Monday, April 14, 2014

Beauty Box 5 {January 2014}

Beauty Box 5 {January 2014}
Monday, April 14, 2014
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The Details: Beauty Box 5 is $12 a month ($10/month if you do it in 3 month increments) (which is what I did) and the thing I like about it, is that you are always guaranteed 5 products. No matter what.

Brand: H20 Plus
Product: Spa Sea Lotus Body Wash
Retail: $17.00

This was a travel size. I loved the smell of this body wash so much. It worked really well, too. I could see myself actually buying a full size version.

Brand: Nubar
Product: Cuticle & Nail Oil
Retail: $10.00

This was a full size bottle (although small), it will last a long time. It also works really well, too.

Brand: Swissco
Product: Bath & Shower Exfoliating Gloves
Retail: $5.00

This was my favorite product from the box. I only use them about once or twice a week because I feel like that is all I need, but I definitely love these.

Brand: Jergens
Product: Daily Moisturizer
Retail: $6.99

I loved that I got a little lotion. Who cannot use another travel sized lotion. I keep it in my purse and it's perfect.

Brand: Epic Blend
Product: Hemp Coconut Lip Balm
Retail: $3.39

The was another favorite product. It smells so good and glides on so well. I just love this and still use it.

Bonus Product: That Awkward Moment - Mirror Compact

I actually keep this little compact mirror in my drawer at work. It's nice to have close by if I need to check my teeth to make sure nothing is in them.

I got 3 full size products (cuticle oil, gloves & the lip balm), and two trial size products (body wash & lotion). I have used them all and will continue to use what I can. I am still loving BB5!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Five on Friday {04.11.2014}

Five on Friday {04.11.2014}
Friday, April 11, 2014
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Happy Friday all. Well, what a week it has been. Here are 5 things from my week.

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Our laundry room flooded yesterday. Gramma called me in a panic. Wayne called the owner (we rent) and he said that had happened to them a couple times when they lived there. A plumber comes out, snakes it, and then it is good to go. No biggie, but nerve-racking and irritating all at the same. Just threw my Thursday and today for a loop as the plumber couldn't get there until this morning between 9-11. No showering and minimal water use for us. So not cool.

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I got these back from Hailey's school.So expensive, but how can I say no? I can't. Plain and simple.

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If you haven't entered my birthday giveaway, I encourage you to do so. I had a great birthday on Wednesday.  We went to dinner at Crave. It was wonderful as always. I always get the same thing...a Crunchy Roll and salmon salad. We also got the Smore Brownie dessert. OMG! So good! I have a friend lunch on Saturday and then my family dinner on Sunday.

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I am so loving the warmer weather we are having up here in Minnesota. I love not wearing my boots anymore and sometimes not even a jacket! Woohoo!! Now let's keep it this way Mother Nature!

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As of today I have 9 days left of my "No Shopping" lent comittment. I am happy to report I have not bought ANYTHING!! Go me! Obviously, I still have 9 days to go with a wedding and a baby shower thrown in there, but I am determined to find something already in my closet to wear. Let's hope!

How was your week? Anything fun planned for the weekend?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

32 Things {04.10.2014}

32 Things {04.10.2014}
Thursday, April 10, 2014
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I saw this on a few other people's blogs last week and thought it would be fun to join in.

These are 32 Things That Make Me Happy!

In no particular order (except 1 and 2):

(1) Hailey. Of course. Duh. And Wayne. And my puppies. That's like 6 right there, but I will just group my family all into one. Otherwise they would seriously take up this entire list. I love my family.

(2) Friends. I love my peeps. No not the Easter peeps. Gross.

(3) Getting a pedicure. Seriously. Nothing is better.

(4) Having down-time at work. Although I love my job and my boss, I just hate it when I am so busy during the day with no time for anything else.

(5) Fun mail days. Anything besides stupid bills or junk mail.

(6) Birthdays, holidays, gatherings, parties. I love getting together with people.

(7) Gifts. My birthday WAS yesterday. Hello? Who doesn't like gifts?

(8) Shopping. Although I gave it up for lent. But I do have to say I am doing so good. Haven't bought one thing!

(9) Chocolate. Pretty much anything chocolate related I will love.

(10) Big Bowl. That restaurant is my FAVE! Oh and Crave, too!

(11) Summertime and sunshine. More specifically driving in the car with the windows down, wind blowin and music blaring.

(12) Country music. I am in love with it all lately. Especially #Bluke.

(13) Watching TV. My favorite past-time.

(14) My bed. And sleeping in. I don't get to do it very often, but when I do. It's just lovely.

(15) Frozen. I just love this movie and I am so glad that Hailey is at the perfect age where she loves it, too!  I like other children's movies, too. That one is just in high demand right now in our household.

(16) My blog. This little space makes me happy and is my outlet.

(17) The people I've met through blogging. I never thought this little old blog would have led me to such an amazing group of people!

(18) Social Media. Especially Instagram.

(19) Taking pictures. I have loved it since I was a teenager.

(20) Concerts with friends. Nothing better than live music.

(21) My favorite Zumba class and working out in general. It just makes me feel better.

(22) A nice hot shower.

(23) A good glass of wine! The sweeter the better.

(24) One on one time with the Husband. Hasn't happened as of late, but I love it when it does.

(25) The MN State Fair. No explanation needed.

(26) Butter and salted popcorn.

(27) Payday!

(28) A good pair of jeans. Whether it be regular jeans or a pair of jean capris or jean shorts. It's hard to find a pair that fits just right and when you do it's just the best.

(29) Lazy days at home in my PJ's all day.

(30) A caramel cooler from Caribou.

(31) Reading blogs. I've been trying to get better about reading and commenting on blogs lately.

(32) My readers of this blog who take the time to comment or send me an email. Thank you to everyone!

What are some things that make you happy?

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