#HashtagHumpday || Vol 1.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
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Hey hey!
It's #HashtagHumpday and I'm linking up with Laura and Lauren for the first time. Obviously since this is volume 1.
Basically you update your life and add hashtags at the end. I love a good and WAY too long hashtag.
So here we go.
I want to rename and redesign my blog. I have wanted to do it for awhile, but it just keeps getting pushed to the back burner. Plus, I can't really afford to right now with having a newborn, medical bills, and oh this whole NOT working thing. I'll probably wait for awhile until our wedding anniversary (November) or Christmas and then have it be something on my WANT list. Although my WANT list is SUPER long right now. #diapersareexpensive #notenoughmoola #iwantallthethings
Anybody else excited for fall TV to come back? I can't wait!! #iwatchwaytoomuchtv #sorrynotsorry
I went to the dentist last week and need to get some work done. #ugh This is a new dentist that we are going to in Las Vegas. Everything they do is digital and they have TV's on the ceiling. What? #fancy
Hailey starts soccer in about a month. This is her first year and first time playing an organized sport. #soccermom We had to get her all the gear. We let her pick our her own cleats. #frozenftw
We cancelled cable, but before you say way to go. Let me just say in the same breath that we signed up for DirectTV instead. #wehaveproblems The main reason is that we love the NFL and with growing up in the mid-west, one of our favorite things to do on a Sunday is turn on football, especially the Vikings, and just chill on Sundays. #beinglazyrules It's going to be weird with no snow on the ground, but I think we'll manage. #vegaslife
And that's all I have today because basically I have a newborn that gets up 2+ times a night. #moresleepplease #mombiezombie
Now go link up and #hashtag the Schmidt out of your blog post!