Thursday, July 9, 2015

Mini D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 30 - 31}

Mini D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 30 - 31}
Thursday, July 9, 2015
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Monday, May 11, 2015
(30 weeks)

This is our first full week living in Las Vegas. We are getting used to the HEAT, unpacking the house, exploring the neighborhood a bit, and finding out the our go to locations for gas, groceries, etc.

We went to a music festival called Rock 'n' Rio (more to come on that). I had to stand quite a bit, which was super uncomfortable, but I made it through and sat down for a bit every once in awhile on the ground. My back started hurting from standing in one place, but I didn't want to leave! It was so fun with some new friends and we got to see Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift.

Monday, May 18, 2015
(31 weeks)

This is pretty much what my wardrobe consists of because of the heat...a maxi dress or shorts/tank top with sandals. P.S. It's hot here in Vegas.

I finally found a Dr. after many stressful phone calls. Yay! Now I just have to pick the hospital we want to deliver at our of our 4 options. I am excited to go tour and see our options.


Maternity Clothes: Yes. And the less clothing I have on the better thanks to the Vegas heat.

Sleep: Some nights are better than others, but overall I'm sleeping well. 

Best Moment of the Week: Celebrating Mother's Day with my favorites. We went to Buddy V's restaurant in the Venetian hotel on the strip. It was delicious!

I also had tons of fun at Rock 'n' Rio with the Hubby and new friends.

Movement: Yes! Everyday.

Food Craving: Nothing specific, but we have been loving having a Krispy Kreme close.

Food Aversions: Sometimes I smell things that don't agree with me, but not too often.

Morning Sickness: None. I'm still feeling pretty good even with the adjustment to the heat.

Gender: We found out on 3/9 that we are having a BOY!

Symptoms: Nothing too outrageous. Just getting bigger and definitely waddling. My belly button has been flat for awhile. I have a feeling I will have an outie in no time. I also think I will be taking my wedding ring off sooner than later. Even though I haven't put on as much weight as I did with Hailey, I am feeling bigger, but I think it's just because of how low he is. I've been told that from behind I don't look pregnant, so I guess that's one good thing, right?

What I miss: Being able to bend over. Not being out of breath after walking, especially up the stairs in our house. That's definitely been an adjustment. Just being comfortable in general.

What I'm looking forward to: Unpacking and NESTING!!! I haven't really been able to nest or buy anything thus far because of the move. It did feel REALLY good to go through stuff and PURGE, but now I get to organize and nest. Thankfully we do have a lot of the bigger stuff from Hailey, so that's good. We won't have to buy too much of the big stuff, just more smaller things. Continuing to unpack and organize the house. Exploring our new city and surroundings.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

TV Lately

TV Lately
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
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These are some of the shows on TV this summer that I have been watching so far. 

Mistresses - Season 3

I have watched this show from the start and still love this show just as much. I am not sure what happened to Alyssa Milano this year, but the addition of Jennifer Esposito has been great. 

This is a 10 episode show. There is not a lot of TV options during the summer, so when something special comes on or starts up, I try and tune in. I love old timey shows like Pan Em, etc, so I knew I wanted to watch this.

Of course, I am watching the Bachelorette with Kaitlyn. Even though she has been my least favorite woman to do the show, I am still watching. I don't like Nick, I don't like that she went "too far" with him and I can't stand to hear her laugh.

Wayne and I have been watching this show and are hooked. It's very different and can be frustrating at times to follow because it's so "different."  But I think that's the lure of it. It's a cross between a mystery and sci-fi.

The new season just started last night. This is one of those stupid guilty pleasures, but I love it and because my Husband watches wrestling, I got into this show. Hailey watches this with me. She LOVES Nikki Bella and has her own Diva belt now. 

I know, another wrestling show. I watch this one with my Hubby, too. I actually really love this show, although Stone Cold Steve Austin WAS the host and now they have changed it up a bit as far as the host and judges, so it's different, but we still watch.

And of course I have to watch my fave show in the summer! They have different judges this year and a twist.

They basically have two teams. Stage vs. Street with these two alums, Travis and Twitch, leading the teams.

The judges this year have changed, which I have been loving so far. They added Paula and Jason Derulo, who have both guest judged in the past, but I like the dynamic so far and excited to see the rest of the season.

That's it for now. I've been watching some more things on Netflix and will continue to update on those as well.

Happy Hump Day friends!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mini D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 28 - 29}

Mini D's 3rd Trimester {Weeks 28 - 29}
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
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Monday, April 27, 2015
(28 weeks)

We are officially into the 3rd trimester!!!

This is my last week of work and our last full week in Minnesota before the big move.

Hailey had her last dance practice before the recital this weekend. I plan on doing a re-cap on that soon.

Monday, May 4, 2015
(29 weeks)

The only picture I got of the belly this week was a family picture that we used a timer for. It was before Wayne left to go back to Vegas and it was a couple days before we left on our road trip.

This week was quite the adventure with us road tripping for 3 days and MOVING to Las Vegas. I will be doing a full re-cap of that on the blog hopefully soon!


Maternity Clothes: Yes.

Sleep: Some nights are better than others, but overall I'm sleeping well.

Best Moment of the Week: My Hubby coming home and surprising me a couple days early from Vegas to help with last minute packing of the house, etc. I missed him so much just after 3 weeks.

Also, spending last minute time with friends and family before heading out.

Movement: Yes! Everyday.

Food Craving: Nothing specific.

Food Aversions: Sometimes I smell things that don't agree with me, but not too often.

Morning Sickness: None. I still feel pretty good. We'll see what the rest of the 3rd trimester has to offer.

Gender: We found out on 3/9 that we are having a BOY!

Symptoms: Nothing too outrageous. Mostly just uncomfortable.

What I miss: Being able to bend over. Not being out of breath after walking. Just being comfortable in general.

What I'm looking forward to: Getting through the road trip to Vegas being in my 3rd trimester. Seeing our rental house in person for the first time. Our belongings arriving at the new house, unpacking and getting settled in. 

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