Tuesday, April 24, 2012

30 Days of Me {Days 10 - 14}

30 Days of Me {Days 10 - 14}
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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Day 10: Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, hyped, mad:

I like all genres of music, so it just depends on the mood within the mood of what I am.

Anything by The Beatles, Johnny Cash or Elvis;
Anything by Justin Bieber, The Wanted, Backstreet Boys, NKOTB;
Anything by Def Leppard;
Carly Rae Jepsen - "Call Me Maybe";
Marilyn Manson - "Beautiful People";
Pretty much anything that I can dance to. Which is a lot.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Scar Tissue" and the "Otherside";
Bush - "Glycerine";

Disturbed - "Stupify";
Saliva - "Click Click Boom";
Drowning Pool - "Bodies";
Anything that Hylander covers.

Anything Rock, especially Systen of a Down - "Chop Suey";
Anything by Tool;
Anything by Korn;

Day 11: Another picture of you and your friends

Kristin, Wendy and Me


This was back in 2009 when me and Kristin gave a wedding shower to one of our besties, Wendy. Now as Wendy is pregnant and due in August, we are throwing her a baby shower in June! Love!

Day 12: How you found out about blogger and why you have one

I found out about Blogger and blogging from a few friends on Facebook. They blogged about their lives and their kids and with Wayne and I starting a family, I thought it was a great alternative to scrapbooking. I still do some scrapbooking, but I feel like Blogging is so much faster, easier and to be honest cheaper.

We went off the pill in April 2010 and that's when I started my blog.

I write about everything and am usually an open book. I try and keep it positive. I don't think anyone wants to read negativity.

Day 13: A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

I thought about this one a lot, trying to figure out who to write to. I don't want to write to anyone specific, because I don't want to name names, but I guess this is just more of a generalization to people.I think these 3 saying that I found on Pinterest sum it up the best:




 You can find me on Pinterest HERE!

Day 14: A picture of you and your family

Missing my Mom & Dad, but this is me with my Husband, Daughter and siblings.


My loves.

Monday, April 9, 2012

30 Days of Me {Days 8 & 9}

30 Days of Me {Days 8 & 9}
Monday, April 9, 2012
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Day 8: Short term goals for this month and why

In no particular order:

Make great progress with reading Girl With The Dragon Tattoo


I've been slowly reading this book for months now and want to move on to book #2 and #3 and then see the Swedish movies and the American movie.

Complete all 30 days of this "30 Days of Me"

I know I will, but I just want to be accountable.

Take time for me

I usually do and my awesome Hubs lets me, so it's usually not an issue, but I just have to remind myself sometimes.

Start Hailey's 1 year scrapbook

This shouldn't be totally difficult as I'm not scrapping her entire first year and every little detail. Most of it is on this blog regarding her growing and learning and progressing. I'm sure I will do a post with pictures once I'm done to show it off.

Ride the bus to/from work at least 4x/week

Riding the bus has so many perks. The number one things is it's cheaper. There is a bus stop right by my house, so I usually drive to it and park. I hardly use any gas. But the other big reason is that is where I do my reading. I get about 25 minutes in the morning and 25 minutes in the evening to read. Which when you have a 9 month old is a lot of reading time.

Bring my lunch to work at least 4x/week

I've been trying to not eat out as much. Maybe be a little healthier with my choices. I'm still working on being consistent with this one, though.

Look into healthy dinner recipes for my family

With Wayne's lifestyle change and food intake, I want to explore more options for actual meals.

Sign us up for Susan G. Komen walk


About a month ago Wayne said that he wanted to do a 5k. I know the Mother's Day Susan G. Komen 5K walk is coming up and it would be a perfect one to do as we can run/walk and we can have Hailey in the stroller, too!

Go on a walk around the block at least 2x/week

Wayne has already been doing this a lot during the day, but one night this week he waited until I got home from work and then we did it together as a family with our pups. We went around a few times cause we usually only take 2 dogs at a time.

Drink more water

Ever since Hailey was born, I have been not drinking as much water as I was when I was pregnant. So a goal of mine is to simply drink more.

That should about do it. What are your goals for the month?

Day 9: Something you're proud of in the past few days

We found out this past Thursday that after 15 weeks on this life changing diet he is down 101 lbs.To make it this far and be down by that much is just truly amazing. I couldn't be happier or more proud of him everyday that goes by.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

30 Days of Me {Day 7}

30 Days of Me {Day 7}
Saturday, April 7, 2012
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Day 7: A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you


I just love this picture my Husband took last week of him and Hailey hanging out on our deck in our backyard. It moves me in so many ways. I love the serious pondering look on her face and in her eyes. Wayne is such a good Daddy and I am reminded of that on a daily basis. My daughter is lucky to have a Father that loves her more than anything and takes such good care of her.

To me this picture is perfect and worth a thousand words, yet it leaves me feeling full and speechless.

Friday, April 6, 2012

30 Days of Me {Days 4, 5 & 6}

30 Days of Me {Days 4, 5 & 6}
Friday, April 6, 2012
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Day 4: A habit that you wish you didn’t have


Procrastinate: to put off or defer (an action) until a later time; delay

I am so bad at this. Putting things off until they NEED to be done and I have to FORCE myself. I am trying to get better and get things done, though. I am working on it. I swear.

Day 5: A picture of somewhere you've been to

This picture represents my trip to Mountain Home, Arkansas that I took with Hailey, my Dad, Aunt Cindy and Grandma back in October 2011.

My Great-Great Grandma Delma got to meet Hailey for the first and only time.

GGG Delma has been in hospice care since mid February. Even though she has been deteriorating and is not with us mentally, she is still with us physically. I pray for her everyday.


Day 6: Favorite superhero and why



He's super ripped and strong.

He heals fast. Ages slowly.

He's mysterious.

He's tough, but has a soft side.

I love Hugh Jackman.


I love all the movies with Wolverine in it.


He's also apart of the X-Men series which I also love.


What about you??

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Currently {April 2012}

Currently {April 2012}
Thursday, April 5, 2012
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I am linking up with Jenn at Perfectly Imperfect


current book (s)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


I started it awhile back, but I'm just really getting into the meat and potatoes of it. I have been taking the bus and reading, so that has helped me move along. I can't wait to watch the movies

current playlist (s)

The Wanted
Carly Rae Jepsen
Pit Bull

current color(s)

Hot Chilis by CND Shellac



I absolutely love it!!

current food (s)

Cranberry Chicken Wrap:
dried cranberries and
poppyseed dressing in a wrap.

It's delish!!

current favorite show (s)

Game of Thrones on HBO. The Hubs and I are catching up on S1 so we can start S2.


Fashion Star on NBC. I'm a Jessica Simpson fan and love the format of this show.


New Girl. Still loving every episode. Also see current celebrity crush.


Revenge starts new again 4/18.


current needs

Mongos. I went to dinner there with a couple girlfriends last weekend and now that's all I can think about.
current triumph(s)

Riding the bus for the last 8 days straight and bringing my lunch all week this week.Hopefully I can keep this streak going!

current bane (s) of my existence

Having to go renew my license. It expires on Monday. I guess I better get on it.

current celebrity crush

Max Greenfield


He plays Schmidt in New Girl and is hilarious!

current #1 blessing

My family. Obviously Hailey and the Hubs are #1, but my MIL watches Hailey in the afternoons for us, so we don't have to take her to daycare right now. So great for us and then Hailey gets 1 on 1 time with her Gramma Kim. Win, win!

current indulgence

Hershey's Cookies 'n' Cream


current outfit


Work attire...brown dress pants from Victoria Secret...coral top from Target

current excitement

Birthday work lunch tomorrow, low-key weekend, taking Hails to see Easter bunny at some point this weekend, Easter Sunday dinner at MIL's

current mood


current favorite quote or verse


current wishlist item

Keyboard for my iPad

current favorite products

Burts Bees Lip Balm

What are your current(s)?

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