Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So Embarrassing

So Embarrassing
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Well, I haven't blogged everyday in May, that's just the way life is. BUT I still plan on completing every blog topic. So here goes...

Day 10 for Friday, May 10th: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.

I don't get embarrassed easily. I figure everyone does stupid things or makes stupid mistakes. Oh well. You pick yourself up and keep moving. But there have been a few times in my past that I have done silly things that I still get made fun of about to this day. Here are 3 of them.

1. When I was in middle school, I was riding my bike with no hands and promptly rode into a mailbox. I can't explain it. It's not like I did it on purpose. It hurt like hell! My family still makes fun of me for it.

2. When I was in high school my Mom sent me to the grocery store for a head of lettuce and I came back with cabbage. Can you tell the difference? I was young. That's the only excuse I got. Again my family still makes fun of me for this.

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3. Also in high school, my Dad was watching an NFL game and I came in and asked who was winning... South Dakota (SD) or the other team? I don't even remember what the other team was, because they pointed out to me that SD stood for San Diego and that South Dakota doesn't even have a professional football team. Once again, they still make fun of me for it.

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Have you ever done anything that your family still make fun of you for?

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Moment

A Moment
Friday, May 10, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 9 for Thursday, May 9th: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words)

This happened.

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Minnesota House of Representatives voted 75 - 59 in favor of this bill.

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I watched/listened all afternoon to the debate online.

I am so happy and hope to have Minnesota be the 12th state to adopt this law.

Now the Senate with vote on Monday, May 13th.

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Wednesday, May 8, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 8 for Wednesday, May 8th: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

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Obviously there is a time and place for everything. A time and place to be serious and a time and place to be silly. The key to life is knowing the difference.

Some people are just way too uptight. Slow down. Relax. Take a minute to breath and look around you and enjoy the scenery. Sometimes you need to enjoy life as it happens. In this day in age with all the technology at our fingertips and the internets, we can lose time with the real world. I know I'm guilty of it. Sometimes I worry what I'm missing out on with Twitter or Facebook or whatever it may be in that moment, but then I look at what I have...my Husband, my daughter, my family, my friends, my health, a roof over my head, food in my belly and a car to take me places.

And when it comes down to it, what else is there?
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5 Fears

5 Fears
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 7 for Tuesday, May 7th: The thing(s) you're most afraid of.

1. Death/Dying. I know it's cliche, but I am afraid of death and dying any way you want to look at it. I'm afraid of ME not being here on earth for my loved ones and I'm afraid of my loved ones not being here for ME.

2. Worms. Yes, I know it's silly and my Husband makes fun of me, but I hate worms. It's more of a phobia I think, but a fear, too.

3. No Air. As in like drowning. I hate that feeling of not being able to breath. Ugh.

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4. Big bodies of water. Only god knows what's in it. Sharks and other giant animals/things.

5. Change. I like my predictable life. Plain and simple, just the way it is.

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What are you afraid of?

Monday, May 6, 2013

What Do You Do

What Do You Do
Monday, May 6, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 6 for Monday, May 6th: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

My full-time job in simple terms is "I am an attorney's assistant."

I complete various tasks under the supervision of a licensed attorney. I cannot give legal advice.

Some things I do:

Draft, prepare, review and revise pleadings and correspondence;

Prepare and coordinate all documents for trial;

Meet and communicate with attorneys, clients, law firms, courts and outside sources on a daily basis;

Assist attorney with all stages of cases from beginning to end;

Maintain and manage calendar and physical files on a daily basis; and

Manage documents into files from various sources.

Does it sound like a resume, well, I pretty much copied and pasted.

Hey, it's Monday and I have way to much to do to actually type these things out.

I also take pictures on the side. It's just word of mouth. Mostly family and friends.

Go visit my page HERE.

I need to get that caught up with new pictures, too!

My other job?

Is taking care of these two.

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My world revolves around them.

For her eating, sleeping, learning, playing, talking, singing, dancing, going to school, hanging with family, play-dates with friends. I am basically her assistant and chauffeur. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

For him, it's more of a partnership and friendship, to support, to listen, to love, sometimes cook, sometimes clean.

That about wraps it up.

What do YOU do?


Blog Friends

Blog Friends

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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 5 for Sunday, May 5th: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member.

Well, I am going to cheat and actually pick a group of blogger friends. I really can't pick just one, cause they are all really fantastic in their own way.

They are the Minnesota Bloggers!

If you are a Minnesota blogger and are NOT a part of this group, you are missing out. I recently foud and joined this group at the end of 2012, but have been more involved with them in the last month or so. They do happy hours and get togethers, etc. They have welcomed me into their group with open arms and hearts.

One of my favorite things about this group is how supportive they are of everyone, whether it be jobs or babies or families, or even struggles of any kind. They always know what to say.

Just want to say thanks ladies for being so great!!

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