See my initial post HERE from February 2012.
First off, let me give you a little update first on where we've come from since then. I am once again a horrible blogger and never did any sort of follow-ups, etc.
So here we go with Update Part 1 of 2.
Wayne continued with Medshape through the summer of 2012, even though his endorsement for them stopped long before that. He continued to go in on a regular basis to meet with them one on one once a week, weigh in and go over his diet and weight loss.
Let me just tell you he had lost a total of 122 lbs from the end of December 2011 through mid-August 2012.
Then the State Fair came. Yea, let's just say it's so hard (for anyone) to deny free state fair food when it is literally being given to you by the bucket. (Sweet Martha's anyone?) He worked at the fair just about everyday (11-12 days) and was there by 9:00 a.m. every morning. LITERALLY Sweet Martha's Cookies would drop off a bucket of warm cookies at the station booth EVERY morning. And that's just one example of the various "free foods" he was given.

Also, he had not only stopped going to Medshape on a regular basis (for various reasons), but also stopped being so strict with what he ate. That was when the "fall off the wagon" began. It continued through the holiday season and, well you know how that goes with traveling and family dinners, etc.
After NYE's he kept saying "I need to get back on the diet." And for weeks we played that game. He would eat really good for a week or two and then not so good for a week or two. It just seemed like there was always something that kept him from starting again and fully committing himself.
We have always been a part of a gym on and off over the years, so we decided to join Lifetime Fitness in mid-February. I wanted to tone up and lose a few pounds before my cousins wedding I was in at the beginning of April and Wayne wanted to try and work out a little bit. For him it was easier said than done with his stomach hernia. He had the hernia for 3 years and it was progressively getting more and more painful each day. He had finally become full time at his job in February and got medical insurance, so we planned on getting it fixed ASAP.
In mid-April he finally had hernia surgery. THANK GOD. It was a long time coming and we were both so excited to move on from it. He was told by the Dr. to take the next month easy and let it heal.
In mid-May he was approached by the radio station to do a different endorsement for a weight loss program through Bouari Clinic in Eden Prairie. He knew right away he wanted to do it. I went with him to his initial meeting and straight up told them that "weight loss" isn't just a physical issue, it's also a mental and emotional one and I felt that in the past he was almost "bullied" into losing weight and I didn't like that. They were so understanding and supportive, so we both immediately felt at ease and got all signed up.
He also decided to join a boxing gym after trying it just one time. He was HOOKED and I told him "whatever gets you motivated to work out, I'm all for it."
So here we were with his new opportunities and with summer just around the corner, we were very excited to get going.
Stay tuned for Part 2 on details of his new lifestyle changes and progress made.
Good job Wayne! Can't wait to wait the progress! Keep up the can do it!
pretty awesome!
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