Monday Mashup {05.14.2012}
Monday, May 14, 2012
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Happy Monday!
I'm linking up with Mrs. Monologues for Monday Mashup and Carissa for Miscellany Monday.
Here is all the random things swirling around in my head...
1. We purchased Hailey's new car seat a few weeks ago. We got the Evenflo Triumph 65 LX Seat in Cocoa Fizz.
It's rated great for safety and not as expensive as Britax. I know EVERYONE under the sun has a Britax, but we wanted to get something safe AND affordable because we need one for each vehicle. At first I felt guilty for not going with Britax, but then I was dismissed that thought and so far we love it and so does Hailey. Which in reality that's all that matters!
2. I am so behind on getting pictures organized and uploaded, getting posts written, together and done. I am slowly getting caught up on all my blogs I follow. I got behind for about 3 weeks and in the blog world that feels like 3 years! I feel so disconnected when I don't know what's happening with them! I did get the Google Reader app on my iPhone and love it. Thanks to Tara for the suggestion via Twitter. Now where ever I go I can keep up with it and not get behind. Now I just need to get caught up.
3. I photographed a small wedding on Saturday. It's their 2nd wedding to each other. Yes, that's right they are getting married again after getting divorced. It was so neat to be apart of and see their children and grandchildren participate in the day as well. It was very sweet.
4. I desperately need to go shopping and update my summer wardrobe. Last summer I was still pregnant and/or post pregnancy. Now, a year later, things just don't fit the same as they did beforehand (pre-pregnancy), 2 summers ago now. Your body does really change forever. Not in a bad way by any means, but it just changes.
5. The Hubs and I were in LA last weekend. It was a work trip for him, but it was mostly play to be honest. We had a great time and I will be posting about it soon (hopefully).
6. Now that we have the traveling bug, we are planning a trip to New York for the end of June. Neither one of us have ever been and we are so excited to go and explore the city with Hailey! It will also be over her first birthday. Wayne's Aunt Dana lives there and we are going to be there at the same time as Green Grandma. So we are SO excited!
7. I'm so pumped for the new season of the Bachelorette, which starts tonight.
Can not wait for this season to start!
8. I'm also excited to see all the different shows that are being renewed for more seasons.

One I though was going to for sure get cancelled, did not. Hart of Dixie!

They have cancelled Pan Am, though, which I am so sad about, but most of my shows are coming back, including the final season of Gossip Girl.

One I though was going to for sure get cancelled, did not. Hart of Dixie!

They have cancelled Pan Am, though, which I am so sad about, but most of my shows are coming back, including the final season of Gossip Girl.

9. I had a great first Mothers Day and will be posting about that soon, too! I hope all you Mommies out there had a great day as well. Whether you are pregnant or are a Mommy to fur-baby(ies), that still counts in my book!!!!
10. I have not jumped on the Fifty Shades of Grey bandwagon as of yet. I know! Don't kill me! I am still getting through the Girl with the Dragon tattoo series and I love it, but I just don't have much time to read these days, so I am getting behind with books as well as movies as well as TV. Ugh. I know I will get to it all eventually. I just have to take it in stride.

Now go link up!!

Now go link up!!