Monday, September 20, 2010

Meghan {Graduation}

Meghan {Graduation}
Monday, September 20, 2010
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August 2010

This is Meghan. I used to work with her Mom, Lee. We met at a park in Coon Rapids. There were a ton of wonderful spots to shoot.

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She is a HUGE Joe Mauer fan. As you can tell she is very girly with the heels and all the pink. She  also has the tomboy side as she plays softball and loves the outdoors. We did some shots in her Mauer jersey. She had also brought her bat with her. This is one her Mom actually thought of. The first one is my fave! 

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update with the Dr

Update with the Dr
Thursday, September 16, 2010
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So it was 4 weeks after my D&C and I headed back to see Dr. Emery for a check-up. We met briefly for a few minutes to go over a few things and then she asked me how I was doing. I told her I was doing a lot better since I saw her last...mentally, emotionally and physically. I had been having headaches lately that I contributed to hormones, but she didn't think that's what they were from. She said they might be tension headaches and if they continue to see my regular Dr. I had never experienced headaches like these before. Definitely out of the ordinary for me.

She wanted to check my hCG level to make sure it was 0 after the surgery. I headed over to the lab and gave blood. Colleen, her nurse, called me later that afternoon and told me it was at a 4. I learned it was supposed to be at 0, but it had gone down from 19,000+. I thought that was at least good. They told me to make another appointment for 2 weeks later and have more blood drawn.

At this point I hadn't gotten my first monthly cycle since the surgery. The Dr told me that it can be up to about 6 weeks afterward and it can come more heavily. Once again, everyone's body is different, so she just told me what I could expect and sent me on my way.

Friday, September 3, 2010

5 weeks, 2 days after surgery my cycle came. It was my first one since getting pregnant and having surgery. My headaches had subsided for the week previous to that and I thought I was in the clear. Not so much. They came back in full force. That time I was for sure they were hormone related. It was too much of a coincidence.

Although I was relieved to finally get it, it was with horrible timing. I was in a wedding that weekend. Friday came with running errands with the Bride and of course rehearsal and dinner that night. Saturday was the wedding and then we headed to the state fair that Sunday. I kicked any cramping/pain in the butt right away and kept up on meds. Needless to say I survived.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Being 6 weeks post-op, back to the Lab I went to have more blood taken. I was officially done with my first cycle (lasted 5 days) so I was looking forward to 'everything' being out of my system. Collen called me to tell me that it was now at 2.2.  Apparently my body just doesn't want to give. I asked her what it meant and she said basically anything under a 5 is fine. She said over time it will go down.

Friday, September 10, 2010

After much prodding from my Husband who was getting increasingly more worried about my continuing headaches I decided to try the chiropractor first. I realized that it might be hormone contributed, but I could feel it that it was something much more. He had helped me in the past so much with my back and I wanted to see if he could help me with this, too. Well, he did. I was so relieved to not have a headache that day or weekend.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I went to see my chiropractor again for a follow-up. I had told him that I hadn't had any headaches since seeing him Friday morning. He was elated to hear that. I'm sure it's always nice to hear that he's helped someone feel so much better. I will probably go see him about once a week for awhile and then go from there.

I wanted to give Dr. Tom Kuzma at Kuzma Chiropratic as shout out! He is wonderful.

So that is that. I can take a break for awhile from the Dr visits and my first cycle is done. Wayne and I are gonna wait until after my next cycle to start trying again. We agreed that we want to make sure all my lady parts are fully replenished and ready for the next little poppyseed. We will definitely keep everyone updated. Hopefully my next "pregnancy" or Dr related post will be some good news! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Thursday, August 26, 2010
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So I recently started working out again. I had taken a break, which was partly by choice and partly because I have been so busy and/or lazy lately. It's hard for me to get motivated about it, even though I REALLY want to be and I know that I more importantly NEED to be.

Being pregnant for the short time I was I put on a few pounds. Some people wouldn't think anything of it, because that is "normal", but I had also put on a few pounds even before that as well. I haven't been feeling the greatest about my appearance lately and to put it simply I've been feeling "frumpy."

I know that with my surgery about a month ago I couldn't really get back into anything for a couple weeks, even though I was dying to get back in the gym again. Now I have no more excuses and need to get my butt going.

I know it's also not just a physical thing, I know I need to eat a lot better. I am also working on that. I had started months ago in preparation for pregnancy, but then once again used the excuse of the miscarriage and the surgery and just said to myself, "well we can't try for awhile anyways, I'll start up again in a month or so."

Well, that is exactly what is wrong with my mindset. I need to stop thinking of the just right now and think of the future of my health, body and mind. To me, it's all related. When they say that physical activity can help relieve stress, etc. they are right.

I've been struggling the past 3 weeks or so with headaches. I asked my Dr about it yesterday at my post-op appointment to see if they may be related in some way to hormone levels, etc. she said they may be tension headaches and stress related. I've never experienced headaches like these in my life. She also told me that if they continue to see my regular dr.
In conclusion, you will most likely be seeing more posts like this from me that involves working out, exercising, eating better, etc. as I continue on this never-ending journey of well-being.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lemonhead Shower & Bachelorette Party

Lemonhead Shower & Bachelorette Party
Friday, August 20, 2010
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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Two words...busy day. One of my best friends who I have mentioned on here several times...Jenny Lemons a/k/a Lemonhead is getting married on Saturday, September 4th. Her bridal shower was in the afternoon. Here a few fun pictures:

[All of Jenny's faves: turkey roll-ups, shrimp/cocktail sauce, guac/chips, queso/chips, etc.]


The turkey roll-ups had a cranberry cream cheese in them. So yummy! They were from Costco.

Can you tell what her wedding color is?


[Bride with her BM's]


[From left to right: Ann (MOH/SOB), Me, Jenny, and Ashley]

From there we transitioned into her bachelorette party. We started off with dinner at Chammps in Eden Prairie, headed over to Prairie Pub and had some cocktails, then went cosmic bowling at EP Bowl.

[Do you see anything funny with this glass?]


This was the nummy dessert that Chammps gave the bachelorette. Lucky for us, Jenny shared it. ;)


All of us girls at EP Bowl for bowling fun!


After bowling until midnight some people wanted to take Jenny to Deja Vu (a strip-club). The rest of us went along for shits and giggles.

We ended the night at Jenny's house at about 3am. We were greeted by these two adorable faces.





Overall it was a great night of celebration and bonding!

Thanks Jenny and everyone that made it such a great night.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

SYTYCD {Seasons 5 & 7}

SYTYCD {Seasons 5 & 7}
Thursday, August 19, 2010
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So I have been meaning to blog about this show while it was actually on tv, but now that Season 6 has wrapped I guess I will blog about it now. I love So You Think You Can Dance or for us veterans... SYTYCD. If you know of the show, great! If you don't, it's on FOX and it's like American Idol, but instead of a singing competition, it's a dancing competition.

Last week was the season 6 finale. Yes, 6 fabulous seasons of this great show. The top 10 dancers usually go on tour, just like Idol does. They came to MN in October 2009 and it was the first year I had gone to the tour show. It was season 5 that Jeanine Mason won.



I loved her from the beginning and had to see her. Me and Lemonhead went and were super excited!


This season (#7) they changed things up a bit. As far as judges go, Mary Murphy was not on this season (other than the finale) and instead they made Mia Michaels and Adam Shankman a permanent part of the show. I love them both and Mary can be so annoying at times, so I was all for it.

Also, instead of 20 new contestants, they only picked 10. The kicker was that 10 "All-Star" dancers from previous seasons were coming back. They were switching it up. Which is always nice. Basically, each week the contestants are paired with another contestant and/or an all-star and then each pair is given a different type of dance to master. It shows previews of them working with the choreographer and each other before they dance live. Love it, Love it, Love it.

My favorite guy all-star that they brought back this year was Season 4's Twitch. He is a Hip-Hopper and so fun. He also stars in Step Up 3D, which I have yet to see, but really, really want to.


My favorite girl all-star was Season 3's Lauren.
(She reminds me of Megan Fox).


This year, for Season 7, my favorite girl contestant right from the beginning was Lauren.


and my favorite guy was Kent.


If you do watch the show you know the background of this dance and what happened the week after Twitch and Alex n/k/a Twilex performed it.
Please click on the link and watch the video now before continuing to read this post.






Now if you don't watch the show you would not even be able to tell that Alex Wong is a ballet dancer and was with the Miami City Ballet before being on SYTYCD. Crazy huh? That is the beauty of this show. 

One of the sad aspects of this show is that sometimes in rehearsal a dancer will get hurt. That's what happened to Alex the week after this amazing routine. He ended up pulling his Achilles tendon and having to leave the competition early. I have no doubt that he would have went far on the show and possibly even won it. So for the finale, SYTYCD got creative and brought in a "professional" dancer to re-create that dance. Below is what occurred.

Don't you love it?! I am a big Ellen fan, but this behind the scenes footage is hilarious. It always goes to show you that it's not as easy as you think. Hopefully this has sparked your interest enough to watch next season. I personally can't wait!
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