Thursday, February 10, 2011

Benjamin Scott Sweeley

Benjamin Scott Sweeley
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I went last night to visit my friend Laura and her newborn son at the hospital.


He was born on Tuesday, 2/8/2011. I had planned to visit Tuesday night right away, but he was born with low blood sugar and was put on an IV in the special care unit and we weren't even able to see him, so Laura text-ed me that it might be better to come on Wednesday evening instead. He was on the IV until yesterday at about 2pm. He is doing just fine now and was snoozing away last night during my visit.

They hadn't had a boys name picked out and were struggling with that. They finally decided on a name. So now she has 3 boys, Nick, Jack and Ben and then of course her sweetie, Scott. I told her last night that now she is way outnumbered with all the testosterone in the house. She just laughed at me.

Wayne's reaction when I told him that the baby had to be put on an IV because of low blood sugar was really cute. He was all concerned and asked me questions about it. I don't think in the past he would have even batted an eyelash, but now since we are expecting he is more interested in those type of things.

Also, it was fun to hold a newborn baby that was just over 48 hours old. There were a couple of other family members there at the same time as me, and so we chatted about various things to do with pregnancy, delivery and newborns, etc. and it got me WAY more excited about our own adventure!

Congratulations again, Laura and Scott!!! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Food cravings so far...

Food cravings so far...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
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I haven't had too many cravings thus far and it has been actually burdensome to find something that is actually appealing to eat, but I think it is getting better and better week by week. These are the things that I have been the most consistent thus far:



I usually get a cinnamon sugar bagel with plain cream cheese.


Orange Juice...pretty much any kind or brand will do. For a few weeks I changed to apple juice (couldn't get enough of it and I don't even care for apple juice), but now it seems I am back to OJ.



I find myself wanting this almost every night for dinner:


1 slice of cheese pizza...I haven't found meat very appealing thus far unless it is slathered in some sort of sauce to drowned out the meat flavor.


And as you are supposed to have 6 small meals per day, then I find myself snacking in the meantime on other various things such as popcorn, chips, granola bars, etc.



McDonalds shakes...specifically vanilla.




DQ ice cream...specifically an oreo or snickers blizzard or a peanut buster parfait.


I usually eat a pickle a day. I think it is a vinegar thing because sometimes I crave french fries and ketchup. I only like a certain kind:


Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up and have a popscicle:


Some of these are cliche...pickles and ice cream, but I don't care. I'm eating what I want and still trying to sneak in those fruits/veggies. I think I'm doing good so far. Almost half way there.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 18}

Lil D's 2nd Trimester {Week 18}
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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Thursday, 2/3/2011
(18 weeks)

Well, we had our Dr. appointment on Monday, January 31st with Nancy Decker. Dr Emery is on medical leave as she is struggling with some personal medical issues. Not sure the status yet and it makes me nervous, but we will see how next time goes.

This is the second time in a row that we have met with Nancy instead of Dr. E. I'm really ok with that becuase I LOVE Nancy and I think Wayne does, too, which is terrific.But if this is going to be a regular thing than we might just decide to switch Drs now. I've also heard great things about Dr. Minke, so we will see what this next appointment brings.

This is me & Lil D this week:


We also scheduled our next appointment for February 28th (21 weeks), which will be the Ultrasound appointment where we find out the SEX! Hopefully, keep fingers crossed that baby cooperates with that.


Baby's now the size of a sweet potato!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Laura’s Baby Shower

Laura’s Baby Shower
Friday, February 4, 2011
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

I went to my friend, Laura’s, baby shower. Our history is an odd one, but nevertheless we have remained friends through it all. She was in my wedding and as we have gone through life experiences/changes we have managed to stay friends. It’s hard to believe that if I hadn’t had the miscarriage this summer, I would be right where she is now. Actually I would have been about 2 weeks behind her, but definitely in the home stretch. It was super fun as I was the only other one pregnant and it really made me look forward to my baby shower(s) to come. I hadn’t seen some of those ladies in awhile (Laura’s friends/family), so it was definitely much needed catch-up time. Here is us:


I am 16 wks and Laura is scheduled for her c-section on Tuesday, February 8th. They did not find out the sex and Laura has two boys from a previous relationship, so I am very excited to see if she will have a third boy or if she will finally get her girl. Whatever it is, it will be loved!

Stay tuned in the next few weeks for a post about her little one.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Christmas {2010}

Christmas {2010}
Friday, January 28, 2011
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This is my Christmas post. Better late than never, right? I wanted to wait until after we shared our exciting news about Lil D until doing this post because so much of Christmas this year involved "baby" things. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

My MIL, Kim, her boyfriend, Paul and my BIL, Andy came to Green Grandma's house for the day. Here is everyone in the living room post dinner/pre presents. We were all in a food coma from eating so much.


BIL, Andy, got a Wii.


Our Christmas Tree this year.

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Me opening gifts.


Wayne and I also opened our stockings and we each pulled out these:


It was one of the first times thus far where it really hit me, that this is real and happening. I know that there will be many more times like these, but it was a very profound feeling.

My puppies were also especially snuggly that day:

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

I met Wayne at my parents in the afternoon after he got done with work. After we at dinner and opened gifts, we started a heated game of dominoes.


There were many laughs and inside jokes made. I was so proud of my Dad. He got these on his own:

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We spent the night and got up that next morning and went to get the baby furniture that I blogged about HERE. Overall it was a wonderful Christmas!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

We got together with Wayne's other part of his family that couldn't make it on Christmas Eve. I made spaghetti, we opened gifts and then hung out and chatted.

From L to R: Veronika, Aly, Wayne, Green Grandma, Jared


This is Wayne having a "talk" with them.


From L to R: Veronika, Me, Aly, Wayne and Jared

And this was our silly shot.


This is how I usually feel around Christmas...bring on the wine.


But this year was different as I can't have any for obvious reasons and although sometimes I really crave a glass of wine and it irritates me, I'm OK with that because I know what I am going through and the things I am giving up do not compare to the moment(s) of being a MOM.

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