Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jenna (Graduation)

Jenna (Graduation)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
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Monday, August 22, 2011

Jenna is my cousin on my Dad's side. She has quite the personality with the fashion sense to match! These are a few of my favorites from our first session.





Once the snow starts flying we want to get together to do another session. Stay tuned for that!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ally (Graduation)

Ally (Graduation)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ally is one of my Mom's best friend's daughters. She's an only child and will be graduating from Eastview next year. She's a super sweet girl. These are some of my favorites!







As you can see we had lots of FUN! Thanks Ally!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life Lately {August 2011}

Life Lately {August 2011}
Thursday, October 13, 2011
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Saturday, August 6, 2011

It was Wayne's birthday, but since he had to work all day, we decided it would be OK if Hailey and I rode with my Mom for the day to the annual Stager Family Reunion. I didn't get many pictures of us at the family reunion. It was pretty low key and ended up raining for a portion of the afternoon. Here are a few:

Mom & Dad playing games:


Me & Amie hanging out


My babygirl sleeping (she was a little over a month old)


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Since Wayne's birthday is the the 6th and his brother, Andy's birthday is August 10th, their Mom, Kim, decided to throw them a surprise party. It was big birthdays for each of them.Wayne turned 30 and Andy turned 25. Again I didn't take a ton of pictures, but here were some highlights.

CUPCAKES!! So good!


Aly & Veronika hanging with Hailey


Nick with Hailey. He is Laura's oldest boy and was our RB for our wedding.


Friday, August 12, 2011

I had my 6 week Dr appointment today and everything checked out great!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I took my Mom's friend, Theresa's daughter, Ally's senior pictures today. Stay tuned for a more detailed post soon.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tonight I was celebrating my friend, Laura, on Lake Minnetonka for a dinner cruise for her Bridal Shower. I had never actually been ON Lake Minnetonka, so it was fun to ride around, eat some AMAZING food with some AMAZING company!

Most of the ladies in our party!


Tammy, Me, Laura & Amy
The Bride and her Maids


Me & Laura


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Today we had our annual "Family Fantasy Football Draft Party" at Joe Sensor's in Bloomington. It's always a fun time with family and gets us all pumped up for the new season!

Me & Hailey


Monday, August 22, 2011

I took my cousin, Jenna's senior pictures after work. Stay tuned for a more detailed post soon.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Today Hailey is 2 months old! Wow, how time has flown by. Here are her two month milestone pics again:



Today was family day at the MN State Fair and we were seeing Def Leppard at the Grandstand that night. Stay tuned for a special MN State Fair post.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The State Fair is always a busy time of the year for the radio stations. It seems like Wayne is always working. He was at the fair from 1p-4p. I decided to take Hailey and my sisters with me for the day. Big Time Rush (BTR) was making an appearance at the KDWB booth that afternoon before their concert at the Grandstand that night. Stay tuned for a special MN State Fair post.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hailey had her two month Dr appointment with her first round of shots. She weighed in at 10lbs 10oz. What a big girl!


Look at the pretty bandaids!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I took my littlest sister, Kate to the LMFAO/KESHA concert. She LOVES Kesha, but I think we actually had more fun seeing LMFAO! I wasn't impressed with Kesha, but LOVED LMFAO and would definitely see them again.

Look at how much salt is on that pretzel?! Wowza!







Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wayne had been to Ridgdale the week before and just happened to walk by Flash Portraits. Well, he found TWO pictures of Hailey's newborn shoot were displayed. I had to see for my own eyes!



My punkin is so cute!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hailey Jo {1 - 3 months}

Hailey Jo {1 - 3 months}
Friday, September 30, 2011
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 July 26, 2011
This is you at 1 month old:
Hailey Jo & Dylan Joseph


You weighed 6 lbs 9 oz at birth (29%).

You were 19 3/4 in long (63%).

Your head was 14 inches around (69%)..

You were born with a full head of hair just like your Daddy and it continues to grow everyday.

You are such a good baby, super content and seem to have a "go with the flow" attitude.

You used to like being swaddled your first month, but since then you like your arms and hands out. Daddy was really good at swaddling you.

You went to the Doctor again for your 2 week appointment on July 15, 2011.

You weighed 7 lbs 3.5oz.

You were 20 inches long.

Your head was 14 1/2 inches around.

You are content with laying on your back (if you are awake), but only for a short amount of time.

You really dislike being elevated, because you always strain trying to sit yourself up.

You love to sit up and want to see everything. One of your favorite spots is propped up by a pillow on our bed watching the ceiling fan go round and round.

You disliked the swing your first month, but you have grown to love it. I think you like it because a) you are sitting up b) you get to look around and c) you love the motion of rocking.

You LOVE when I rock you to sleep and cuddle you before I lay you down.

August 26, 2011
This is you at 2 months old:

Photobucket Photobucket

You had your two month Dr appointment for your shots on August 29, 2011.

You weighed 10 lbs 10 oz (16%).

You were 23 3/4 inches long (81%).

Your head was 15 3/4 inches around (67%).

 You are a more patient baby than normal, but every once in awhile you will get mad really fast and we have to hurry up. Most of the time though you usually don't start crying right away and you give us good signs that you are either sleepy, wet, or hungry.

You fight to go to sleep sometimes and I think it's because you don't want to miss a thing.

You wore newborn outfits/diapers for about your first month and half.

You are now in size 1 diapers and soon enough will actually be ready to move up to size 2.

You don't mind getting your diaper changed. I think you feel a lot better after it's done.

You don't mind being naked or just in your diaper, just as long as you are warm.

You are ticklish on the bottoms of your feet. I knew that early on, but as of right now I haven't found any other spots.

You did OK with bath time your first month, but since then we have been putting you in the shower with one of us. You have liked it so far and do not cry at all. You really like the warm water and you like the baby lotion massages that I give you afterwards. You are so happy after that, when we put you in either PJ's or clothes and you are all clean and moisturized.

You hate to have your nose suctioned after a bath/shower. Always have and probably always will.

September 26, 2011
This is you at 3 months old:

Photobucket Photobucket

You've been wide-eyed since you were born. You have pretty, big eyes and you like to look around. Lately, we find you following me or Daddy when we move.

You have super long eye lashes that keep growing. Surprisingly, you actually got these from your Daddy

You love to watch TV. I think you like the colors and motion.

You love to eat and I can tell when you are content because your eyes glaze over when you take those first few gulps of your bottle. You relax very fast and I know that's exactly what you needed.

You are a GREAT burper and often burp like an adolescent boy. Everyone always gets a kick out of you when they hear you burp.

You will get the hiccups every once in awhile, but as you've gotten older it is less and less.

You recently just got your first diaper rash, but thankfully Mommy caught it and it didn't last long. You cried very hard and loud and me and Daddy did not like that.

You are still what I would call a skinny baby with not many rolls or pudge.
We go into the Dr again at the end of October for your four month check-up and more shots.

You continue to sleep well at night and are sleeping more and more throughout the night the older you get and the more you eat. I am very grateful for this. :)

You just started sleeping in your crib for naps and at night a couple weeks ago. Instead of a bassinet, we have a pack and play in our room and that afforded us to have you in there even when you started getting bigger. We will be taking it down this weekend since you have transitioned so well.

You like to sleep on your left side, curled up in a ball, with a blanket around you to keep you warm.

You have always hated tummy time, and would rather just relax than work, but when you do work, it's really hard and you tend to whine and grunt throughout.

You are always kicking your legs and waving your arms.

You are becoming more "noisy" as Daddy calls it and finding your voice more and more everyday.

You like to blow bubbles and have been drooling a lot lately.

You are fully smiling at us and recognizing who we are. It warms both of our hearts when we look at you and make eye contact and your whole face lights up with a smile.

We see your dimple more and more everyday. You have it on your left side, just like Mommy.

I catch myself calling you peanut or punkin. Daddy calls you his "little lady."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hailey's Newborn Photoshoot {July 2011}

Hailey's Newborn Photoshoot {July 2011}
Thursday, September 29, 2011
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hailey was 17 days old when these were taken. Here are some of my favorites.

When I found out we were having a girl, I found this headband on ETSY at THIS shop. I absolutely love her stuff and I plan on buying more items from her in the future! I just couldn't pass it up.


They made this collage for us...


It says "little miss Hailey."


I made this collage and I love it so much!!


I love this picture. It looks like she is snickering with her innocent smile.


My boss got us this hat, once we announced we were having a baby girl. I loved it so much and knew I wanted newborn pics taken with it.


My friend, Kelly, made this collage for me. I STILL can't get over that picture of her smiling. It just makes me so darn happy!


I like this picture because it is so peaceful and her eyes are so big and inquisitive.


I made this collage, too! I have the bottom, right picture in an 8x10 in my office I love it so much. :) During the photo shoot, I got teary eyed during these series of photos. It was something with all the lights out except for the one and the way it was shining on her. It was just one of those moments where it hit me that she is my daughter and I am her Mommy. I also remember previewing her pictures the Monday after they were taken (July 18th) and I started bawling after seeing how these turned out.


Since Wayne is a DJ, we decided to do some with his headphones. They turned out so good! This is what they put together for us. Of course, Wayne had to have it.


It says "Daddy's little Rockstar" on it.


Love it!


Love her!

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