Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 28}

Lil D's 3rd Trimester {Week 28}
Thursday, April 14, 2011
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Thursday, 4/14/2011
(28 weeks)
This is me and Lil D this week:



Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
Maternity Clothes: I have been adding to my collection week by week. I've bought a few new things, but have had some great luck lately from consignment shops as well. A few of my normal items I have been able to continue to wear, so that has been great. I'm also trying to keep the shirts that I can wear as maternity separate from everything else, so I know what I can and cannot wear.

Sleep:I have been sleeping really well lately, which I hope keeps up.

Best Moment of the Week: Wayne feeling her kick again this week and actually starting to see my belly move when she moves. Finishing one of our baby registries. Yay!

Movement: I feel her move all the time now. The past few evenings she has been so active that I can start to see my belly really move with her. It's so fascinating to just stare at it.

Food Craving: I've really like Heath blizzards the last few weeks. For my birthday, a co-worker made the "Better than Sex Cake" cause it has Heath on top. They know me so well and it was delicious!

Food Aversions: None as of lately.

Morning Sickness: None.

Gender: It's a girl! Hailey Jo is her name.

Symptoms: Constipation is the major one that continues to stick with me. Good thing it is manageable. Other than that, lower back pain and some round ligament pain has started. Achy feet after only being on them for a short period.

What I miss: Bending over.Being able to roll over in bed or get out of bed without it being a production. Walking fast. I'm normally a fast walker and I have really had to slow down otherwise I get a side ache. Getting in and out of the car with no hassle. Not feeling like I have to pee all the time.

What I'm looking forward to: Starting and hopefully finishing our other baby registry sooner rather than later. Organizing, packing and getting rid of stuff to move mid-May. Garage sale season.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {04.13.2011}

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {04.13.2011}
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
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I'm Loving that this past week I have started to go through and organize our stuff to be packed. I also love getting rid of things as well. We are moving mid-May, so I want to get a jump start on everything while I'm not TOO big and feeling relatively good.

I'm Loving that Wayne got a text message from Lisa (house owner) and the painting is done, the fence is fixed and the new carpet is going in next Wednesday! Makes me so excited!

I'm Loving that I have the house to myself this week and weekend. Grams is on vacation in AZ and Wayne is working nights. Hoping to get a lot of organizing and packing done.

I'm Loving these for breakfast lately.

Photobucket Photobucket

I'm Loving the show Tough Enough on USA (WWE). 


I know wrestling is corny and I DON'T CARE. I don't think it's any more corny than any of the Housewives shows ( I don't watch those and have no interest in them). I started watching wrestling in high school with my group of friends. We would get together on Sunday night's at my friend Pat's house and watch the payperviews when there was one. It was always a great time. There were a few years where I lost touch with it for various reasons, but then when I started dating Wayne about 8 years ago and he was into it, he has slowly gotten me somewhat hooked again. I don't watch every RAW, SMACKDOWN or paperview, but Wayne keeps me in the loop on the drama and so every once in awhile I will sit down and watch it with him. I like to think of it as a soap opera for men. LOL.

My all-time favorite wrestler is Stone Cold Steve Austin and he just happens to be the host of Tough Enough. He is so brutally honest on the show, tells the contestants like it is and is in their faces.


Here is a preview of the show.

I love it when he says, "Your hair-do is pissing me off.". 

I love that Wayne and I like to watch this together and it is one of "our" shows. Too often a person doesn't like what the other person is into, but that's just one of the MANY things I love about our relationship.

What are you loving? Go over to Jamie's blog to link up!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tail Wagging Tuesday {04.12.2011}

Tail Wagging Tuesday {04.12.2011}
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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Today's topic:

Your Pet's favorite Toy

Well, we know that with at least Bella and Puckett it is a ball. They love other toys as well, but their number 1 is a ball. Doesn't matter, what kind.

Bella playing with one of my sisters.


Puckett napping with his tennis ball.


Since we have gotten Tony and Moo Moo and have been living with Grams we haven't had any toys or balls around that are small enough for them to play with for fear of Budz choking on one and he gets ahold of them and demolishes them himself anyways, so we just haven't bothered. I'm excited for the new house and yard so that we can have tennis balls back and other chew toys. They can get some good exercise. Thank goodness they don't like chewing on shoes or clothes or furniture for that matter.

Go over to C Mae to link up!

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