Here is part 2.
Bouari is a three phase program.
Phase 1: The Binge
You are allowed 2 "binge" days to start. We discussed it and decided that would be the Sunday and Monday of Memorial Day Weekend and then he would officially start on the diet on day 3 which was Tuesday, May 28th.
Those 2 binge days were great. We went out to eat and he got everything he wanted out of his system. By the end of the long weekend, he was so prepared (physically, mentally AND emotionally) to start on this new journey.
Phase 2: The Diet
From day 3 to present he has made a goal to consume 3 meals and 3 snacks a day.
This consists of 3 proteins, 3 fruits and 3 vegetables a day, pretty much in any sort of combinations, but this is what a typical day looks like:
Breakfast: 1 protein + 1 produce (1 fruit or veggie)
Snack 1: 1 produce
Lunch: 1 protein + 1 produce
Snack 2: 1 produce
Dinner: 1 protein + 1 produce
Snack 3: 1 produce
All portions should be the size of your fist.
Proteins have typically been either steak, chicken or fish.
He can have a wide variety of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. We don't do canned items as they have lots of added sodium, etc.
He's also still using Walden Farms products. If you have never tried these, they are great! Saves you a TON of calories!
And although this diet does not require ANY working out (since the majority of weight loss is what you eat), he's also been going to the boxing gym 3-4 times a week.
Bouari Products:
These are the different exclusive Bouari products that Wayne is taking.

2. B12


3. Amp

4. Bouari Meal DF Vanilla (Meal Replacement shake)
5. Bouari Bar (Protein Replacement Bar)

Wayne's Stats:
At the peak of his weight loss in 2012 he had lost 122 lbs. (440--->318).
When he started with Bouari in May 2013 he had gained back about 43 of those pounds.
Here are the stats from that point on:
5/23/13: 361 lbs on day 0
6/7/13: 339 lbs after 10 days
6/14/13: 335 lbs after 17 days
6/20/13: 329 lbs after 23 days
Here he is on May 23rd (our 1st meeting) and June 20th (after just 23 days).

6/27/13: 325 lbs after 30 days
7/8/13: 319 after 41 days
And I am proud to report as of yesterday, July 17th he weighed in at 312 lbs after 50 days on the program. He has also lost a total of 20 inches. That means this is the lowest he's been since starting this whole weight loss journey in December 2011 AND the smallest he's been in probably 8 years or so.
I'm so proud of him!! Keep up the great work honey!
Phase 3: The Maintenance
This is the final phase, but obviously we have not gotten to this part yet, so stay tuned for more updates!
He looks amazing!! What a wonderful transformation.
Wow! He is looking great! Keep up the great work, Wayne!
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