Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Moment

A Moment
Friday, May 10, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 9 for Thursday, May 9th: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words)

This happened.

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Minnesota House of Representatives voted 75 - 59 in favor of this bill.

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I watched/listened all afternoon to the debate online.

I am so happy and hope to have Minnesota be the 12th state to adopt this law.

Now the Senate with vote on Monday, May 13th.

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Wednesday, May 8, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 8 for Wednesday, May 8th: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

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Obviously there is a time and place for everything. A time and place to be serious and a time and place to be silly. The key to life is knowing the difference.

Some people are just way too uptight. Slow down. Relax. Take a minute to breath and look around you and enjoy the scenery. Sometimes you need to enjoy life as it happens. In this day in age with all the technology at our fingertips and the internets, we can lose time with the real world. I know I'm guilty of it. Sometimes I worry what I'm missing out on with Twitter or Facebook or whatever it may be in that moment, but then I look at what I Husband, my daughter, my family, my friends, my health, a roof over my head, food in my belly and a car to take me places.

And when it comes down to it, what else is there?
Monday, May 6, 2013

What Do You Do

What Do You Do
Monday, May 6, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 6 for Monday, May 6th: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?

My full-time job in simple terms is "I am an attorney's assistant."

I complete various tasks under the supervision of a licensed attorney. I cannot give legal advice.

Some things I do:

Draft, prepare, review and revise pleadings and correspondence;

Prepare and coordinate all documents for trial;

Meet and communicate with attorneys, clients, law firms, courts and outside sources on a daily basis;

Assist attorney with all stages of cases from beginning to end;

Maintain and manage calendar and physical files on a daily basis; and

Manage documents into files from various sources.

Does it sound like a resume, well, I pretty much copied and pasted.

Hey, it's Monday and I have way to much to do to actually type these things out.

I also take pictures on the side. It's just word of mouth. Mostly family and friends.

Go visit my page HERE.

I need to get that caught up with new pictures, too!

My other job?

Is taking care of these two.

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My world revolves around them.

For her eating, sleeping, learning, playing, talking, singing, dancing, going to school, hanging with family, play-dates with friends. I am basically her assistant and chauffeur. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

For him, it's more of a partnership and friendship, to support, to listen, to love, sometimes cook, sometimes clean.

That about wraps it up.

What do YOU do?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Favorite Quote

Favorite Quote
Saturday, May 4, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 4 for Saturday, May 4th: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it

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I probably heard this quote before, but the first time it really meant anything to me was when I heard it at my church while attending a funeral for a high school acquaintance named Jimmy.

I say acquaintance, because he was not a friend, but a guy I had gone to grade school with and had known since we were little. We had been in each others classes over the years and while we were never friends, Jimmy was always very kind and funny.

He died unexpectedly and out of the blue.

No one saw it coming and everyone was devastated.

He had taken his own life.

He had committed suicide.

I sat there listening to all these wonderful people talk about him and share life stories that they had experienced with him. It was a very bitter sweet day as funerals usually are.

Either way it has stuck with me and whenever I think about this quote I think of Jimmy and vice versa. It's pretty self explanatory. I think it gets right to the point.

RIP Jimmy

Friday, May 3, 2013

So Uncomfortable

So Uncomfortable
Friday, May 3, 2013
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Welcome to my "Blog Every Day in May Challenge" that I am participating in going on over at Jenni's Story of My Life.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 3 for Friday, May 3rd: Things that make you uncomfortable.

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Here are 8 of mine:

Small talk. I hate small talk. I always feel weird and awkward and never know what to say, or more importantly, what to ask to keep the conversation going. Everything at that moment just slips my brain.

Phone talk. I guess it depends on who it is, but usually I much rather text or email or Facebook someone than actually talk to them. Is that bad? Probably, but I don't really care.

Nylons. Like the full on panty-hose that you wear with dresses and skirts. I'm totally good with knee highs or even thigh highs, but the full ones try I try and avoid if I can.

My bubble. Don't enter my personal space.

Backseats. I get motion sickness so I prefer sitting in the front seat, but I know that's not always and option.

Too tight clothes. Either that I am wearing or that I see someone else wear. Either uncomfortable.

Dirty feet. I hate when my feet feel dirty.

No phone. Being without my cell phone at any given time makes me so crazy uncomfortable. I literally feel like I am missing a limb.

 What makes you uncomfortable?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Life in 250 Words

My Life in 250 Words
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
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I have decided to jump on the bandwagon of Jenni's "Blog every day in May Challenge" going on over on her blog Story of My Life. I usually enjoy these prompts because I often struggle with things to write about.

Go see the list HERE for the whole month.

Day 1 for Wednesday, May 1st is the story of your life in 250 words or less.

So here is mine.

I was born April 9, 1983 in Montevideo, Minnesota. I grew up on a farm until I was about 4. My parents were married when I was 6. My Mom had me at 16. We lived with my Grandparents until moving around to Detroit Lakes (Pre-school), Alexandria (Kindergarten), Plymouth (1st Grade), Bloomington (2nd grade) and finally Eden Prairie (3rd grade). My parents have lived in the same house ever since. My brother, Ross, was born when I was 8. When I was 11, my sister, Keli Jo was born. She died 3 months later from SIDS. It changed me and my family forever. I think it brought us much closer. I was 14 when my sister, Amie, was born. I was 16 when my sister, Kate, was born. I started working as a photographer at 16 for a local studio. I worked there until I got a big girl job at 20. That was also the year I met my Hubs. I knew after just a month of dating him, that he was the one for me. I was engaged at 21; married at 23. We got our first 2 pups the same year we were married. We then inherited 2 more 2 years later. I became a Mom to Hailey Jo in June 2011. I still do photography on the side. My full time job is a Paralegal and I’ve been doing that for almost 10 years. I love my family and my life. That’s me in a nutshell.

Let me know if you are participating as well.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Women Connect 2012. Spilling my guts.

Women Connect 2012. Spilling my guts.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
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I am linking up with Becky for Women Connect and let's just say I am getting real on the blog today. I usually try to not be too serious. I usually make this blog a fun place with outfit posts, new things I bought, things about my life and parenting and updates about my daughter. So bare with me today as I spill my guts.

A little about me and my life right now.

I'm a bit behind on life. Ok, "a bit" is an understatement. 2 weeks ago we got a call from our landlord who told us we need to be out of the house we are renting from her by January 15th.

Read: She is having boyfriend troubles and needs to move back into her house.

I get it. I do. But at the same time I just don't.

My Husband called me at work. Told me to shut my office door and told me about his conversation with said landlord lady.

My world crumbled.

60 days.

2 months.

Our life.

Our belongings.

4 dogs. Yes you read that right...4 dogs.

One toddler.

One Husband.

One marriage.

And Me.

I didn't plan on this. How could anyone plan to uproot their whole lives just out of the blue like this. Not us. Not through the holidays.

That was a very hard day. This hadn't even been on my radar. I'm a planner, most times to a fault. We had lived there since May 2011 and weren't planning on moving anytime soon. Life was going great. Right on track. Predictable. I LOVE predictable. And then wham. Out of blue we get hit with this curve ball. Oofta.

After taking the day to mourn and cry...and cry some more, we (being my Husband) concluded that we couldn't waste time feeling sorry for ourselves. We had to forge ahead into the unknown and start looking at our options.We turned to our awesome family and friends for support and prayers.

My Husband. He is a strong one that man. You know how in every relationship some things one person is great at and in other things the other is great at. Well, he's pretty much great at it all. He lifted me up and stayed so positive. He truly is my rock.

We talked about how it's not just us to think about. We have this little peanut:


And these 4 fur-babies.


And each other. And with each of these obstacles makes us that much stronger as individual people and as a couple.

And even though it was hard to be cheerful and thankful over this last holiday, we do have lots to be thankful for. Even in our crummy situation.

Our health.
Our jobs.
Our loving and supportive family.

Just to name a few. 

And now after two weeks of searching, we have this to be thankful for.

Our NEW home.


It's nothing huge and fancy, but it fits our family perfect and we couldn't be more excited.

We don't get the keys for another couple weeks, but are already busy packing and looking forward to getting into this new place, making it our home, putting up a tree and starting the new year off right.

I just want to say thank you for all your support.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Norwex Update!

Norwex Update!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
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If you don't know what Norwex is and want to learn more, read my post HERE!

Here is my Norwex update:

At Shelly's party on 2/20/2012, I ordered a few things. I just received them last week, so I haven't had much time to try out the new things, but this is what I ordered:

Tea Towel Set - olive green

I had gotten the Kitchen Cloth Set (pack of 3) from my party in January and love them, but the Tea Towel set, includes a hand towel AND one kitchen cloth AND they match. Not that I care so much about matching, but I can if I'm having people over.


Dishwashing Liquid

Not only for dishes, but I heard this works great on stains, too. Any kind of stains. Since I just got it, I haven't had time to try it out yet, but I will be doing future posts about Norwex and what new products I like, etc.


Sanira Toilet Brush System

I got one from my party in January for our upstairs bathroom, but I wanted one for the basement bathroom, too.


Laundry Detergent

I got another bag. I got my first one back at the end of November and then just ran out of it in mid-February, so I did purchase some other detergent in the mean-time. But my Hubs told me to always keep an extra bag on hand, so I will probably be getting another one soon for back-up.

It did last me quite a long time. At least I think so.


Silver Care Toothbrush

I got one for me back in November, but finally got one for the Hubs, too. He loves it. At least that's what he tells me. Ha.


Odor Eliminator

I bought this hoping to use it like Febreeze. I haven't used it yet, cause I need to get a spray water bottle since it has to be diluted. I'm probably most excited to use this product.


At Rachel's party on Saturday, I ordered the following:
  • Kitchen Scrub Cloth
  • Dish Cloth
  • Kitchen Cloth Set - 3 pack (yes, another 3 pack)
  • Sportzyme
  • Hand Towel (for the bathroom)
  • Carpet Stain Buster
If you want to go look up any of the products go HERE!

They have a great search tool that you can look up anything!

Let me know if you have any questions.

Email me at

Mrs. Mama D
Sunday, February 26, 2012


Sunday, February 26, 2012
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Back in November, my Mom asked me to go to a cleaning party at one of her co-workers house.

A what?

Yes, you heard me right. A cleaning party. I thought she was crazy, but of course I went.

1) I was intrigued about what a "cleaning party" would consist of;
2) My Mom wanted to show Hailey off to her co-workers; and
3) Again, I was intrigued about what a "cleaning party" would consist of.

So, off we went.

I know it totally sounds weird, but let's just say it changed my life drastically.
For the better I might add.

Here's the quick lowdown on the basics of the products taken from the website:

The Norwex line of cleaning products saves you money and time, improves the health of you and your family, and helps us to move towards a safer better environment. Norwex cleaning products go beyond "surface clean" with the innovative use of silver particles integrated into synthetic microfiber cloth. 
  • Single-celled micro-organisms such as fungi, yeast, bacteria, and viruses cannot survive or adapt in silver exposure
  • Surface-to-surface cross-contamination is eliminated - without the use of any harmful chemicals!
  • Rapidly drying cloths prevent bacteria growth in the cloth itself
Using Norwex cleaning products with WATER ONLY creates a healthy outcome for us and the environment.

Basically, it is chemical free cleaning and chemical free living!

Basically I went to the first party in November, fell in love with these products and then had my own party in January. Then my Mom's friend, Shelly, booked a party from my party and that was just last Monday (2/20/2012). And now another friend of mine is having a party in March, but from another rep. That will be 4 parties so far. Can you say addicted?

In November I just started with the basic package (see below). There were so many products I wanted, but I knew I had to pace myself and start little by little. I was amazed by not only the products, but also the presentation by Kris and knew that I had to try it and get this basic package first. With Hailey being 4 months old, I knew it would be no time at all before she was crawling around on our floors and putting things in her mouth. I wanted to get the cleaning chemicals as far away from her as possible.

  The basic package consists of 3 things.

Go check out the links to each individual product where it explains each of them.

Here they are hanging in my linen closet.


Also, here is a little video as well that explains and demonstrates the 3 products above. You can also find this on the website as well.

Like I said because there were so many things I initially wanted, I knew I had to pace myself. So a few weeks later, I ended up ordering the Ultra Power Plus Laundry Detergent



I then hosted my own party in January and just for hosting this party I got a ton of free product.


  •  Superior Mop Starter Package;
  • Antibac Kitchen Cloth Set (3 pack);
  • Veggie and Fruit Scrub (green);
  • Cleaning Paste;
  • Bathroom Scrub Mitt (pink);
  • Another Starter package (Blue Enviro Cloth, Pink Window Cloth, Blue Dust Mitt)
  • Antibac Turban (tan)
  • Norwex Lint Mitt (blue)
  • Antibac Body Pack (neutral)
  • Sanira Toilet Brush System

I didn't put links to them all, but you can find them all on the website.

I got all the above just for having a party! I was stunned and so excited to get all this product into my house and really start using it.

Here is the broom/mop on my wall.


It came with the wall mount.


I love how it is up off the floor out of the way.

This is the hair turban.


It's hanging up next to our shower.
I love how easily accessible it is.


At Shelly's party on Monday, I ordered the following:
  • a Tea Towel Set (green)
  • Dishwashing Liquid (that works great on stains, too)
  • Sanira Toilet Brush System (for basement bathroom)
  • more Laundry Detergent (yes, the last bag lasted me since November)
  • a Silvercare Toothbrush (for the Hubs)
  • Odour Eliminator
I'm super excited to get the new products (Dishwashing Liquid and Odour Eliminator) I haven't tried, yet. I'm continually amazed by everything I try. I should get them within a week or two and will most likely do another post after that.

Again, I highly suggest going to the website. There is a ton of information and products on it, so surf until your hearts content and PLEASE ask me if you have any questions. 

Also, let me know if you are interested in coming with me to the next party at my friend, Jenny's house on Saturday, March 10th.

Happy Cleaning!

Mrs. Mama D
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday {02.22.2012}

Wordless Wednesday {02.22.2012}
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday {01.18.2012}

Wordless Wednesday {01.18.2012}
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm Thankful {Days 24 - 30}

I'm Thankful {Days 24 - 30}
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
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November 24th: I'm thankful for food and tradition and laughter.

I don't know why, but it's the only time of year I usually eat pumpkin pie. We also watch football and play dominoes as a family every year and have lots of laughs. It's such a happy time.


November 25th: I'm thankful for holidays. This is my favorite time of the year and it will be our first with child. I usually get the day after Thanksgiving off. We usually put up Christmas decorations and the tree. This is our tree this year. It's a pre-lit that we bought a few years ago at Walmart. It's never looked so small. Maybe we'll have to invest in a bigger one next year. Nevertheless it still makes me happy.


November 26th: I'm thankful for the gift of life. Today we went to a baby shower celebrating the life of Elliott Horton. His Mommy, Rachel, is married to Wayne's cousin, Evan. Elliott is exactly 3 months younger than Hailey. So that means today Hailey is 5 months old (6/26) and Elliott is 2 months old (9/26). Rachel had a very rough pregnancy and was in the hospital 7 times (8th time he was born) and on complete bed-rest from about week 27. Let's just say he is a very blessed little boy with lots of people around him that love him. We are so happy he arrived safe and healthy. Here is the 4 of us today.


November 27th: I'm thankful for my Church (Immanuel Lutheran) and pastors (Paul and Susan).


I have been at the same church since I was in 3rd grade. I have had the same pastor (Paul) since I started confirmation in 7th grade. Pastor Paul saw me through confirmation and also married Wayne and I in 2006. It is such a great community of faith.


November 28th: I'm thankful for my DVR. It is something silly and trivial, but anything that makes my life a little bit easier and more convenient I am a fan of.

November 29th: I'm thankful for memories. I found out last Wednesday (23rd) that a childhood classmate took his life. His parents found him and it is a terribly sad situation. It definitely put a whole new meaning on being "Thankful." His funeral was today and I cried a lot at what everyone had to say not only about Jimmy, but about life in general.


A quote from the day that will always stick with me was said by Pastor Paul..."Love them while you can and love them well." A message to anyone that feels like nobody cares...there is always someone and it will get better.


And a message to those who care, always say I Love You. You never know when it might be the last time.

November 30th: I'm thankful for movie night. There is nothing better than getting comfy (usually in PJs) on the couch (with a blanket) and either a soda and popcorn or candy (or both) and putting in a movie with the lights off. It's the sense of escaping to another time and place or even a whole other world.

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