Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hailey's Hospital Visitors

Hailey's Hospital Visitors
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
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Throughout our 5 day hospital stay, we had some family and friends come visit. The first few days I said no visitors because I was just not up to it.

Of course both our Mom's were there everyday, as well as my sisters. Several family members: our brothers, Andy and Ross, Green Grandma, Great Aunts Sandy and Kristi, Aunt Dianne and cousins Aly & Veronika all came and saw her when she was in the NICU, so we didn't get any pictures of them with her in the hospital.All these pictures with Hailey were taken when she was released from the NICU and finally in our room.


Grandpa Stager was there everyday.

Our friend, John came the day she was born and then again a couple days later with his girlfriend, Jess. 
We call them Uncle John and Auntie Jess. 


Family friends Gwen and Gina Hamilton came to visit. My friend Laura, as well as my friends Kayla and Jeannine. We didn't get any pictures of Hailey with Kayla and Jeannine because they both came when she was in the NICU.

I love all my family and friends for their love and support! Thank you!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hailey's Hospital Photoshoot {June 2011}

Hailey's Hospital Photoshoot {June 2011}
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
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Thursday, June 30, 2011

These were taken on our final day in the hospital a few hours before we were discharged. Anyone who knows me, knows I am all about pictures and I couldn't resist capturing her at only 4 days old.






Daddy's Girl



Mommy & Daughter




Monday, September 12, 2011

Laura & Colin {Engagement}

Laura & Colin {Engagement}
Monday, September 12, 2011
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

I graduated from High School with both Laura and Colin. They are both mutual friends from different groups and I was so happy to find out they were dating and now getting married in 2012. I'm so happy for the two of them. They have such a fun & loving relationship that truly shows through these pictures.







Congrats on the engagement Laura & Colin!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hailey's Bedroom

Hailey's Bedroom
Friday, September 9, 2011
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I don't really like calling it a nursery. That just sounds weird to me...Hailey's nursery. It's her bedroom and I just feel like it makes it more real and personal when it is someones bedroom. Here is a slideshow of pictures.

A few notes:

 Wayne picked out the color of her room...Lavender Luck.
Thanks to our friend Adam who helped Wayne paint.

Bumpers: I love them dearly because they were cute and quite frankly came with the bedding set, but when we heard of another fatality due to bumpers we decided to take them out. Better safe than sorry.

The little table under her window holds the sound machine and baby monitor. I will be getting a theme matching lamp to go on this table, as well as a theme matching rug. I love the theme matching drapes.

Rocking chair: The rocker is actually from my paternal grandparents house. After my Grandpa Henry passed away in the summer of 2006, I said I had wanted it. Other than a birdhouse that my Grandpa made from scratch that was the only thing I really wanted. So when my Grandma ended up moving and selling the house I got it. It's brown and doesn't match the rest of the white furniture and I suppose I could get crafty and paint it, but I really don't want to change it. I want to keep it intact the way it's always been.

We don't really use the rocker right now cause our cushy recliner is much more comfortable and let's be honest I can watch TV while feeding or rocking her to sleep. I see us using this soon in the future though for quiet time before bed and reading books.

Special blankets: I want to get a good picture of her on each of her blankets.Maybe we will do that on her 5 month birthday. She has a few blankets that people have made for her and were gifts. We have not used them yet, but I know as she gets older she will be using them a lot.

Hospital signature mat: This is what everyone signed when they came and visited her in the hospital. Everyone wrote such sweet words to her on this. I just love it. As she gets older I plan to replace the 8x10 in the center.

Diaper changing corner: I'm not a huge fan of this corner and someday I want to find something better, but for right now it works. The storage container on the left holds the diaper warmer, diapers, wipes and everything necessary for changing a diaper. The storage container on the right holds her everyday sleepers, bibs and extra items. On top is where her diaper bags and baby carrier are kept on a daily basis.

Tall dresser: It is sadly my catch all spot. Right now it holds her stuffed animals, books, keepsakes and in the green basket her socks, headbands and hair bows. Sometime soon we want to set up a toy corner in our basement and maybe some of these items will end up downstairs, but until then this is the way it is.

Hailey's Globes: Hailey's Grandma Kimmy gifted to her a bin full of Disney globes. There are a couple Cinderella ones displayed right now, but I would love to clear out more space and display a few more. Thanks Grandma Kimmy!

Closet: As she gets older and needs her "newborn" items less and less, then I will be able to pack those up for the next baby and she will then have more room to transition into bigger clothes and more toys.

God knows there will be plenty of toys.


Lil D's Baby Shower

Lil D's Baby Shower

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

My sweet MIL, Kim, threw me a fabulous baby shower. Beware...picture overload.

Me & Kim (MIL)


My Mom & I


Kate (11 yrs), Me & Amie (14 yrs) - My little sisters


(Great) Green Grandma & I


Nicole (30 wks), Kayla (33 wks) and I (35 wks)


Kayla is my BFF. She was 2 weeks behind me in her pregnancy. This was her 2nd pregnancy and she had a little boy, Dylan Joseph. Her first was a girl, Briana. Briana will be 9 this November and was the flowergirl in our wedding when she was 3. Wow, how time flies!

Nicole, her sister, was 5 weeks behind me and pregnant with a little girl, Holly Marie. Her first.

Here is me & Kayla belly to belly.


It was so fun being pregnant together. Little did I know that 3 short weeks later I would have my babygirl.

I didn't get any pictures with Laura, but here is one of her son, Ben. He is about 4 months in this picture and one of the most adorable little boys EVER. He was the hit of the shower. That's my Mom holding him in this picture. That's probably why he looks so scared. LOL.


Beth (2nd cousin) & I


Jenny (Lemonhead) & I


Me opening gifts. Hailey got such great things from everyone! She got a few super special things from people that I will blog more about. Probably when I do a post about her room.


Yummy cake.


My favorite addition to the shower... personalized M&M's that say either Lil D or Hailey Jo on them. So stinkin' cute!


It was such a great day filled with lots of love for Hailey. I'm so thankful to have such wonderful and supportive family and friends. Thanks everyone!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Amanda & Greg {Wedding}

Amanda & Greg {Wedding}
Thursday, September 8, 2011
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Saturday, June 4, 2011

I met Amanda about 3 1/2 years ago, through a mutual friend, when we took a trip to Vegas. We have stayed in touch and remained friends through Facebook. She asked me last summer to shoot her wedding this summer. I was thrilled. I love doing weddings, but I love it even more, when I actually know the couple. You can see their engagement pictures HERE from October 2010. Here are a handful of my favorites from their wedding.

First Sighting




Bride & Groom








Garter Toss


Bouquet Toss


Congrats Amanda & Greg!

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