on my side.

I have not had much back-pain thus far. It's mostly just the normal aches and pains of stretching and moving.

This week my ankles have disappeared, which is not a pretty sight to see and kind of embarrassing, but it's nothing I can control and I have to keep reminding myself of that. My feet are swollen by the end of the day and every once in awhile my fingers swell up to little sausages. I'm definitely glad I took off my rings when I did a few weeks back.

My body temperature has gone up and I get warm easily. It's almost like I am having hot flashes. I'm usually the one with the sweater or hoodie with me at all times, just because I get so chilly quickly. I have actually been the opposite and wearing tank tops with ease.

I am feeling her jabs and kicks all the time now and it's so fun to just stare at my belly and see her move around in there. Sometimes they do startle me and are harder than what I think they should be. But I just keep thinking that it's all a good sign that she's moving that much and so active. Wayne gets a kick out of it as well and when he sees it, his eyes get all big and he looks at me like, "Oh my gosh, that was really her." I reply back with, "Yes, honey, who else would it be."

I do plan on breastfeeding. I am going to give it a go and really try hard. I know it's better for baby and it's obviously cheaper, but we'll see how it goes.

Even though the last couple weeks have been harder and rougher on my body as she gets bigger and the pounds keep adding up, it's still been a relatively easy pregnancy. I know I could have it so much worse and I'm just thankful for what I'v had thus far.

Here is a funny that was in one of my baby emails. It's so true.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 31}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 31}
Thursday, May 5, 2011
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Thursday, 5/5/2011
(31 weeks)

Baby's now the size of a squash!

She is moving so much this past week, it's crazy. We had our 30 week appointment at our new clinic with a new Dr this past Monday, May 2nd. I had my records transferred to this new clinic, the Dr looked them over and said they did a very good job, all my levels looked great and there was really nothing more to add, other than if Wayne and I had any questions. We went over a few things about the new clinic, etc.,  but other than that we were pretty set.

I hopped up and laid on the table and the Dr started pressing on my belly. She then squirted it with the gel so that we could hear the heartbeat. Once she started doing that Hailey kicked so hard that it startled the Dr and she said, "Wow, you have a social little thing in there." I had to laugh and think to myself, "Oh boy, she is taking after Wayne already."

Also, when we met with the nurse before that (who has 5 kids of her own, 3 boys & 2 girls), she made a point to us that Hailey will be a Daddy's girl all the way. That made Wayne grin from ear to hear. He loved that!

Her heartbeat was so good at 147 bpm. It was super exciting since we hadn't heard it in almost a month. Overall the new clinic/staff/Dr was awesome. We now start going every 2 weeks with our next appointment at 32 weeks on Monday, May 16th.

We are also starting our baby classes on Wednesday, May 11th. It is a 6 week course, every Wednesday night. We are really excited to start that process.

I have not felt any Braxton Hicks thus far...keeping fingers crossed.

I have been feeling more out of breath lately, but it's really only when I try and lay down to go to bed. It doesn't happen so much yet when I am walking or anything. I have been using extra pillows to prop me up at an angle as that tends to feel better. It has been definitely taking extra effort to get comfortable at night going to bed and getting situated, though, that's for sure.

Wayne and Green Grandma have really started to see my belly move and shake. Her movements are so different now that she's getting bigger. Sometimes they are uncomfortable, but I just keep telling myself that it's all a good thing that she's moving that much.

We still can't believe how fast it's going. Now with the more frequent Dr appointments, baby classes, moving on the 21st, Memorial Day weekend and then baby showers coming up, it is going to be June before we know it!

Happy 31 weeks to us!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday {Baby Edition} {05.04.2011}

Wordless Wednesday {Baby Edition} {05.04.2011}
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tail Wagging Tuesday {05.03.2011}

Tail Wagging Tuesday {05.03.2011}
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
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Go link up with CMae for Tail Wagging Tuesday. This week's topic is all about "the look."

Here they all are giving me the "what were you doing down there look" as I am coming up the stairs.


This is Moo Moo's "I love you so much and I'm waiting for you to pet me please" look.


This is Tony's "You just took me to the groomer and I'm not amused" look.


This is Puckett's "See, I'm not doing anything naughty, Mommy, just sitting here waiting for squirrels" look.


This is Bella's "will you please pick me up" look.


This is a super adorable picture of the boys (Puckett & Tony) "Can I please have a treat" look.


These are just a few pics of my furbabies. Aren't they cute?

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