Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts
Friday, June 8, 2012

Hailey Jo {11 Months}

Hailey Jo {11 Months}
Friday, June 8, 2012
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May 26, 2012

This is you at 11 months old:


You wouldn't sit still for Mommy again this month and let's be honest, you really don't sit still at all anymore.

You are always on the go.

You are walking (sometimes trying to run) all over the place!!


You are always getting into everything.

You have found some new places to squeeze into.


You are trying, eating and loving so many different foods. You name it and you've probably tried it.

You love Baby Mum Mums. They are your favorite snack.


You see Mommy and Daddy eating and you are immediately by our sides or begging for some.

You love ice cream. Especially milk shakes.

You have started to mimick us when we say a couple different words. For example:

"bye, bye"
"no, no"

You don't say the word entirely clearly yet, but you can definitely tell you are trying to copy what we are saying.

You are eating about 6 oz of milk for daytime feedings and 8 oz before bed...sometimes more.


You like to have your blanket over your face when you are eating.

You love drinking water out of your sippy cup.

You also love playing with it, too.

You are still going to bed at about 9pm and sleeping until about 8am...on average.

You love to be outside.


You and Daddy takes walks to the park with the puppies.


You still clap when we say "Yay!"

You raise your hands when we say "So big!"

You hate swinging and are afraid of heights just like your Daddy. Hopefully that will change soon.


You are going after the dogs more and more now that you can walk, but they are still OK with you.


You have gotten so vocal and jibber-jabbering away all the time.

You love to watch Ellen and dance to the music!

You like to multi-task sometimes and eat sitting up so you can still watch TV.


You are drooling like crazy lately because you are getting your eye teeth in.


You now have 4 upper teeth and 4 bottom teeth.

You love sitting in the shopping cart or cruising around in your stroller.


You love to people watch and are so curious. 

You went to the zoo for the first time.

You wore your sun hat, but it didn't last long on your head before you pulled it off.


You have really started showing us your personality

You have really started showing us your temper.


You get so mad when we take something away from you that you should have.

You like to show us how independent you can be already.

You're eyes are turning hazel.

You are growing to be such a big girl.

Grandma Kimmy put your hair in a ponytail for the first time.


You still love bath time and are even getting used to the water running. It doesn't even bother you anymore.

You are also getting used to the blow dryer now, too.

You still don't like the vacuum. It's just too darn loud.

You are now wearing all 12 month clothes (a few smaller onesies) and even a few 18 month things.

Your giggle is the best thing in this entire world.

You are still wearing size three diapers.

You love to make funny faces.


You still love your activity table and the music it plays.


You are just so very precious to us and we love you so much.

You are the light of our life!


We love you so much!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hailey Jo {10 months}

Hailey Jo {10 months}
Monday, April 30, 2012
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April 26, 2012

This is you at 10 months old:


You're saying: "I can't believe I'm 10 months already!"


You wouldn't sit still for Mommy to take pictures and you wanted to pull the 10 month sticker off  the whole time.

On April 11th you went to the Dr for your 9 month check-up and...

You weighed 21 lbs 12 oz.(91%).

You were 29 inches long (87%).

Your head was 18 inches round (89%).

You are trying, eating and loving so many different foods. You name it and you've probably tried it.

You love your snacks.


You see Mommy and Daddy eating and you are immediately by our sides or begging for some.

You are now eating about 6 oz of milk for daytime feedings and 8 oz before bed.

You have started drinking just water out of your sippy cup.

You are still going to bed at about 9pm and sleeping until about 8am...on average.

You woke up so early one morning and fell asleep in your chair during breakfast.


You are walking!!


You are clapping when we say "Yay!" 

You raise your hands when we say "So big!"


You love to be outside.


You love when Daddy pushes you in your car.

You are going after the dogs more and more now that you can walk, but they are still OK with you.


You have gotten so vocal and are talking and screaming all the time.

You love to watch Ellen!

You also love the cartoon "Super Why."


You still put everything in your mouth.

You are still drooling, but I feel not as much.

You still go through about 3-4 bibs a day.

You are always on the go.

You are Mommy's little shopper.


You have figured out how to climb up stairs.


You like to crawl into your toy bin.


You had a great first Easter. You can see that post HERE!

You have really started showing us your personality.

You made your TV modeling debut. You can see that HERE!

You get mad at us when we take something away from you.

You're eyes are turning hazel.

You are growing right on track, but are still our peanut.

You still love bath time, but I think you are scared when the water runs and is loud.


You are scared of the vacuum and the hair blow dryer.

You are now wearing mostly 12 month clothes and even a few 18 month pajamas.

Your giggle is the best thing in this entire world.

You are still wearing size three diapers.

You still have your two bottom middle teeth and two top middle teeth.

You love to make funny faces.

You are so alert and always watching people.

You are so curious.

You are just so very precious to us and we love you so much.

You are the light of our life!


We love you so much!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hailey Jo {9 months}

Hailey Jo {9 months}
Saturday, March 31, 2012
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March 26, 2012

This is you at 9 months old:


You are eating all sorts of "real" food, now and trying lots of things off of Mommy and Daddy's plates.

You love noodles.


You love these:


And these:


Mommy loves these, too, because they dissolve easily and teach you how to chew and swallow without choking.

You still eat a fruit combo in the morning (with Oatmeal) and a vegetable/protein combo at night (with Rice cereal).

You usually have a yogurt as a snack after you wake up from your nap.

You are now eating about 6 oz of milk for daytime feedings and before bed.

You usually take at least one good nap a day.

You are so happy when we come to get you in the morning or after nap time.


Your smile makes our hearts burst!!

You are still going to bed by about 9pm and sleeping until about 8am...on average. Sometimes you have an off night, but who doesn't.

You cried when we got your ears pierced, but not for long. You don't play with them or pull on them at all.


You are still so vocal and are talking and screaming all the time.

You still put everything in your mouth.


You have really started showing us your personality and react to us taking things away from you or saying No.

You love to try and get our keys and the TV remotes.

You are still drooling, but I feel not as much. It may be just because I am so used to it. Who knows.

You still go through about 3-4 bibs a day.

You are crawling!!

You are always moving and don't sit still anymore.

You are getting into crazy places now that you can move and crawl.


 You are also pulling yourself up on things.


You have started to really walk along things and from thing to thing.


You still love your jumperoo, but lately you prefer being on the outside of it, instead of the inside.


You don't like being restricted and not able to move. Go figure.

You love to try and walk with your musical walker.


You still have deep, gray eyes.

Your hair is still growing and Mommy had to give you another bang trim.


You are growing right on track, but are still our peanut.

You are wearing mostly 6-9 month, but some 12 month clothing and pajamas.

You love your puppies and think they are so hilarious!

Your giggle is the best thing in this entire world.

You are wearing size three diapers.

You have your two bottom middle teeth and now you have your two top middle teeth.


You love to make funny faces.

You still don't care for your nuk at all. I can't even remember the last time you had it.

You love when we hold your hands and you stand up.


You immediately start walking when we do this.

You still LOVE bath time and like to kick your feet and splash. You are still in the infant tub, but we will probably try it without soon. Mommy still gets nervous, so we will see.

You are so alert and people comment on it frequently.

You love cuddle time in the mornings with Daddy while watching cartoons.


You are just the best thing that has ever happened to us and we love you more and more everyday.

We love you so much!

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