December 24, 2011 - Christmas Eve
Christmas overall was pretty laid back this year. Since Wayne had to work from 10a-4p on Christmas Eve we didn't travel anywhere. About a week before Christmas Hailey received these from our friends down in Florida. They are Santa booties and a bib. Love them. Thanks Lynn and Mark for the gifts for Hailey!
Hailey and I went to The Horton's house for a noon gathering. It was The Horton Gang (Mark, Dianne, Veronika, Aly, Rachel, Evan, Elliott, Grandma Jo and then Jared stopped by for a bit) and then the Danielson Gang (Me, Hailey, Kim, Paul and Andy came, too). We hung out for the afternoon, talked, ate, opened gifts and then we were on our way home.
Hailey opening up her gift from The Hortons. She didn't know what to think about the bow or the paper. You can see she was wearing the "I <3 Santa" bib. You can't see that she was also wearing the booties, but she was.
I had to take this classic picture. She's the best gift I've ever gotten!
Evan, Elliott and Rachel
The Danielson Gang had plans to meet at church for the 5:30p service. We went to Calvary Lutheran in Golden Valley. It was different than my normal church in EP, but it was great. We did the candlelight service and sang Holy night, which is my absolute favorite on Christmas. There was also a lot of singing and we sat right in front by the band. Hailey loved it. It is a huge church, but so beautiful, too. I snapped this picture with my phone of Hailey in her Xmas dress (from our friends John and Jess). She's sitting on Wayne's lap just taking it all in and enjoying the music.
We had planned on spending Christmas Eve with Wayne's side of the family and then Christmas day at his Mom's also and then Christmas day night with my side.
So, after church we went to MIL Kim's house. She had the table all decked out. I love Christmas decorations.
She had wine for me, too. Love her wine glasses.So festive.
Wayne had started his diet that Thursday before (yes, 2 days before Christmas). It was not his choice, believe me. But everyone was so accommodating with his meals. Kim is such a wonderful cook, so while we ate ham and au grautin potatoes (you know all the REALLY good stuff), Wayne ate fish and broccoli.
He ate it and didn't complain one time. I am still working on a post about his new diet and everything that comes along with that. Let's just say he has done such a great job so far, and we have a long road ahead.
We opened some gifts and had lots of laughs. Hailey loved her puppy from Gramma Kimmy!
She also got some clothes and a rocking horse from Green Grandma!
It's going to take a little bit for her to grow into it, but we know she will have a rockin good time when she does.
Sunday, December 25, 2011 - Christmas Day
Wayne and I got up Christmas morning and exchanged gifts. This year we agreed not to tell each other what we were going to get them and have it be a complete surprise. Usually we each pick out our own gift and we go from there. I got him some bu-ray movies. Elf, which neither of us had ever seen, so when it was on sale I couldn't pass it up. I also got him Fast Five and Due Date, which we both have seen, but love. They were nothing spectacular, but that's what he likes, movies and video games.
Wayne is so much better at gift giving than I am. He always has been and he always will be and this year he didn't fail. He surprised me with this:
ADELE - Live At The Royal Albert Hall DVD
I haven't watched it yet, can you believe that? But I have watched the trailer several times and I can't wait. I just need to find a night where I can take some time to REALLY enjoy it while I watch it. He also surprised me with this:
I picked it out while we were Christmas shopping for his Mom's charm bracelet. I told him to wait, cause once again...we were Christmas shopping...for others...not for me. I told him it could wait until Valentines Day. He thought otherwise. It's a pearl with diamonds around it. Hailey was born in June and one of the birthstones is pearl. I LOVE it. Like I said HE IS SO GOOD!
Every year on Christmas Day, my MIL Kim has an open house type thing at her house. She makes a butt load of great food and everyone comes in the afternoon to hang out, catch up and eat some grub. So that is exactly what we did. Minus Wayne pigging out because of his new diet. He didn't waiver one time with all the temptations. I think I ate enough for both of us though.
Later that afternoon we had plans to meet my side at my parents house for our little family Christmas. My Mom had planned on making spaghetti. She did and we all ate that, except for Wayne who stuck hard to his diet and had chicken and veggies. He also hadn't cheated at all at his Mom's house earlier in the day, so I was so proud of him.
After dinner we opened some gifts:
Hailey mostly got some books and some clothes this Christmas. She wasn't playing with too many toys, yet. She did get a johnny jump up, which she still LOVES!
You can't tell by this picture, but trust me she does. Wayne and I got a brand new desktop computer. Thanks parents! It has come in very useful because if you have read my previous posts, our laptop died about 2 weeks ago. Sucky!
We played dominoes as we always do and sat around until the late night and chatted. We then headed home and put Hailey to bed. Both Wayne and I were crushed as Hailey's first Christmas was over. Just like that it was done. But it was great. We did snap this quick family photo that night and you can see that she did wear the booties.
I love our little family of 3! Merry Christmas!
Mrs. Mama D
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