Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {08.24.2011}

What I'm Loving Wednesday! {08.24.2011}
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
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I'm linking up with Jamie for WILW!

I'm loving our neighbors! We really lucked out and could have ended up with a bunch of uptight crabs, but they are the complete opposite. Totally laid back and they love dogs as much as we do. They recently got a bonfire pit and we went over there a couple weekends ago. It was a great time.

I'm loving this song and looking forward to the KESHA/LMFAO concert next Tuesday. I'm taking my sister, Kate for her 12th birthday present. Her birthday was July 30th, so a little late, but she LOVES Kesha and is so excited!

I'm loving that the MN State Fair starts tomorrow and I have plans to go Friday AND Saturday.


Friday night we are going to this concert:


Can't wait!

I'm loving obsessed with these cookies.


With that said, I'm loving that I'm fitting into my pre-preggo clothes. I must admit, not ALL of them, but definitely MOST of them. Even though I don't have to buy all new clothes, I am still treating myself to a few new items here and there.

And most of all I'm loving this little lady.


Have a good week!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hailey's Hospital Stay

Hailey's Hospital Stay
Sunday, August 21, 2011
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This is a compilation of different videos that Wayne took of our 5 days at the hospital.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Introducing Hailey Jo {Part 2: Recovery}

Introducing Hailey Jo {Part 2: Recovery}
Friday, August 19, 2011
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See Part 1: Labor & Delivery HERE if you haven't yet.

Sunday, 6/26/2011...continued

In the next few minutes after she was pulled out, I didn't hear her cry at all. I knew that wasn't uncommon from the different birthing shows I had watched on TV. I asked Wayne what was going on and bless his heart, he reassured me that she was fine and they were just cleaning her off and getting her settled. He didn't want to alarm me at that moment because I couldn't move and was getting stitched up. I didn't find out until later not only how serious it was, but that he hadn't cut the cord because she hadn't been breathing when they pulled her out and they just cut it and rushed to get her breathing.  

She actually had to be resuscitated.

When I found that out much later on I started crying because I had no idea how close we actually were to losing her. I thanked god (as I did many times in the following days and do everyday since then) that she was OK.

I finally heard her cry briefly and after a few more minutes of waiting, they finally said Daddy could come over to see her. He came back only a few short minutes later and showed me these pictures:



Since she was having trouble breathing on her own, she needed assistance with a CPAP. As you can see above, she was also really blue. Wayne says these pictures don't even do it justice how blue she really was. A lot of babies swallow amniotic fluid, but apparently she swallowed a lot more than normal. They didn't bring her over to me at all, they took her straight to the NICU when she was stabilized.

3:15 pm - My C-section was complete and I was all stitched up; I headed back to our labor & delivery room to be monitored for an hour; Hailey was already in the NICU. She had been born an hour ago and I still hadn't seen her yet.

Once we arrived back in the room, my nurse told us that the NICU Dr would be coming to talk to us about Hailey. That made me extremely nervous, but I just kept my faith in God, that nothing would happen to my little girl. The Dr ended up not coming to talk to us while I was recovering, what we didn't know at that time yet, was that they were performing x-rays and found out she had Pneumothorax.

To put it simply she had air bubbles in her lungs. There was one large one on each side. One specifically that they were most worried about was in between her heart and lung and if it had gotten any bigger it could have been fatal. It's like putting a sticker down with air bubbles and as they breathe the air bubbles slowly come out. Sometimes though with breathing the bubbles can get larger instead of smaller and so that is why it can be fatal and why she needed monitoring.

At about 4:15 pm my blood pressure was good to go and I was considered stable from the surgery. I was headed to my Mommy & Baby room, with a pit-stop at the NICU to meet my little girl for the first time. Now it had been 2 hours since she had been born.

At 4:30 pm I finally saw her with my own eyes. Even though she looked rough to me, they said that she was doing so much better than when she was first born. She had come a long way in those first 2 hours. As you can see in the pictures, her color was coming in more and more and she was actually breathing on her own. The nurses assured us that was really great news. They also informed us that even though she was doing much better, that they were unsure when she would be released from the NICU and she could be in there for up to a week or more. I was so disappointed, but optimistic and hopeful about her recovery.




Look at all that hair! After I visited with her for a few minutes and talked briefly to the nurses I was taken to my room at 4:45 pm. My family trickled in and visited for awhile. I was so tired and out of it though, all I wanted to do was sleep. Good luck with that one.  

Since I couldn't go see her, Wayne kept me updated on how she was doing. He was kind of like the tour guide those first 24 hours. The only way anyone could go see her was with Wayne and he could bring up to 3 people with him each time. Our family started taking turns to go meet her. Each time Wayne or someone would come back they updated me on how she was doing or what she was doing.

This was just one of many pictures that my sister, Kate took. Wayne also took several pictures and videos of her over our 5 day stay. I will post the video montage that he put together as well.


I had several people tell me that she was very alert and she definitely knew her Daddy's voice. As soon as he started talking to her, she would look for him and grasp onto his finger. That comforted me that at least one of us could be with her. He is so sweet.  

With that said I want to give him a shout-out for NEVER leaving my side throughout the whole day. He stayed by me throughout the whole labor and delivery. He held my hand and helped me breath and focus. He was truly a godsend, especially with the epidural not working. He was so strong with everything that was going on with Hailey and really had to take the reins and not only be there for me, but also our babygirl. I can't imagine going through this with anyone else and I can honestly say he is my rock. I think having Hailey and experiencing what we did made us stronger as a couple.

After getting settled into my room they started me on a drug that's like morphine, but not. It is given to you in the first 12 hours after a c-section to help with the pain. It didn't agree with me and made me puke. Now mind you I hadn't had anything to eat other than ice chips thus far and my system was still cleared out from puking the night before, so I was literally puking nothing but water. We ended up not realizing that it was the culprit until about 9:30 pm. I was then switched to a different drug and that seemed better. Because I had puked up so much liquids and couldn't keep anything down for those first hours, they decided to keep me on IV fluids until that next morning.

Monday, 6/27/2011

They wouldn't let me get out of bed for 12 hours after the c-section, so the earliest I would have been able to get up is 2:13 am. They informed me that at that point I could get up and go in the wheel-chair down to the NICU and visit Hailey if I wanted to. At 8:00 am my nurse came in to get me up out of bed, but it was clear to her that I was definitely not ready. I was really tired and so dizzy that when I tried standing up, I literally swayed back and forth. We determined that I would continue to rest for awhile until the Dr came. The lab also came early that morning and took blood to check my hemoglobin.
Later that afternoon at about 1:00 pm, the Dr stopped by to inform me that my Hemoglobin was REALLY low. Apparently I had lost more blood than a normal c-section patient and was on the border of having to have a blood transfusion. SCARY! A normal persons hemoglobin is 12.6, with a vaginal birth it is usually either a 10 or 11, with a c-section it is usually a 9. Well, mine was a 7.2. That explained why I was so dizzy, pale and really, really out of it.

I also still had my IV fluids and catheter and inquired about both. The Dr determined since my pee was still bloody (I know TMI, but it's the truth), they decided to keep me on the IV fluids as well as the catheter until it returned to a normal yellow-ish color. The Dr also said it was attributed to my kidneys and that most likely they hadn't bounced back fully from the surgery, but that they should recover in the next day or so.

Also, since I was not able to get out of bed yet, the catheter would continue to assist me in that department. I spent the majority of the day sleeping, resting, and attempting to eat.

Finally, by that afternoon I was getting so anxious to go see my peanut, that I pretty much forced myself to get out of bed. Each step took me awhile because I was still so dizzy and in some pain, but I didn't care how long it took me to get to the NICU, I was determined to finally see and hold my little girl. 

At about 5:30 pm I finally made it to the NICU in the wheel chair. Wayne and I decided to go just the two of us and have some special family time. This is me holding her for the first time:


You can see how swollen and pale I am. I also still have the IV's in me.

This is Wayne holding her for the first time. I know everyone says they have the best Husband ever, but I know I really do. Throughout the day when he was visiting her, several of the nurses had asked him if he wanted to hold her and he refused, telling them that he wanted ME to be the first to hold her as her Mama. He also said that it was something he felt like we should do as a family.

Can't get any better than that.


They did an x-ray each morning and night to monitor it. These were a couple x-rays from that Monday.



The whole chest area is supposed to be white and hazy. Well, you can see it's obviously not.

Tuesday, 6/28/2011

Both of us were doing better. My pee was finally clear of blood, so after 3 extra bags of fluids and almost 48 hours post-surgery I was taken off the IV's and the catheter was removed. YAY! Even though I was still so swollen from all the fluids and so bruised from the surgery, I managed to get out of bed several times that day and actually take a shower that afternoon. I took the wheelchair down to see her throughout the day. Although Hailey's x-rays were looking better and better each time, she was still on IV's and being monitored.

Wayne had talked to the Dr that night and she said that Hailey was recovering fabulously and could possibly be released out of the NICU the next day. Great news!


Wednesday, 6/29/2011

I was so excited when I woke up and looking forward to her hopefully being released from the NICU. I had went down early that morning at about 8:00 am to visit her and the nurse had told me that she had a slight yellow tinge to her skin, but didn't think it would progress any further and Hailey would most likely be released mid-day when the Dr got around to her. Wayne got to the hospital around 10:30 am and headed down to NICU to check in with the nurses and see Hailey. He came back and informed me that she was not being released because she was diagnosed with jaundice. My heart sank. I was so disappointed. It was just another hurdle.

At 1:00 pm Wayne went back to check on her again. He then came back with great news! Since jaundice wasn't a NICU issue and her pnuemothorax was looking great she was being released from the NICU to our room.

She still had jaundice and had to be under the lights for most of the time, but at least she could be in our room with us and our family. This is us in our room having our first skin on skin time waiting for them to bring in the light bed.


Here she is under the lights in our room.


The rest of Wednesday afternoon and evening was spent in and out of the lights. When we took her out to feed her or change her diaper there was a family member or friend waiting to hold her for the first time. It was so fun to finally see her with everyone.

Thursday, 6/30/2010

With her being out of the NICU and people coming and going I didn't get much rest during the day (Wednesday) and so that night because I was so wiped out we ended up sending Hailey to the nursery at about 2:00 am. Wayne asked me if I felt bad because it was her first night with us and we were sending her off, but I knew that if I didn't get some sleep and rest that the next day was going to be really rough and long. Plus, that's what we were paying the nurses to do was to take care of us and we definitely needed that.

We woke that morning ready to go home. Hailey's Dr came and informed us that her bilirubin numbers looked great and didn't need to be under the lights anymore. Then my Dr came and gave me the final OK. At about 11:00 am the hospital photographer came by and took some photos. This is just one:


Not even 4 days old and already smiling. Love.

It was so hot the day we were discharged.


Nestled in her seat ready to go home. We left the hospital at about 4:00 pm.


Daddy carrying her out to the car to head home. She looks so small.


Now the adventure of parenthood begins!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Introducing Hailey Jo {Part 1: Labor & Delivery}

Introducing Hailey Jo {Part 1: Labor & Delivery}
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
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Friday, 6/24/2011

Hailey Jo's birth story actually started the Friday night before she was born. It was a normal Friday night with Wayne at one of his appearances. I was hanging out on the couch in front of the TV catching up on some shows. I started to feel tightness in my lungs and a shortness of breath. It would come and go. It didn't feel like anything I had felt before. I remember thinking that I didn't feel right, but chalked it up as to more Braxton Hicks. I went to bed to lie down at about 10:00 pm, fell asleep at about 11:00 pm and woke up at about 1:00 am with more intense tightening, the feeling like I needed to puke and still the shortness of breath. I then got up and went out in the living room, turned on the TV and sat in our recliner thinking maybe I could sleep sitting up. No such luck. I just couldn't get comfortable.

Wayne got home at about 2:00 am and as soon as he walked in the door, he knew something was not right. He asked me right away if I was OK and what was going on. I filled him in and he was so sweet he wanted to try and time them aka the "feelings" I was having. After 2 hours we figured they were about 20 minutes apart. We ended up watching TV until 4:00 am. At that point I was REALLY tired and knew that we both needed to go to bed and get some rest as we each needed to be function-able the next morning. So we went back to bed and I basically slept sitting up.

Saturday, 6/25/2011

We woke up at about 8:30 am and each got ready and left to go to our respective places...Wayne to to a bridal shower. I got home later that afternoon and took a short nap. I was then picked up at 5:00 pm to go to dinner and a play with my co-workers and boss. The play started at 7:30 pm and during the first two hours she was just so active inside my belly. It was unreal. I remember thinking that she had NEVER been that active ever and even told my friend/co-worker Krista that she was moving a lot. I started to get that same feeling from the night before...chest tightening, shortness of breath and the MAJOR urge to puke.

At about 9:30 pm I ended up leaving the auditorium because I got the watery feeling in my mouth like I do when I need to puke. I headed to the bathroom and didn't puke, but hung out in there for awhile. Oh so fun. After that initial feeling had passed I didn't want to go back into the auditorium because I didn't want to leave again and cause a scene. So I ended up sitting in the lobby by myself, breathing and drinking water that the nice concession people brought me. Krista came out to check on me as they were all concerned. She said just say the word and we could leave or go to the hospital or whatever. They are all so sweet to offer that, but I was doing OK. The play ended at about 10:15 pm, we left at about 10:30 pm, I got home at about 11:00 pm and assured all my co-workers and my boss that I was fine, just tired from not sleeping the night before and I was just going to go to bed and Wayne would be home in a couple hours. I put my pajamas on, grabbed my puke bucket, headed to the recliner with my blanket and slept on and off until midnight.

Sunday, 6/26/2011

Abruptly at 12:00 am I woke up and spent the next hour puking my guts out. I spent the majority of the next hour on the bathroom floor, huddled around the toilet bowl with my 38 week pregnant belly. After I felt like I couldn't puke ANYTHING else up, I headed back to the chair and shortly afterwards Wayne walked in the door. He was pretty upset at me for not calling him, but I knew he was on his way home and he really couldn't have done anything for me. Plus, I was a little pre-occupied and busy with my head in the toilet.

At that point my contractions started getting a little more intense and I could definitely feel them. And although they didn't hurt and weren't painful, they didn't feel like the Braxton Hicks ones anymore. I was still not feeling well and started getting the chills. I know my body and knew something wasn't right.

At about 1:45 am we decided to call the Dr. to run everything by her. The first thing she asked me was how far apart my contractions were. I was honest with her. I didn't know exactly, but I knew that they were coming regularly and also knew that I didn't feel right. She told me to start timing them and if they were the appropriate amount of time apart then I should call her back and we would make a plan to go to the hospital.

I tried laying down to get comfortable and to see if I could sleep. I was getting the chills and again couldn't get comfortable anywhere. About 15 minutes later (at about 2:00 am), after trying, I decided that we were heading to the hospital no matter what. It was time to go. I sat on the bed feeling uncomfortable as Wayne walked around the house to gather everything that was on my "hospital list." By that time I was getting more and more irritable and uncomfortable.

We arrived at the hospital at 2:30 am and were escorted into a labor & delivery room. The nurse asked me what was happening and I gave her a rundown of my evening. She said according to the "symptoms" I described it sounded like the real thing and then checked me. I was dilated to a 3 & about 80% effaced. That was progress from the Dr the Tuesday before, but then also informed me that since my water hadn't broken, if I didn't make progress within the hour that they would discharge me. After the nurse left I told Wayne we weren't leaving. I didn't feel right and joked that if I had to hang out in the parking lot, I was not going home.

Wayne then called each of our Mom's to let them know we were at the hospital, but I hadn't been "officially" admitted yet and he would call back in an hour and let them know if we were staying or going.

At 3:15 am, the nurse came back in and gave me an IV of anti-nausea medicine (Zofran) because of all the vomiting I had done and the continued nauseous feeling I was having. She said that even if I was discharged that this would still help me afterwards.

At 3:30 am she checked me again and even though I was still 80% effaced, I had dilated to a 4, so they officially decided to admit me.  

It was so surreal that it was all finally happening and 11 days early for that matter.

Wayne then called each of our Mother's back to give them the update that we were staying and it was for real and they both decided to come to the hospital. Here is a quick run-down of labor up until Hailey was actually born.

3:50 am - I was put on the regular IV fluids.

4:15 am - Put in epidural and gave me the full starter dose. Felt all warm and numb. Bed-ridden.

4:30 am - Both Mom's arrive at the hospital; epidural drip started for upkeep; catheter inserted.

4:35 am - Still dilated to a 4, but 90% effaced.

5:45 am - Still dilated to a 4, still 90% effaced; One of the Drs on site broke my water; I was getting sleepy, so I tried to rest and get some sleep. That's easier said then done.

7:30 am - Temperature taken, still dilated to a 4, still 90% effaced.

8:20 am - Dilated to a 5, still 90% effaced. Couldn't sleep/rest anymore. Contractions starting to get a little more painful and closer together. I informed the nurse that it felt like the epidural was waring off. I realized a that point that is why I could no longer sleep/rest/relax and also why I was feeling more pain.

8:50 am - Epidural wore off and drip not maintaining pain, so anesthesiologist inserted 2nd full dose. The 1st full dose lasted for about 4.5 hours. Pain subsided and I was able to relax a bit.

10:05 am - Dilated between a 7-8 & still 90% effaced. Epidural wore off again after only an hour. Drip not maintaining pain at all. They can only give the full dose every 2 hours, so we had to wait about an hour to try again. Contractions continuing to get more intense and closer together. Starting to feel the pain again.

10:40 am - Dilated to a 9 & finally 100% effaced. Contractions really starting to pick up. 2 - 3 minutes apart. Epidural completely wore off again. Really starting to feel the pain again. Had to wait for a bit longer to try epidural again.

Not fun.

11:00 am - I received the 3rd dose of the full epidural. It didn't work or take effect at all. Contractions were still 2-3 minutes apart, but getting more painful each passing minute.

11:40 am - Still dilated to a 9 & 100% effaced.

12:15 pm - Still dilated to a 9 & 100% effaced; Contractions still 2-3 minutes apart; At that point they were checking me often.

12:20 pm - Our Dr finally arrives; Still dilated to a 9 & 100% effaced; External baby heartbeat and contraction monitor taken off; internal baby heartbeat and internal contraction monitor inserted for a more accurate reading; Baby's heartbeat was dropping and not coming back up or fast enough for that matter to what they like to see in between contractions; Dr wanted to make sure my contractions were also strong enough to get me to a 10. I would later find out I have a "lazy uterus."

Great, whatever that means.

12:50 pm - Oxy-tocin (Pitocin) given through IV in hopes that would push me to a 10.

1:15 pm - Finally dilated to a 10; Started pushing with contractions;

1:45 pm - After pushing for only 30 minutes, wearing the oxygen mask for the baby's heart rate and flipping from my right side, to left side and back to right side, Dr said I could continue pushing for no more than an hour, but she REALLY didn't think the baby would be coming out vaginally and recommended a c-section; At that point I wasn't going to argue with her and agreed to the c-section.

I just wanted my baby out healthy.

1:50 pm - I signed the c-section consent form.

In the next 23 minutes or so I was prepped and wheeled to the operating room. On the way there I passed by my parents in the hallway. They were concerned because when my Mom had last seen me, I was progressing normally and on the right track to deliver vaginally. She didn't know what was going on until that point. Also, by that time the rest of my family and Wayne's family had arrived. I waved to her as I passed by.

Since my epidural had failed miserably, they gave me a spinal instead. It was difficult to sit up and sit still as they removed my epidural to give me the spinal, all the while still contracting, in pain and feeling the urge of wanting to push badly. I made it through that and went completely numb from the boobs down. I was shaking because I was so cold, so they covered me in warm blankets. I was so tired and out of it that it happened so fast and before I knew it the curtain went up, she was out and the Dr. was saying the classic phrase "it's a girl."

At 2:13 pm - Hailey Jo entered our world at 6lbs, 9oz and 19 ¾ inches long.


She was finally here and I knew I would never be the same again.

Part 2: Recovery to follow soon.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lil D's Journey

Lil D's Journey
Thursday, August 11, 2011
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These are the Dr milestones that we experienced with Lil D and her journey from time of conception:

9/30/2010: LMP a/k/a last menstrual period.

12/01/2010: 9 week Dr appointment and 1st U/S. Dr confirmed there was a sweet pea growing and we heard heartbeat for the first time.

01/03/2011: 13 week Dr appointment and heard heartbeat.

01/31/2011: 17 week Dr appointment and heard heartbeat.

02/21/2011: 21 week Dr appointment and 2nd U/S. We found out baby is a GIRL! All baby parts looked great, but she was in an odd position, so we have to go back to finish check-up.

03/11/2011: 23 week Dr appointment and 3rd U/S. Dr confirmed it was a GIRL and finished check-up of baby parts! Everything looked great.

04/08/2011: 27 week Dr appointment. Completed 1 hour glucose tolerance test. Found out a few days later that I failed...barely.

04/18/2011: 28 week Lab only appointment. Completed 3 hour glucose tolerance test. Found out a few days later that I passed. Yay!

05/02/2011: 30 week Dr appointment at new clinic. We switched clinics because we moved.

05/16/2011: 32 week Dr appointment and heard heartbeat.

05/31/2011: 34 week Dr appointment and heard heartbeat.

06/07/2011: 35 week Dr appointment. Completed Group B Strep Test and blood was taken to check Hemoglobin. Also uterus was checked and no progress had been made or even started.

06/14/2011: 36 week Dr appointment. Group B Strep Test came back negative and hemoglobin came back great. Yay! Uterus was checked and still no progress.

06/21/2011: 37 week Dr appointment. Uterus was checked and Dr determined I was 75% effaced and 1cm dilated. Finally progress had started!

06/26/2011: Hailey Jo was born 11 days early!

Check back for her birth story soon.
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