Day 8: Short term goals for this month and why
In no particular order:
Make great progress with reading Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
I've been slowly reading this book for months now and want to move on to book #2 and #3 and then see the Swedish movies and the American movie.
Complete all 30 days of this "30 Days of Me"
I know I will, but I just want to be accountable.
Take time for me
I usually do and my awesome Hubs lets me, so it's usually not an issue, but I just have to remind myself sometimes.
Start Hailey's 1 year scrapbook
This shouldn't be totally difficult as I'm not scrapping her entire first year and every little detail. Most of it is on this blog regarding her growing and learning and progressing. I'm sure I will do a post with pictures once I'm done to show it off.
Ride the bus to/from work at least 4x/week
Riding the bus has so many perks. The number one things is it's cheaper. There is a bus stop right by my house, so I usually drive to it and park. I hardly use any gas. But the other big reason is that is where I do my reading. I get about 25 minutes in the morning and 25 minutes in the evening to read. Which when you have a 9 month old is a lot of reading time.
Bring my lunch to work at least 4x/week
I've been trying to not eat out as much. Maybe be a little healthier with my choices. I'm still working on being consistent with this one, though.
Look into healthy dinner recipes for my family
With Wayne's lifestyle change and food intake, I want to explore more options for actual meals.
Sign us up for Susan G. Komen walk
About a month ago Wayne said that he wanted to do a 5k. I know the Mother's Day Susan G. Komen 5K walk is coming up and it would be a perfect one to do as we can run/walk and we can have Hailey in the stroller, too!
Go on a walk around the block at least 2x/week
Wayne has already been doing this a lot during the day, but one night this week he waited until I got home from work and then we did it together as a family with our pups. We went around a few times cause we usually only take 2 dogs at a time.
Drink more water
Ever since Hailey was born, I have been not drinking as much water as I was when I was pregnant. So a goal of mine is to simply drink more.
That should about do it. What are your goals for the month?
Day 9: Something you're proud of in the past few days
We found out this past Thursday that after 15 weeks on this life changing diet he is down 101 lbs.To make it this far and be down by that much is just truly amazing. I couldn't be happier or more proud of him everyday that goes by.
Day 9: Something you're proud of in the past few days
We found out this past Thursday that after 15 weeks on this life changing diet he is down 101 lbs.To make it this far and be down by that much is just truly amazing. I couldn't be happier or more proud of him everyday that goes by.
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