Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weekend Highlights: March 21 - 23, 2014

Weekend Highlights: March 21 - 23, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
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Happy Tuesday Friends!

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Friday night was low-key. Wayne was supposed to have the night off, but ended up staying later at work than planned. Always a bummer. I made spaghetti and Hailey insisted on eating it like her Father.

Do you see what she's doing there? We tried a new ice cream treat for a bedtime snack. Ice cream is hands down Hailey's favorite snack/treat, so she is not so picky on flavors. I usually am not either, but this kind was not very appealing to me. It had a weird taste to it. Totally not what I was expecting.

Of course, Hailey scarfed it down with no hesitation. The dogs thought for sure she was going to share.

And yes, that is her portable little potty, that we no longer use. She uses it as a stool now and it's completely clean. No worries!

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I did my normal 75 minute Zumba class. As you can see I totally rocked it. 1,028 calories burned.

The rest of the day was spent being lazy and catching up on TV. Hailey had a massive meltdown on the way home from the gym. Basically, she said she had to go potty and couldn't wait until we got home. She was holding herself, which she normally never does. So I pull into the closest thing, which was Leeann Chin and take her in to go potty. Well, when we were done, she didn't want to leave. She wanted to eat there. I said no, because I already had it in my head that we were having pizza for lunch, so she proceeded to cry the entire way home (about 10-15 minutes). I took this to send to Wayne and my Mom. This was us parked in our garage. Kids I tell ya.

I did a few "spring cleaning" projects around the house and then made a mental note of about 556 more projects that need to be done. Haha. Isn't that the way it always goes? Wayne's little brother stopped by for a little bit in the evening, so it was nice to catch up with him for a bit.

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The only thing I had planned for Sunday was Falen's bridal shower. I don't want to share too many specifics, but her fiance's aunt threw it for her.

{Katie, Me, Leslie, Falen, Tina}

A couple of quick tidbits about the afternoon.

(1) They have a beautiful house. Absolutely gorgeous;
(2) The food was so delicious I went back for seconds. P.S. I was NOT the only one;
(3) The company was equally fabulous as always; and
(4) She got so much great stuff. I made a mental note of AT LEAST two things I need to upgrade in my kitchen.

After 7 1/2 years of marriage, I think I am entitled to a few upgrades, right?
Overall it was a great shower! 

The icing on the cake was that my Flash drive was fixed by one of my BFF's little brother. I wrote about it HERE. Yup, I sent it off, he soldered it back together and we met at my parents house to do the exchange. Hallelujah!! My world is now complete and no more in a state of limbo. I have all my pictures, documents and planned blog posts back. I have properly backed everything up in multiple places and will do so on at least a weekly basis, sometimes daily with certain things.

Anyways, that about wraps it up. How was your weekend?

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Five on Friday {03.21.2014}

Five on Friday {03.21.2014}
Friday, March 21, 2014
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Happy Friday! Linking up with the girls above.

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First off, my life has been turned a little upside down for the last couple weeks. My main flash drive broke and I have been heartbroken and lost without it. It had pretty much everything on it. Yes, I did back it up, but not for a couple months or so. So while I can retrieve most of the stuff on it, there were several projects and blog posts I was working on more recently that are now lost for the moment. My friends little brother is going to try and solder it back together for me. If he can at least get it to the point of me getting everything off of it, I will be so indebted to him!!! I'm hoping to get it back early next week. We'll see. If not. I will just have to move on. Please say a prayer. :)

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I just had to share this picture that my Husband posted about his weight loss yesterday for #TBT. The picture on the left is from November 2011. He was the best man in a friends wedding. The picture on the right is him from just this past Tuesday with Demi Lavato. Can you say crazy?! I am so proud of him and his progress so far. He wants to keep going, which I completely support. I know you will get there honey. I love you!

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I found out last night, that my favorite Zumba instructor, Mollie, is cancelling her Thursday night class. It may seem trivial, but in my world it's huge. She's my absolute FAVORITE! She says she wants to change things up for the spring. I know she needs her time and she can do what she wants, and I respect that. She has 3 kids and a family, but I am SUPER bummed about it. I am grateful that she will still have her Wednesday and Saturday classes, and she does teach a few other things (nothing else fits into my schedule right now), but that Thursday night class was my trifecta. It completed my cardio for the week (3x week). I am not sure if I will be able to find something to fill that void. Dramatic, I know. It may sound weird, but Mollie is one of a kind. And I have actually made a few friends from the gym because of her and her class. That's a huge thing in itself. To feel like you actually belong in a gym? We all agree that it's sort of a cult following. Mollie is one of a kind, and I don't think she really realizes how influential she is. I'm hoping it's not a permanent thing and maybe she just really needs to take a break. We'll see. I was in such a good routine with my weekly work-outs, now I will have to re-evaluate. I was literally just working on a gym routine post and going to share it next week. We'll have to see.

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I know it's only been 2 weeks since I wrote this post about Lent. But I have not bought ANYTHING so far and am sticking strong to it. Granted I have several more fun things planned within the next few weeks, but I am confident I can find things in my closet and drawers to drag out of hiding. It's not as hard as what I thought it would be. I just can't look at my emails with all the "deals." Have you ever done a wardrobe freeze?

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And lastly, is anyone else as obsessed with Frozen as I am? It's not just my kid, but me AND my Husband, too. We watch it in the mornings before school/work and every evening so far this week.

Oh ya know. Just Hailey sitting on the coffee table eating breakfast, watching Frozen.

Is it sad that we have the soundtrack, too? I put it in my iTunes immediately and uploaded it onto my iPod. Now I can have it with me wherever I go. It's so addicting. #don'tjudge

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Any fun plans?

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Weekend Highlights: March 14 - 16, 2014

Weekend Highlights: March 14 - 16, 2014
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
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Happy Tuesday Friends.

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Friday night consisted of going out to dinner with my little lady and running errands for the Bachelorette Party I was co-hosting the next evening.

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Saturday morning I went to the gym like normal. I had to get a good work-out in cause I knew I would be eating and drinking a lot later on that night.

I dropped Hailey off at my parents house for her over-night sleepover and ran a few more errands. Our friend Katie left her car at my house and then we headed down to Lauren's to help set up. This is a basic re-cap of the night.

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We had to go get Hailey from my parents house and then Tony, one of our pups, got a haircut. We also decided on a treat in the afternoon from DQ. He also got a pup cup. Hailey had such a fun time feeding him.

It was honestly one of the best weekends I have had in such a long time. I actually got to see some of my friends and hang out with my Husband for a bit and spend some quality time with him and we had great family time the rest of the day.

Hop you all are having a great week so far!

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