Friday, February 7, 2014

Five on Friday {02.07.2014}

Five on Friday {02.07.2014}
Friday, February 7, 2014
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Happy Friday friends!

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Linking up with Darci and friends for 5 on Friday!

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I've been meaning to blog every day this week, but just can't seem to focus. It's cold again here this week and it just really sucks. All it makes me want to do when I get home from work is snuggle under a blanket (or in bed) and cuddle with my girl.

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I giggle at all the peeps down in TX, because it's "cold" down there (19 degrees) and "snowing." Ha! If they only knew!!

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A couple weekends ago I invested in a humidifier. The air has been so harsh up here this winter with it being so cold all the time. This sits on Hailey's nightstand, I make sure it's filled up every night before bed (usually it needs it every other night), and it runs all night in her room.

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Let me tell you how awesome it has been. I originally got it because I could tell Hailey had a croup cough starting after we got a notice about it at her school. I did some research and they said to get a cool humidifier, not one of those hot vapor ones. So that's what I did. I paid $26 for this bad boy at Wallymarts, mostly just to see if it would work and it's been perfect. If I want it can be "portable," which means I can put it in the living room or where ever we are hanging out in the house. Her cough loosened up over night. She went a couple days with a regular cough/runny nose and then has been good since then. No trip to the Dr or anything. That's a win in my book.

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I got my purse that I mentioned in this post.

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I love everything about it and now am a huge MK fan. Why did I wait so long?

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Sorry Coach.

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So this happened last night.

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I know EVERY Mom says this, but it's so true. I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE A CHILD OLD ENOUGH FOR THIS. Gah. She won't officially move over into that particular class room until June, but she's already spent a few days in there because she's one of the older ones in her classroom right now. Brain. Exploding.

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My Husband posted this on my Facebook wall. He thought he was SO funny. And he is. Why am I the only one she does this to?

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I thought it was hilarious, too, I have to admit and so true. This is Hailey to a T and reminds me of the Family Guy episoide where Stewie is badgering Lois...

Can anybody else relate? I sure can!

How has your week been? Let me know!

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Monday, February 3, 2014

3 Tips for the Instagram User

3 Tips for the Instagram User
Monday, February 3, 2014
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When I pull up a new account that I am thinking of following, I try and give them the benefit of the doubt. I try and not judge an account by it's pictures, even though sometimes it can be hard.  Here are my 3 very simple guidelines when following or unfollowing an Instagram account.

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Visual Portfolio of Your Life.

I want to see a life. Not just things or products or food, but people, too. Actual people doing actual things. Of course I like seeing those products or food items, etc., but I also like seeing that there is an actual person (or family) behind the account that I can connect with and not just a robot. Which brings me to my second point.

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One of the things I like most about Instagram is the connection with other people. I like looking at a moment in their day, week, or life and either learning something FROM them or relating TO them somehow. I like when people comment on my pictures (obviously), but I like it even more when I comment on other people's pictures and actually get some sort of response from them. Even if it's a simple "Thanks." A small acknowledgment goes a long way and it helps me strengthen not only blogger relationships, but real life relationships as well. 

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Make it Inviting.

This one is a two in one. This not only relates to the pictures in the feed itself, but your account as a whole. If that makes any sense. By no means do the pictures have to be fancy (you all know mine are not), but I guess what I'm trying to say is also be vulnerable. It's not about making just the pictures somewhat appealing to look at visually, but being honest, genuine and open with your life as a whole.

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Pretty simple, right? Now go Instagram!!

You can find me @MrsMamaD

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What I Listened to Wednesday {Keith Urban}

What I Listened to Wednesday {Keith Urban}
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
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This is Keith Urban's newest song and video for "Cop Car"

I think there is just something so electric about him when he is playing the guitar and signing into the microphone. I love it and him!
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