Friday, September 13, 2013

Five on Friday {09.13.2013}

Five on Friday {09.13.2013}
Friday, September 13, 2013
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Happy Friday Friends!!

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Our neighbors are crazy. Like whoa. Bat shit crazy. We are renting. So it's not permanent. Thank god. There are literally like 12 people that live in the house and they all have issues. Yelling. Screaming. Health issues with the elderly. It's sad really. The cops and ambulances have been there numerous times, but thankfully Wayne has an old high school friend that is on our cities police department, so when ever anything happens, he finds out from her what's going on. It's all stupid little disagreements. Nonsense really. I guess it's just more annoying for us. Anyhow, I can't wait until the spring until we can start looking at houses and hopefully get out of here. I want a house of our own,  more than anything right now, besides maybe a tropical vacation.

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I finished season 1 of Chicago Fire and it's one of those shows where you get depressed when it's over. Ugh. I can't wait for Season 2 to start in just a couple weeks. Also, the season finale of Mistresses was this last Monday. Anyone else watch that? I really like it and hope it comes back for another season. The season finale of The Newsroom is this Sunday, too. Already? This season was only 9 episodes. I'm so not ready for it to be done and I feel like they have a ton of wrapping up loose ends to do. We'll see.

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I've been obsessed with Peanut Buster Parfaits from DQ. That's all I ever get. Do you get the same thing every time or change it up? It's nearing the end of good ole summer here in Minny and I think I'm trying to hold onto anything I can.

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Love THIS post about being a mother. Go read it and tell me what you think. I happen to think it's spot on.

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I got this Nivea lip balm this week. It smells so good and has a shimmery tint to it. I love it to give my lips quick moisture and color at the same time.

Linking up with Darci for Five on Friday.

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How was your week friends?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bloggy Boot Camp {2013}

Bloggy Boot Camp {2013}
Thursday, September 12, 2013
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One month from today is Bloggy Boot Camp!

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Who is going? I know of a couple people that are going, but if you are on the fence about going, I have one word...Go!

You can be a newbie with me. I'm gonna be a conference blog first timer, too, so have no fear! We can brave the conference together. You won't be alone. Like I said, I am so excited to attend my first blog conference. If nothing else comes from this weekend (other than just attending, the free food and free wine, HOLLA!), I will be quite all right with that. BUT, I don't think that will happen.

Here are my goals for this blog conference:

1. Just Go. Be open to everything. The People. The events. The speakers. The overall experience of it all.
2. Take lots of notes and try and apply them to my life/blog.
3. Network. READ: Make friends and connections.
5. Have fun. What more could I want than that?!

Watch this 2 min video and tell me you don't want to join.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Sunshine Award (2013)

The Sunshine Award (2013)
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
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So instead of a depressing 9/11 post with pictures, videos, etc., I decided to keep it positive and complete my Sunshine Award. We are never going to forget what happened on 9/11 and no amount of pictures, etc. will make me feel any better about it. Plus, it's all we see online or on the news. So that's that. All I can say is God Bless America.

I was so honored when I read that Kayla from Kayla Layla nominated me for a Sunshine Award! As I said in THIS POST, I just can't get enough of her.

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A Sunshine Award is given to bloggers whose posts brighten your day.

Here are the rules:

1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog (above).

2. Link to the person who nominated you.

3. Answer 10 questions about yourself.

4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award.

5. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.

Here are Kayla's Questions for her nominees and my answers:

1. If you were a Real Housewife, what would your tagline be? If you don't watch it, I'll give you an example of what mine would be. "There's nothing wrong with being classy, sassy, and a bit smart ass-y!"

So I have to be honest. I have never seen an episode of any of the RH's series. Never. Ever. So I had to do a little research of what a tag-line was all about. I thought Kelly Killoren-Bensimon's line from S2 & S3 of DC fit me perfectly.

"I've created a great life and I love living it."

I don't know who Kelly is and it's a little more generic, but I could totally see myself changing my blog line to that instead of what I have now.

2. What is your favorite boy band of all time?

If you know me, you know I love ALL things Boy Band. For realz. You name em, I love them. But, if I had to pick just one, it would be The Backstreet Boys. They were the epitome of my teenage years.

3. Which member of The Brady Bunch can you most relate to?

Probably Marsha Brady. We both  have the oldest child syndrome. 

4. Will you be wearing white now that Labor Day has passed?

Yea. I'm not much of a rule follower with clothes and in Minnesota, if the weather is nice you wear it as long as you can, whether it be shorts, capris or dresses.

5. Nacho Cheese or Cooler Ranch Doritos?

I like both. Depends on my mood, but I usually prefer and have at home Nacho Cheese.

6. Describe something about yourself that you secretly love and wish others noticed more.

I don't know on this one. I have a lot of work to do on my post baby body, so it wouldn't be anything with that. The two things I normally get compliments on are my eyes and my dimple. That's pretty much it and that's totally fine by me.

7. Would you rather be deaf or blind?

Probably deaf. If I couldn't see my Hubs, Hailey, my family and friends, etc., I don't know what I would do.

8. Maury's Paternity Tests episodes or Out of Control Teens?

Both make me sad, but at least Paternity Tests is a brand newish life with potential. My heart breaks from seeing struggling people, especially teens.

9. If you could go back in time for 24 hours, where would you go and what would you do?

I would love to go back and re-live my wedding day. I know a lot of people would say their child's birth, but honestly, it was a painful couple days after she was born and although I'm so happy she is here and we are both healthy, I rather not re-live that pain of that day or time.

10. Who's sexier? Larry King or Steve Buscemi?

I would choose Steve Buscemi. I think one of his best traits is that he is funny, and that's one of my top must have traits. Also, I love him in the movie Armageddon. It's one of my all time favorite movies and I LOVE his character, Rockhound.

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The 10 bloggers that I am nominating are:

1. Sarah from Dreaming About Baby
2. Sarah from Midwest Pillowtalk
3. Jenn from Squishy Cheeks & Cupcakes
4. Kelly from Four Kids, a mini-van and a lot of love
5. Gabriella from Ramblings of a Girl
6. Katie from This is My Life
7. Jen from Wonderfully Unkempt
8. Momma B from Momma B Blog
9. Kenzie from Life According to Kenz
10. Andrea from Love Is

And the 10 questions I want them to answer are:

1. What is your favorite boy band of all time? If you are not a boy band fan, let us know why.

2. What is your favorite vacation spot?

3. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?

4. Wine, beer, or mixed drinks? What kind?

5. What's one thing you've been putting off?

6. Sweet or salty snacks? What is it?

7. If you could go back in time for 24 hours, where would you go and what would you do?

8. What is your next big goal for yourself?

9. What is your favorite app on your phone (or website if you don’t have a smartphone) BESIDES the usual social media ones (i.e. Facebook, IG, Twitter)?

10. Where is your favorite place to shop? For yourself.

I look forward to hearing from all of you lovely ladies!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Surgery Day {09.10.2013}

Surgery Day {09.10.2013}
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
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So today is surgery day for Wayne. Please say a little prayer that all goes well.

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Thanks loves!
Monday, September 9, 2013

Music Monday {Vol. 10}

Music Monday {Vol. 10}
Monday, September 9, 2013
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This week I figured I would feature Robin Thicke. Some people didn't even know who he was until Blurred Lines came out this summer. He's been around for awhile now.

Well, here is his newest single, which I'm not a huge fan of the rap parts, but I really like the chorus. That part I turn up real loud.

Give It 2 U (Explicit) by Robin Thicke feat. 2 Chainz & Kendrick Lamar

Here is an old favorite of mine. And by old, I mean 2009 ish. It is actually Leighton Meester's song feat Robin Thicke. I have LOVED this song ever since I first heard it.

Somebody To Love by Leighton Meester feat. Robin Thicke

Happy Monday friends!
Friday, September 6, 2013

Life Lately {June 2013}

Life Lately {June 2013}
Friday, September 6, 2013
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Saturday, June 1, 2013

It was my friend Katie's birthday on the 2nd, so we all decided to party it up together the night before. We met at Uptown Tavern and did dinner and drinks. A few of us played pool.

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We walked down to Bar Abilene for a while and ended up at Bar Louie to end the night. It was great fun with some of my most favorite people.

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Today was, our family friend,, Gina's graduation party. They have lived next to my parents since Gina was in diapers and I used to babysit Gina, too. It was so fun to see all her pictures and I was so honored when she asked me to take her Senior pictures as well.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

I took the day off of work and headed with my sisters and Hailey out to the Mall of America for the Big Time Rush meet & greet & performance that they were doing. Of course, those guys are SO awesome and they always remember us and Hailey. They are just some of the best artists I have ever met. They are ALWAYS nice, polite, huggy and just really down to earth.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

We celebrated Father's Day by eating lunch at Crave. The day before (on the 15th) while we were running errands, we went to Best Buy to get Wayne his Father's Day gift a/k/a an iPad Mini and guess what? We both ended up getting one. Haha!

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Aren't they just the cutest!?

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Happy Father's Day to ME!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

We had a horrible storm. There were branches/trees down and to make matters worse, the freaking power went out. Of course it had to go out while I was busy cleaning house, because why? Oh yea, Green Grandma was coming less than 2 days later. Ugh. Wayne was at work, so Hailey and I made the best of it that night. We did sleep at our house Friday night, but then headed to my parents house Saturday morning.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

We headed out to St. Paul to celebrate Dave's Belated 60th Birthday. He is the Dad of our good friend, Adam. I've mentioned him on this little blog of mine before. He has been battling cancer for about a year and a half. We had a benefit for him last June. He definitely still has his ups and downs, but he's such a fighter and is hanging in there.

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Sunday, June 23, 2013 through Sunday June 30, 2013

Green Grandma arrived to spend 2 weeks with all of us in Minnesota. Stay tuned for a separate post on this, as well as Hailey's real birthday and her party.

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