Friday, May 25, 2012
I was so excited that LMFAO was in town. My 2 sisters and my friend Jenny a/k/a Lemonhead and I went and had a blast.
My awesome Hubby contacted the record label dude and we got to meet them and then got floor VIP tickets.
It was such a fun night!!!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Since my Mom watched Hailey for me so I could take my sisters to the concert, I ended up spending the night there. I got to bed late, but slept in until noon. (Thanks Ma for watching the Babe for me.) I can't even remember the last time I slept that late. It was much needed. It was a gross day out so we did a bit of shopping, but other than that it was low key.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
We had our cousin, Veronika's, 16th family birthday party to attend. It's always fun to see them, catch up and eat some amazing food.
Happy Birthday Veronika!
Later that night we had a wedding reception to attend. After we dropped Hailey off at my parents again for an overnight, we headed out to Myth Nightclub where the reception was being held. We had some great food and hung out with some awesome friends.
Ben & Jen got married in Mexico at the beginning of May and then had a reception for family and friends later.
Congrats Ben & Jen! We wish you a lifetime of happiness.
Monday, May 28, 2012
It was Memorial Day Monday and I had 2 photo-shoots in the morning and then we had plans to go to the Como Zoo in the afternoon. The parking was horrible and it was so hot out. We only stayed for a bit, but had fun anyways. I didn't take many pictures, because to be honest Hailey could have cared less if we were there or not. Here is one though on our way into the park.
And of course one of me and my lovey at the zoo, too!
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!
Mrs. Mama D
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