Friday, September 27, 2013

Five on Friday {09.27.2013}

Five on Friday {09.27.2013}
Friday, September 27, 2013
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Linking up with Darci again for 5 on Friday.

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I've felt so MIA from this little blog of mine the last couple weeks. I was on such a roll of having at least one post a day (Monday through Friday) and then life just got me. Work has been busy, which is good, but it doesn't leave me much time to read, write or catch up on anything else during the day. Secondly Wayne had a schedule change at work, so he was home last Friday evening and then Monday through Wednesday evening of this week. He went back to his regular schedule yesterday.

It was glorious to have him home in the evening. He picked up Hailey from school, while I went home and made dinner. We ate dinner together, had some family time, he spent time with Hailey and pretty much did bedtime routine. I had a little time to myself, but of course, what did I do? I watched new TV this week. Read: TV JUNKIE

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Another thing I have been spending some time on this past week is my photography business. Although it's a part-time side business, it's still something I take pride in. It's a passion I have. I just signed a new wedding couple for next August, which I am SO excited about. I also realized in working with them on hammering out details, I have a June 2014 wedding that I need to contact and get moving on as well. Also, I desperately need to update my website with pictures, so I have been organizing that project as well. As if I don't have enough going on. I always just upload and share on FB, but I NEED to update my website as well.

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I found these at the grocery store this week.

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When did they come out? Seriously. Chips are my weakness. Especially BBQ. Especially Sunchips.

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I got my flu shot yesterday. I hate needles. Hate. You would think after having a baby I would be cool with it all. Nope. Still hate them. My arm still hurts. #wimp

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Speaking of being a wimp. I wrote about my new fitness commitment yesterday. You can read about how my Husband laughed in my face HERE. I've decided to give it 100% for the month of October. I can do that right? One month? Anyone can do anything for one month. I'll try and do a few re-caps throughout the month. We'll see where I'm at with it at the end of October. Thank you to everyone who commented or sent me an email or message with such kind words of encouragement. I truly appreciate it.

Cheers to the weekend! Happy Friday everyone!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The time my Husband laughed in my face.

The time my Husband laughed in my face.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
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So, it's been busy round these parts the last couple weeks. I will go more into that tomorrow.

But for today I want to write about the time my Husband laughed in my face. Twice actually. Last night AND this morning.

I started the conversation out last night with this statement:

"So I've been thinking of working out in the morning. What if I get up at about 6 or 6:30, go work out at the gym for an hour and then come home and take a shower and get ready for work here. That way I would only be gone for about an hour or so, still get in a decent workout and then be home to help with Hailey."

His response...laughing.

You're probably reading this and thinking to yourself, what a jerk, laughing at his Wife about such a serious topic. But to be fair, he wasn't laughing AT me, he was laughing at the facts really. And to be honest I knew he would laugh at me as soon as the words left my mouth.

If you know my Husband, you KNOW he is THE MOST SUPPORTIVE AND LOVING HUSBAND EVER. If you don't know my Husband then you should just believe me when I say that.

The reason he was laughing? I'm SO NOT a morning person. Everyone knows this, especially him. He sees it everyday. He sees me in my worst grumpiness every morning. Granted some days are worse than others. It takes me awhile to actually wake up in the morning, let alone be in a somewhat cheerful mood. I can't help it. It's one of the reasons we waited 5 years after getting married to have kids. I love my sleep. What can I say?

But I need a change. I'm actually craving a change. Not big by any means, just something. I normally don't do well with change at all. I like my life as it is and my daily routine. I THRIVE on routine. But how do you know when it's a good thing or time to change the routine?

The issue now is do I love my sleep or do I love my health more? Hhmm. Tough one. If you ask me right now, of course I would say my health. Who wouldn't? If you ask me at 6:00 am as my alarm is going off, I would say EFF OFF. I want my sleep.

But then I'm going to continue to be stuck between my want to get up, get to the gym, get a good workout in and start seeing some results, or I can continue to just sleep, be lazy and get no where. SOMETHING somewhere needs to give.

See where the change is needed?

I haven't been happy with my body for awhile. My Husband knows this. I've been trying to figure out a way to fit "working out" into my schedule. My Husband knows this, too. And now that Hailey is at school full-time and not at my parents house (as of Sept 3rd), I feel like I am much more restricted. I don't want to pick her up from being at school all day just to take her to the gym for an hour or two and throw her in daycare again while I go work out. That's Mommy guilt 101. Again, my Husband knows this. I have a few workout DVD's at home that I could do, but I have NO will-power to do it at home. At least not right now. At least if I go to the gym, I know I am going to work out. It's an accountability thing.

So then this morning. I get up and he asks me..."Why didn't you get up and go to the gym this morning?" I simply reply with:

I would start in October, cause then it's a new month.
Why would I start at the end of the month? That's just plain silly.
I didn't really PLAN on starting this week.
I need a couple days to get into a game plan and get my head straight.
It's a mental thing for me.

More excuses. More laughing.

So I told him, that I am going to start next week just to prove to him that I CAN get up and get moving. I do want to make a change. I do want to be more healthy. I do want to see results. Also, I want him to not laugh at me.

I want him to be proud of me, but more importantly I want to be proud of myself.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Music Monday {Vol. 12}

Music Monday {Vol. 12}
Monday, September 23, 2013
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I've liked this song for awhile, but I've recently become obsessed with it. So much so that Hailey knows most of it by heart. I'm hoping to get a video of her singing it soon, cause it's quite adorable.

Royals by Lorde

She's from New Zealand and this is her newest single, Tennis Court.

This on is also becoming quite popular.

Team by Lorde

I'm not sure I care for either of the actual music videos (Team is audio only) as they are both quite boring, but I think she has such a unique voice and love all these songs. Her sound reminds me of Adele and I LOVE Adele.

What do you think? Happy Monday friends!

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