Thursday, April 10, 2014

32 Things {04.10.2014}

32 Things {04.10.2014}
Thursday, April 10, 2014
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I saw this on a few other people's blogs last week and thought it would be fun to join in.

These are 32 Things That Make Me Happy!

In no particular order (except 1 and 2):

(1) Hailey. Of course. Duh. And Wayne. And my puppies. That's like 6 right there, but I will just group my family all into one. Otherwise they would seriously take up this entire list. I love my family.

(2) Friends. I love my peeps. No not the Easter peeps. Gross.

(3) Getting a pedicure. Seriously. Nothing is better.

(4) Having down-time at work. Although I love my job and my boss, I just hate it when I am so busy during the day with no time for anything else.

(5) Fun mail days. Anything besides stupid bills or junk mail.

(6) Birthdays, holidays, gatherings, parties. I love getting together with people.

(7) Gifts. My birthday WAS yesterday. Hello? Who doesn't like gifts?

(8) Shopping. Although I gave it up for lent. But I do have to say I am doing so good. Haven't bought one thing!

(9) Chocolate. Pretty much anything chocolate related I will love.

(10) Big Bowl. That restaurant is my FAVE! Oh and Crave, too!

(11) Summertime and sunshine. More specifically driving in the car with the windows down, wind blowin and music blaring.

(12) Country music. I am in love with it all lately. Especially #Bluke.

(13) Watching TV. My favorite past-time.

(14) My bed. And sleeping in. I don't get to do it very often, but when I do. It's just lovely.

(15) Frozen. I just love this movie and I am so glad that Hailey is at the perfect age where she loves it, too!  I like other children's movies, too. That one is just in high demand right now in our household.

(16) My blog. This little space makes me happy and is my outlet.

(17) The people I've met through blogging. I never thought this little old blog would have led me to such an amazing group of people!

(18) Social Media. Especially Instagram.

(19) Taking pictures. I have loved it since I was a teenager.

(20) Concerts with friends. Nothing better than live music.

(21) My favorite Zumba class and working out in general. It just makes me feel better.

(22) A nice hot shower.

(23) A good glass of wine! The sweeter the better.

(24) One on one time with the Husband. Hasn't happened as of late, but I love it when it does.

(25) The MN State Fair. No explanation needed.

(26) Butter and salted popcorn.

(27) Payday!

(28) A good pair of jeans. Whether it be regular jeans or a pair of jean capris or jean shorts. It's hard to find a pair that fits just right and when you do it's just the best.

(29) Lazy days at home in my PJ's all day.

(30) A caramel cooler from Caribou.

(31) Reading blogs. I've been trying to get better about reading and commenting on blogs lately.

(32) My readers of this blog who take the time to comment or send me an email. Thank you to everyone!

What are some things that make you happy?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me + YOU! {04.09.2014}

Happy Birthday to Me + YOU! {04.09.2014}
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
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Happy Hump Day!

Today is my birthday. I turn 31. I'm not shy to say it.

I also wanted to share it with you all, so please enter the giveaway below!

Weekend Highlights 04.04 ---> 04.06.2014

Weekend Highlights 04.04 ---> 04.06.2014

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Happy Tuesday friends. I hope this week is treating you well so far.

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Friday, was my sister, Amie's 17th Birthday. Our tradition is the birthday person gets to pick where we eat. She had never been to The Olive Garden, so that's where we went. I LOVE everything about it! The breadsticks, the salad, the soups, the pastas and even the deserts are fabulous!! It was a great dinner out with the family! And I will give you one guess as to what Hailey is watching on the iPad. #frozen

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Saturday morning I went to the gym. By myself. I can't remember the last time I did that on a Saturday morning. It was nice not to have to rush Hailey to the daycare and make it to the my busy Zumba class. Also, it was actually sunny out, which was a big plus from the big snow storm the day before.

I had two birthday parties that night. We went out to dinner to Urban Eatery for Falen's 30th birthday. I had never been there before. The food and company was great as always! Happy Birthday Falen!

After dinner, I went with my parents to my 2nd Mom's birthday party. Shelly was turning 50 and she shares her birthday with her daughter, Allison, who was turning 25. If you were going to support Shelly you were supposed to wear gold and if you were there to support Allison you were supposed to wear silver. Well,  I don't have much gold and really I was going for both of them. This is what I came up with:

Skinnies, gold toed shoes, gold necklace with a black tee and my aztec sweater. I have known them basically my whole life and Shelly has always been there for me and my family through the years. It was a fun night of dancing, singing karaoke (not me, but fun to watch), and free booze/food. Can't beat that! Love you Shelly!

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Since Gramma moved in with us last week, there have been a few boxes that I needed to unpack and put away. So I did some spring cleaning. There is lots more to be done, but I love it. When I get in a mood, watch out!

We went and visited a family friend that is dying of cancer and staying at the VA Hospital in Minneapolis. It was a Sunday afternoon, so not very busy, but still so humbling at the same time. Everyone that saw Hailey was so nice and warm and friendly. It was like they had never seen a kid before. I forget that not everyone at the hospital is old. There was a young man in a wheelchair that was completely paralyzed and what seemed like his Mom had come to have lunch with him. All I kept thinking was that he had volunteered to serve our country and now he was completely paralyzed. He didn't look any older than me. I also saw a few other younger guys. It really reminds you of the sacrifices women and men make for our county and just because they are here in the United States and "home" doesn't mean they are OK or don't continue to have struggles. Whatever they may be. Just a quick reminder for everyone out there to pray for all who serve.

Later in the afternoon I sanded down this desk a bit and gave it one coat of paint. The desk came from Gramma's. She paid $55 for it from a consignment shop and so I swooped it up thinking right away of how I would re-do it. It's not huge, but will do the trick for now. Hopefully I will be able to finish it this week and share with you the after pics. I haven't had an "office" type area in this house and I am itching to have my own space to set-up. This will be a project in the works for a bit.

I topped off the weekend by watching the American Country Music Awards with Gramma and Hailey. I love me some BLUKE. If you don't know what that means then you are seriously missing out. Blake Shelton and Luke Bryan hosted again this year. I didn't watch it last year, as I wasn't much into country music then. This year is a completely different story. I couldn't get enough and turned up the music and sang along. Hailey, too! I loved that everyone was singing along with Darius Rucker and Lady Antebellum to Wagon Wheel. I just really love that song.

Also, how hott did they look together?


Did anyone else watch it? What was your favorite performance?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Make-Up Palette's I Want for Spring 2014

Make-Up Palette's I Want for Spring 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
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I wanted to share with you a few palette's that I have been eyeing up lately. I've mentioned before in a few posts that I have been getting more and more into make-up and I am hoping to show more of that part of my life.

My birthday just so happens to be this week. {Hint Hint}

I am so ashamed to admit that I do not own ANY of the Naked palette's. {Gasp} These are 3 brands and specific palette's that I hope to add to my make-up collection at some point in the future.

Palette's I Need

Friday, April 4, 2014

Five on Friday {04.04.2014}

Five on Friday {04.04.2014}
Friday, April 4, 2014
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Happy Friday Friends! I am so excited for this week to be done. It's been too long.

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First off, I just wanna say Happy 17th Birthday to my sister, Amie. She is so good with Hailey and I couldn't have asked for a better Auntie and Godmother for Hailey. I am so proud of the young woman she has become. I know she will be a great role model for Hailey as she gets older. I love you!!

{Kate, Hailey & Amie}

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Did you see me over on Mama and Mou on Wednesday. Go take a look.

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Do you see this? 4-6 inches yesterday and another 1-2 today. I call BS Mother Nature! Grrr. But hopefully it doesn't stick around cause it's gonna be damn near 60 degrees on Monday! Yay!

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After a week of not working out or being able to get to the gym, I was back at it this last Wednesday. It felt so good to sweat and get moving.

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We celebrated Green Gramma's Birthday on Wednesday. Look at this adorable puppy cake my MIL got. So cute!

That's all I got this week! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Happy Birthday: Green Gramma {04.02.2014}

Happy Birthday: Green Gramma {04.02.2014}
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
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What can I say about this lady other than I love her to the moon and back! In the almost 11 years that I have been with my Husband, we have been through so much together. She has always been there as someone I can talk to and definitely laugh with! I have road-tripped and vacationed with her more than any other person on this planet (including my Husband), which says a lot. As you can see below, we like to take selfies!!

I love you so much Green Gramma and Happy 74th Birthday!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 2014 Goals

April 2014 Goals
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
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Here are my Goals for April 2014!

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Meal Planning.

I have started a wee bit, but I really need to start kicking it into high gear and get organized. 
I always start and make some progress and then fall off the bandwagon and let it go.

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Stay on top of dishwasher/dishes.

I've gotten so much better about this chore these last couple months, but I need to continue to stick with it and not let it go for more than 2 days. 
This is my most hated chore and my Husband knows this!

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30 minutes a day.

Set a goal of at least 30 minutes when I get home to get Hailey and I settled, dogs fed and settled, dinner started and other little miscellaneous chores around the house (i.e. dishes), before I get distracted by TV and social media.

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Gym time at least 3 times a week.

I've been so good about this the last couple months and got into such a routine. 
I wrote HERE about my favorite Zumba instructor cancelling one of her weekly classes (HUGE BUMMER), but do need to find something new in April to fill that void. 
I've been wanting to try Yoga, but a very beginner yoga since I have never done it. 
Does anyone have any DVD recommendations?

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Jillian Michaels DVD.

I bought the 6 week Six-Pack abs video last year and had such high hopes. 
Truth is, I haven't touched it.
I wanna change that.

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Drink water.

I've gotten a lot better with this, and have pretty much given up all pop (GASP!) and MOST coffee, but once again I need to kick it into high gear.

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Lunch to work.

This is a huge one for me. 
I am not a huge leftover type person, but I am trying to change that. 
It's definitely a work in progress.

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Upstairs loft area.

Organize this area of the house. 
It's kind of our catch all place. 
We put things up there and then totally forget about it.
I've been wanting to do this for awhile now, so no time like the present.

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More fruits and veggies.

I have been such a slacker lately on eating my good foods (especially veggies) but, I want and NEED to change that.

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Stay sane.

If you read THIS blog post, you will know why this is a goal for me this month.

What are your goals for the month?

Come connect with me:

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