Weekend Highlights: October 12 - 14, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
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This weekend was pretty laid back. I have to say I'm liking the fall a lot. We just slow down and go at a slower pace, ya know?
Friday night I had Happy Hour/Dinner with Falen & Katie. Afterwards we shopped a bit.

It's always great to catch up with friends. Sometimes life just gets too dang busy.
My sister, Kate, spent the weekend with us.

It's always great to catch up with friends. Sometimes life just gets too dang busy.
My sister, Kate, spent the weekend with us.
Saturday we watched 2 movies.
What to Expect
I liked this one a lot. It's so true how each pregnancy is different. And also how each couple handles it differently. Everyone in it did such a great job.
5 Year Engagement
I liked this movie, although I thought it was a little long. I'm a huge fan of both the main stars in this movie, so that's ultimately what kept me watching.
I also got Kate hooked on the Walking Dead and she ended up watching both season 1 AND 2 before she left on Sunday. The premiere was that night and she really wanted to be all caught up.
Sunday night was Walking Dead premiere night, but we went to game 1 of the Lynx series.
They made it to the finals and Wayne got tickets to the whole series. They ended up losing game 1 and ultimately lost the championship, but we all still had fun at the game.

They made it to the finals and Wayne got tickets to the whole series. They ended up losing game 1 and ultimately lost the championship, but we all still had fun at the game.

Friday, October 19 - Sunday, October 21,2012
This weekend was pretty busy.
Friday night we had the rehearsal and dinner for my cousin Tara. I left work early and attended the rehearsal and then we all went back to the Groom's parents house for dinner, desert, gifts and conversation. It was a fun night and great to get to know Jake's side of the family. AND they live right down the road from us.

Saturday was the big day. I was the photographer for them and I had such a great day. It's always a long day and lot of work as well, but I love weddings and when the couple is close to my heart it makes it all the more worthwhile.
Sunday, we went to Wayne's cousin, Aly's, birthday party. She turned 15. It's always fun to get to see family and hang out and catch up.

Oofta. What a weekend.
Friday, October 26 - Sunday, October 28,2012
This past weekend we had some family come into town for my sister's confirmation. Friday night was spent at home relaxing and recuperating from my cold.
Saturday I went to my parents house for dinner and hung out with them and then my cousin, Nate, and his wife, Kayla showed up with their dog Wicket. He's adorable.
Sunday was my sister's confirmation ceremony.

Here is the fam.

Here are Amie's God-parents.

Afterwards we went back to my parents house. My Mom had an early dinner for everyone with cake and ice cream. Here is Amie with both of her Grandmas.
It was a special day for us all.

Here is the fam.

Here are Amie's God-parents.

Afterwards we went back to my parents house. My Mom had an early dinner for everyone with cake and ice cream. Here is Amie with both of her Grandmas.

It was a special day for us all.
Congrats Amie!
I can't believe Halloween is tomorrow. So crazy!
Happy Halloween to everyone!
I can't believe Halloween is tomorrow. So crazy!
Happy Halloween to everyone!