Thursday, September 23, 2010

Football in August {2010}

Football in August {2010}
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

It was the Vikings last pre-season game against Seattle and you could feel the energy in the Dome now called Mall of America Field. I noticed this year it was extremely decked out in purple. It almost looked like the Twins (red, white and blue) had not even been there at all. The two cheerleaders in the right picture are friends of ours...Rachel and Nikki.

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I went with my Dad.


I wore my #69 (Jared Allen) jersey and took a lot of pictures of him.

This one is my favorite.


It was Farve's first real game back as a Viking. I also took a lot of pictures of him.

Here are a couple of my favorites:

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We drove to Bloomington by the MOA and road on the light rail. It was alright, but I felt like there was a lot of waiting. I have no problem with driving downtown as I know my way around, so I would rather drive then take it again. It was absolutely packed and I had to stand the whole way back (1/2 hour) and it was 10:30+ at night. Not a big deal, but I was already tired. Even though the Vikings lost, it was still a great night anyways.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

As if I didn't get enough football on Saturday, my family got together for our fantasy football draft at Joe Sensors. It was a fun intense time as we tried a live draft this year. Joe Sensors has a pretty sweet set-up for this as you can tell from the picture.


They have several big screens like the one pictured. They are able to host many different groups. They also lure you in with a free app and a pitcher of beer with your reservation.

Wayne is the commissioner of the league. This is him with my Uncle Trick and then you can also see my Uncle John.


This is everyone else:


Dad, cousin Nicole and her boyfriend Al. My other cousin, Justin, was there but had to leave early.

And of course we can't do anything without snapping a super cute picture of us:


As you can see, we LOVE like football in our family! Yay for football season.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Wednesday, September 22, 2010
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I saw this on another blog and had to steal it. Feel free to do the same.

A. AREA CODE: I was born in the 320, but grew up in the 612 before it became 952, and currently am in the 763.

B. BED SIZE: King! We couldn’t live with anything less. Our 4 dogs take up a lot of room.

C. CHORE YOU HATE: Washing dishes. I’m always the dryer.

D. DOG'S NAME(S): Puckett, Bella, Tony and Moo Moo

E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY!" ITEM: Caramel Cooler from Caribou

F. FAVORITE COLOR: I don’t really have a favorite color. I like them all.

G. GOLD OR SILVER: I’ve always been a silver type of gal.

H. HEIGHT: 5' 7"

I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: None. I wanted to play the clarinet in middle school, but I did choir instead. It was cheaper.

J. Job: Photographer, Paralegal, Wife and hopefully someday soon a Mother.

K. KIDS: We are trying. See earlier posts: Rollercoaster of Emotion Part 1 and 2.

L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: We are currently living with Wayne’s Grandma in Buffalo. She is in the process of loosing/saving her house. We should know by the end of 2010 if things work out for her. Wayne and I hope to start looking at a home of our home at the beginning of 2011 and be into something by summer 2011.

N. NICKNAME: Babygirl.

M. MOM'S NAME: Karla
O. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY: No. Hopefully having a baby will be the only time I’m in the hospital over-night.

P. PET PEEVE: hypocrite and chewing with mouth open.

Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: "She's so ugly, she could trick or treat over the telephone." - Larry The Cable Guy in Health Inspector


S. SIBLINGS: 1 brother – Ross, 19 years old, 2 sisters – Amie, 13 years old and Kate, 11 years old; 1 brother in law – Andy, 24 years old

T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: Usually around 7:00am - ish

U. UNDERWEAR: All different kinds.

V. VEGGIE YOU DISLIKE: I’m a picky eater, so other than the popular ones, I don’t like many.

W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: I am so not a morning person. I’m not good sometimes at predicting how long it will take me to get ready to go somewhere.

X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: 3rd grade I broke my right wrist and fractured the left at the same time.

Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Rueben dip is a favorite of the family and Better than Anything Cake is a good one, too.

Z. ZOO ANIMALS YOU LIKE: I haven’t been to the zoo in forever, but I like the gorillas, polar bears, and dolphins.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kristen & Art {Wedding}

Kristen & Art {Wedding}
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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Saturday, August 21, 2010
Paynesville, MN

One month ago today, I was in Paynesville at the Bug Bee Resort photographing a beautiful wedding with a super fun couple!

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As you can see, the flowers were gorgeous!


It was rather warm and humid that day, but beautiful none-the-less.


Kristen & Art decided to do something different that I personally had never seen before. Each girl had a different color dress and then each guy had a corresponding tie the same color. It made for some really cool photos.

This is my favorite of the wedding party:


The girls:


The boys:


The flower girl & ringbearer looking serious for a second. This is one of my favorites of the entire day. They both did a fabulous job in the heat while taking pictures. This was actually towards the end of pictures.I was trying to get their shoes as all the guys and the flower girl were wearing Chuck Taylors.


The difference with the flower girl shoes were that they had pick on them.


The DJ, who was also the best man and is Art's brother (WOW, he had a big role) brought out the limbo pole. This is a priceless shot of the groom getting down.


The last really unique thing was the cup-CAKE. This was neat in how it tied in all the different colors from the day. Each cup-cake had different color dots.


Over-all it was a beautiful day with a great couple! If you want to see more of their photos from the day, please visit my Danielson Photography facebook page. Thanks.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Meghan {Graduation}

Meghan {Graduation}
Monday, September 20, 2010
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August 2010

This is Meghan. I used to work with her Mom, Lee. We met at a park in Coon Rapids. There were a ton of wonderful spots to shoot.

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She is a HUGE Joe Mauer fan. As you can tell she is very girly with the heels and all the pink. She  also has the tomboy side as she plays softball and loves the outdoors. We did some shots in her Mauer jersey. She had also brought her bat with her. This is one her Mom actually thought of. The first one is my fave! 

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update with the Dr

Update with the Dr
Thursday, September 16, 2010
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So it was 4 weeks after my D&C and I headed back to see Dr. Emery for a check-up. We met briefly for a few minutes to go over a few things and then she asked me how I was doing. I told her I was doing a lot better since I saw her last...mentally, emotionally and physically. I had been having headaches lately that I contributed to hormones, but she didn't think that's what they were from. She said they might be tension headaches and if they continue to see my regular Dr. I had never experienced headaches like these before. Definitely out of the ordinary for me.

She wanted to check my hCG level to make sure it was 0 after the surgery. I headed over to the lab and gave blood. Colleen, her nurse, called me later that afternoon and told me it was at a 4. I learned it was supposed to be at 0, but it had gone down from 19,000+. I thought that was at least good. They told me to make another appointment for 2 weeks later and have more blood drawn.

At this point I hadn't gotten my first monthly cycle since the surgery. The Dr told me that it can be up to about 6 weeks afterward and it can come more heavily. Once again, everyone's body is different, so she just told me what I could expect and sent me on my way.

Friday, September 3, 2010

5 weeks, 2 days after surgery my cycle came. It was my first one since getting pregnant and having surgery. My headaches had subsided for the week previous to that and I thought I was in the clear. Not so much. They came back in full force. That time I was for sure they were hormone related. It was too much of a coincidence.

Although I was relieved to finally get it, it was with horrible timing. I was in a wedding that weekend. Friday came with running errands with the Bride and of course rehearsal and dinner that night. Saturday was the wedding and then we headed to the state fair that Sunday. I kicked any cramping/pain in the butt right away and kept up on meds. Needless to say I survived.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Being 6 weeks post-op, back to the Lab I went to have more blood taken. I was officially done with my first cycle (lasted 5 days) so I was looking forward to 'everything' being out of my system. Collen called me to tell me that it was now at 2.2.  Apparently my body just doesn't want to give. I asked her what it meant and she said basically anything under a 5 is fine. She said over time it will go down.

Friday, September 10, 2010

After much prodding from my Husband who was getting increasingly more worried about my continuing headaches I decided to try the chiropractor first. I realized that it might be hormone contributed, but I could feel it that it was something much more. He had helped me in the past so much with my back and I wanted to see if he could help me with this, too. Well, he did. I was so relieved to not have a headache that day or weekend.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I went to see my chiropractor again for a follow-up. I had told him that I hadn't had any headaches since seeing him Friday morning. He was elated to hear that. I'm sure it's always nice to hear that he's helped someone feel so much better. I will probably go see him about once a week for awhile and then go from there.

I wanted to give Dr. Tom Kuzma at Kuzma Chiropratic as shout out! He is wonderful.

So that is that. I can take a break for awhile from the Dr visits and my first cycle is done. Wayne and I are gonna wait until after my next cycle to start trying again. We agreed that we want to make sure all my lady parts are fully replenished and ready for the next little poppyseed. We will definitely keep everyone updated. Hopefully my next "pregnancy" or Dr related post will be some good news! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Thursday, August 26, 2010
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So I recently started working out again. I had taken a break, which was partly by choice and partly because I have been so busy and/or lazy lately. It's hard for me to get motivated about it, even though I REALLY want to be and I know that I more importantly NEED to be.

Being pregnant for the short time I was I put on a few pounds. Some people wouldn't think anything of it, because that is "normal", but I had also put on a few pounds even before that as well. I haven't been feeling the greatest about my appearance lately and to put it simply I've been feeling "frumpy."

I know that with my surgery about a month ago I couldn't really get back into anything for a couple weeks, even though I was dying to get back in the gym again. Now I have no more excuses and need to get my butt going.

I know it's also not just a physical thing, I know I need to eat a lot better. I am also working on that. I had started months ago in preparation for pregnancy, but then once again used the excuse of the miscarriage and the surgery and just said to myself, "well we can't try for awhile anyways, I'll start up again in a month or so."

Well, that is exactly what is wrong with my mindset. I need to stop thinking of the just right now and think of the future of my health, body and mind. To me, it's all related. When they say that physical activity can help relieve stress, etc. they are right.

I've been struggling the past 3 weeks or so with headaches. I asked my Dr about it yesterday at my post-op appointment to see if they may be related in some way to hormone levels, etc. she said they may be tension headaches and stress related. I've never experienced headaches like these in my life. She also told me that if they continue to see my regular dr.
In conclusion, you will most likely be seeing more posts like this from me that involves working out, exercising, eating better, etc. as I continue on this never-ending journey of well-being.

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