Thursday, December 27, 2012

Photoaday Challenge {September 2012}

Photoaday Challenge {September 2012}
Thursday, December 27, 2012
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Here is the list for September 2012:


#day1 You, now. Me yesterday with my loves. @mnstatefair #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day2 Father. Best one ever.#luckymama #luckydaughter #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday @bigdradio


#day3 Far away. My cousins wedding April 2013 feels so far away, but will be here before we know it. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day4 . Mailbox. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaysept


#day5 Bright. And sunny. Happy Wednesday. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day6 Everyday. She would be outside everyday all day if she could. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day7 Natural. Beauty. #love #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day8 At Night. Bedtime. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day9 Weekends. Are dedicated to this little lady. 14 months going on 14 yrs. #stopgrowing #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day10 Black & White. His mini-me. #daddyanddaughter #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day11 Hero. One of mine. #fatheroftheyear #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day12 Together. A little girl and her blanket. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day13 Table. Kitchen. Lately it's more of a holding space. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day14 Favorite. Face-timing with this little lady. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day15 First Thing I See. My pups every morning.#photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day16 Strange. Hopefully the update doesn't make my phone weird. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day17 Fridge. #boring #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day18 Price. $1 at Family Dollar. Love that store. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day19 Underneath. Playing and crawling. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day20 Man-made. She is and ah, er...woman-made, too. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaysept


#day21 Sometimes. All you need is a little pick me up on a Monday. #fmsphotoaday #photoadaysept


#day22 Up. Way too late. Way passed my bed time.#nightynight #fmsphotoaday #photoadaysept


#day23 Before bedtime. Always kiss the Husband. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day24 3 Things. I have bought lately. Work pants, shoes, and make-up.#photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day25 Frame. One of my faves at work. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day26 Near. I wish I lived near this new little peanut. I miss her Mom. #bff #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday @wendymahoney


#day27 Love/Hate. I have a love/hate relationship with social media. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day28 It's a good thing. It's Friday. #nuffsaid #instatext #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day29 Errands. Walgreens & Target today. #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


#day30 Me, then. Almost 6 yrs ago at my wedding. #love #vows #god #commitment #photoadaysept #fmsphotoaday


Stay tuned for the rest of 2012.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Randoms {12.07.2012}

Friday Randoms {12.07.2012}
Friday, December 7, 2012
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Gosh I feel like I just can't catch up. 

I only did 2 blog posts in November. TWO! That's it! 

My life has been outta control busy and now hopefully things will slow down a bit and life will stop taking a poop on us. We've got the new house on lock-down and the car situation taken care of for the moment and now we're focusing on packing! Yay! T-minus 7 days! Can't wait!

Here's our new pad:


And here is my attempt to catch up a little bit on life.

Our 4 pups hanging out on the couch with me on Sunday while watching the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead. We love that show and I can't wait for it to start up again in 2013.


I love this saying. Fits our family perfect.


Also, I love this picture I snapped when Hails was in the bathtub one night. Getting puppy kisses from Bella. I know it's just a matter of time before she is in a toddler bed and they will want to start sleeping with her.


And how cute is she in her little peacoat. I've gotten so many compliments on it.


I went to the premiere of this movie and I loved how it tied the whole series together! 
What a great movie!


Still loving this guy as always:


I have so many movies to catch up on, but I finally saw these movies recently:



I know, I know. So late to the party. I liked them both. 

I am looking forward to this one coming out in 2013:


LOVING this new pair.


I have it on repeat!

With all the craziness lately in our lives, I'm loving my Husband more and more everyday. Everything just makes us stronger and makes our communication that much better. He has also been stressed with different things going on, not only in our personal lives, but at his work as well. He is not only out and about providing for our family, but he is such a saving grace with Hailey as well. She absolutely adores him and I cherish it everyday. I saw this funny recently and I just love it.


To put it simply:

"She is everything and everything is she."


My new goal is to be all caught up with 2012 posts IN 2012 and start 2013 off fresh.
Crossing my fingers!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Women Connect 2012. Spilling my guts.

Women Connect 2012. Spilling my guts.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
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I am linking up with Becky for Women Connect and let's just say I am getting real on the blog today. I usually try to not be too serious. I usually make this blog a fun place with outfit posts, new things I bought, things about my life and parenting and updates about my daughter. So bare with me today as I spill my guts.

A little about me and my life right now.

I'm a bit behind on life. Ok, "a bit" is an understatement. 2 weeks ago we got a call from our landlord who told us we need to be out of the house we are renting from her by January 15th.

Read: She is having boyfriend troubles and needs to move back into her house.

I get it. I do. But at the same time I just don't.

My Husband called me at work. Told me to shut my office door and told me about his conversation with said landlord lady.

My world crumbled.

60 days.

2 months.

Our life.

Our belongings.

4 dogs. Yes you read that right...4 dogs.

One toddler.

One Husband.

One marriage.

And Me.

I didn't plan on this. How could anyone plan to uproot their whole lives just out of the blue like this. Not us. Not through the holidays.

That was a very hard day. This hadn't even been on my radar. I'm a planner, most times to a fault. We had lived there since May 2011 and weren't planning on moving anytime soon. Life was going great. Right on track. Predictable. I LOVE predictable. And then wham. Out of blue we get hit with this curve ball. Oofta.

After taking the day to mourn and cry...and cry some more, we (being my Husband) concluded that we couldn't waste time feeling sorry for ourselves. We had to forge ahead into the unknown and start looking at our options.We turned to our awesome family and friends for support and prayers.

My Husband. He is a strong one that man. You know how in every relationship some things one person is great at and in other things the other is great at. Well, he's pretty much great at it all. He lifted me up and stayed so positive. He truly is my rock.

We talked about how it's not just us to think about. We have this little peanut:


And these 4 fur-babies.


And each other. And with each of these obstacles makes us that much stronger as individual people and as a couple.

And even though it was hard to be cheerful and thankful over this last holiday, we do have lots to be thankful for. Even in our crummy situation.

Our health.
Our jobs.
Our loving and supportive family.

Just to name a few. 

And now after two weeks of searching, we have this to be thankful for.

Our NEW home.


It's nothing huge and fancy, but it fits our family perfect and we couldn't be more excited.

We don't get the keys for another couple weeks, but are already busy packing and looking forward to getting into this new place, making it our home, putting up a tree and starting the new year off right.

I just want to say thank you for all your support.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sunday Social {11.25.2012}

Sunday Social {11.25.2012}
Saturday, November 24, 2012
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Linking up with Neely and Ashley for Social Sunday.

The theme is 4′s:

1. Name 4 jobs you’ve had in your life.

Babysitter: Teenage years; Photographer (Proex & Danielson Photography): 16 years old to present; Customer Service (Proex & Catch A Tan): 16 years old to 21 years old; Paralegal: 20 years old to present;

2. Name 4 movies you would watch over and over.

There are so many...Sweet Home Alabama, 10 Things I Hate About You, Pretty Woman, P.S. I Love You


3. Name 4 places you have lived.

Eden Prairie, MN; St. Cloud, MN; La Crosse, WI; Buffalo, MN;

4. Name 4 of your favorite foods.

My Mom's rice krispie bars; chinese food; Canadian Bacon/green olive/thin crust pizza; Lobster Mac & Cheese from Green Mill

5. Name 4 things you always carry with you.

Cell Phone; Chapstick; Wallet; gum

6. Name 4 places you have been on vacation.

Salina, KS; Wisconsin Dells, WI; Fort Lauderdale, FL; Point Lookout Beach, NY

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weekend Highlights: October 12 - 14, 2012

Weekend Highlights: October 12 - 14, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
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Friday, October 12 - Sunday, October 14, 2012

This weekend was pretty laid back. I have to say I'm liking the fall a lot. We just slow down and go at a slower pace, ya know?

Friday night I had Happy Hour/Dinner with Falen & Katie. Afterwards we shopped a bit.


It's always great to catch up with friends. Sometimes life just gets too dang busy.

My sister, Kate, spent the weekend with us.

Saturday we watched 2 movies.

What to Expect


I liked this one a lot. It's so true how each pregnancy is different. And also how each couple handles it differently. Everyone in it did such a great job.

5 Year Engagement


I liked this movie, although I thought it was a little long. I'm a huge fan of both the main stars in this movie, so that's ultimately what kept me watching.

I also got Kate hooked on the Walking Dead and she ended up watching both season 1 AND 2 before she left on Sunday. The premiere was that night and she really wanted to be all caught up.

Sunday night was Walking Dead premiere night, but we went to game 1 of the Lynx series.


They made it to the finals and Wayne got tickets to the whole series. They ended up losing game 1 and ultimately lost the championship, but we all still had fun at the game.


Friday, October 19 - Sunday, October 21,2012

This weekend was pretty busy.

Friday night we had the rehearsal and dinner for my cousin Tara. I left work early and attended the rehearsal and then we all went back to the Groom's parents house for dinner, desert, gifts and conversation. It was a fun night and great to get to know Jake's side of the family. AND they live right down the road from us.


Saturday was the big day. I was the photographer for them and I had such a great day. It's always a long day and lot of work as well, but I love weddings and when the couple is close to my heart it makes it all the more worthwhile.

Sunday, we went to Wayne's cousin, Aly's, birthday party. She turned 15. It's always fun to get to see family and hang out and catch up.


Oofta. What a weekend.

Friday, October 26 - Sunday, October 28,2012

This past weekend we had some family come into town for my sister's confirmation. Friday night was spent at home relaxing and recuperating from my cold.

Saturday I went to my parents house for dinner and hung out with them and then my cousin, Nate, and his wife, Kayla showed up with their dog Wicket. He's adorable.

Sunday was my sister's confirmation ceremony.


Here is the fam.


Here are Amie's God-parents.


 Afterwards we went back to my parents house. My Mom had an early dinner for everyone with cake and ice cream. Here is Amie with both of her Grandmas.


It was a special day for us all.

Congrats Amie!

I can't believe Halloween is tomorrow. So crazy!

Happy Halloween to everyone!

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