Showing posts with label Fridays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fridays. Show all posts
Friday, October 31, 2014

Five & Friday Favorites {ten31fourteen}

Five & Friday Favorites {ten31fourteen}
Friday, October 31, 2014
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These are some of my favorites on this glorious Friday!


Seriously, its so good! Go check it out!


I'm so loving the final season. I feel like this has been the best season yet and it's the last. 


This is so true.


I kind of obsessed with these EOS lip balms.


Kate's confirmation on Sunday with the fambam. So proud of my sister, Kate, and Hailey being a ham.

Happy Weekend loves!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday Favorites {10-17-14}

Friday Favorites {10-17-14}
Friday, October 17, 2014
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Linking up with two of my favorites this week.

SIDENOTE: I'm so excited for this weekend. I get two date nights in a row with the Husband, which NEVER happens. We're lucky if we get one, but you have to make your significant other a priority, right?

These are my favorites from this week!

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The Wet Brush

I still like using a detangler conditioning spray on Hailey's hair, but the combo of the two works wonders. Plus, Hailey likes having her own brush which also helps with the whole process.

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The Walking Dead. Hands. Down. It came back for it's 5th Season this week and is better than ever. We are obsessed.

Anybody else with me on this?

I ordered these as part of my Halloween costume. What girl doesn't love to get new shoes?

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So much going on in life right now, I don't have time for people who just don't care. Plain and simple.
Or assholes for that matter.

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Dan + Shay - Where It All Began

Seriously, these guys are so talented and this whole album is great! I went with a few friends last week to see them live here in Minneapolis where they kicked of their tour. This is one of my favorite songs off the album.

And because I can't leave you with no pictures of Hailey for the week, this is my favorite picture of her this week. I love that cheesy grin so much!

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How was your week? Any fun plans this weekend?
Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Favorites {04.25.2014}

Friday Favorites {04.25.2014}
Friday, April 25, 2014
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I wasn't going to post today, but then I saw this fun link-up. And who doesn't love linkups? I know I sure do! I get to get all the shiz outta my head. Plus, I ALWAYS post on Fridays, so it's just weird not to.

Here are my favorites from this week!

Meet At The Barre

Favorite Brother

Ross. He's actually my only brother, but today's his 23rd birthday! Woohoo! This is all 3 of my siblings. Love them all so much!

Favorite Song/s

Eric Church - Give Me Back My Hometown

I'm also obsessed with No. 8 "That's Damn Rock & Roll." Such a great rock song. Volume up, windows down. I can tell it's going to be my summer jam!

I'm also excited cause me and Katie are going to see him when he comes to MN in September!! Woohoo!!

Favorite Food

Kettle corn or korn. However you spell it. It's like I can't get enough. I've not only been obsessed with this lately, but so has Hailey. She actually will eat more of the bag than I will.

Favorite Shoe

As of right now it's this sandal from Lauren Conrad for Kohl's collection. They come in TONS of colors and are on sale right now for $10, so go get yourself a pair.

Favorite Accessory

My new watch. Oh and see my shoes? Again. Everyday.

Favorite Quote

Favorite Event/Non Favorite Event

My friend Falen's wedding last Friday night was by far the best part of this last week, the next day? Not so much.

Favorite Workout

Zumba with Mollie. She's back from her week long Mexico vacation! Don't mind the sweaty mess. Happens. Every. Time.

Favorite Show

I feel like a broken record, but if you're not watching The need to be. It's getting SO good! Anyone else?

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Favorite Make-Up Product

No matter what other brand or anything I try, I always always always find myself going back to this one.

Favorite Company

I love this stuff so much. Specifically the big bottle of stain remover and the conditioning detangler. I use it every morning on Hailey's hair. 

Happy Weekend friends!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Five on Friday {04.11.2014}

Five on Friday {04.11.2014}
Friday, April 11, 2014
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Happy Friday all. Well, what a week it has been. Here are 5 things from my week.

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Our laundry room flooded yesterday. Gramma called me in a panic. Wayne called the owner (we rent) and he said that had happened to them a couple times when they lived there. A plumber comes out, snakes it, and then it is good to go. No biggie, but nerve-racking and irritating all at the same. Just threw my Thursday and today for a loop as the plumber couldn't get there until this morning between 9-11. No showering and minimal water use for us. So not cool.

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I got these back from Hailey's school.So expensive, but how can I say no? I can't. Plain and simple.

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If you haven't entered my birthday giveaway, I encourage you to do so. I had a great birthday on Wednesday.  We went to dinner at Crave. It was wonderful as always. I always get the same thing...a Crunchy Roll and salmon salad. We also got the Smore Brownie dessert. OMG! So good! I have a friend lunch on Saturday and then my family dinner on Sunday.

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I am so loving the warmer weather we are having up here in Minnesota. I love not wearing my boots anymore and sometimes not even a jacket! Woohoo!! Now let's keep it this way Mother Nature!

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As of today I have 9 days left of my "No Shopping" lent comittment. I am happy to report I have not bought ANYTHING!! Go me! Obviously, I still have 9 days to go with a wedding and a baby shower thrown in there, but I am determined to find something already in my closet to wear. Let's hope!

How was your week? Anything fun planned for the weekend?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Five on Friday {04.04.2014}

Five on Friday {04.04.2014}
Friday, April 4, 2014
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Happy Friday Friends! I am so excited for this week to be done. It's been too long.

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First off, I just wanna say Happy 17th Birthday to my sister, Amie. She is so good with Hailey and I couldn't have asked for a better Auntie and Godmother for Hailey. I am so proud of the young woman she has become. I know she will be a great role model for Hailey as she gets older. I love you!!

{Kate, Hailey & Amie}

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Did you see me over on Mama and Mou on Wednesday. Go take a look.

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Do you see this? 4-6 inches yesterday and another 1-2 today. I call BS Mother Nature! Grrr. But hopefully it doesn't stick around cause it's gonna be damn near 60 degrees on Monday! Yay!

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After a week of not working out or being able to get to the gym, I was back at it this last Wednesday. It felt so good to sweat and get moving.

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We celebrated Green Gramma's Birthday on Wednesday. Look at this adorable puppy cake my MIL got. So cute!

That's all I got this week! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Five on Friday {03.21.2014}

Five on Friday {03.21.2014}
Friday, March 21, 2014
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Happy Friday! Linking up with the girls above.

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First off, my life has been turned a little upside down for the last couple weeks. My main flash drive broke and I have been heartbroken and lost without it. It had pretty much everything on it. Yes, I did back it up, but not for a couple months or so. So while I can retrieve most of the stuff on it, there were several projects and blog posts I was working on more recently that are now lost for the moment. My friends little brother is going to try and solder it back together for me. If he can at least get it to the point of me getting everything off of it, I will be so indebted to him!!! I'm hoping to get it back early next week. We'll see. If not. I will just have to move on. Please say a prayer. :)

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I just had to share this picture that my Husband posted about his weight loss yesterday for #TBT. The picture on the left is from November 2011. He was the best man in a friends wedding. The picture on the right is him from just this past Tuesday with Demi Lavato. Can you say crazy?! I am so proud of him and his progress so far. He wants to keep going, which I completely support. I know you will get there honey. I love you!

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I found out last night, that my favorite Zumba instructor, Mollie, is cancelling her Thursday night class. It may seem trivial, but in my world it's huge. She's my absolute FAVORITE! She says she wants to change things up for the spring. I know she needs her time and she can do what she wants, and I respect that. She has 3 kids and a family, but I am SUPER bummed about it. I am grateful that she will still have her Wednesday and Saturday classes, and she does teach a few other things (nothing else fits into my schedule right now), but that Thursday night class was my trifecta. It completed my cardio for the week (3x week). I am not sure if I will be able to find something to fill that void. Dramatic, I know. It may sound weird, but Mollie is one of a kind. And I have actually made a few friends from the gym because of her and her class. That's a huge thing in itself. To feel like you actually belong in a gym? We all agree that it's sort of a cult following. Mollie is one of a kind, and I don't think she really realizes how influential she is. I'm hoping it's not a permanent thing and maybe she just really needs to take a break. We'll see. I was in such a good routine with my weekly work-outs, now I will have to re-evaluate. I was literally just working on a gym routine post and going to share it next week. We'll have to see.

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I know it's only been 2 weeks since I wrote this post about Lent. But I have not bought ANYTHING so far and am sticking strong to it. Granted I have several more fun things planned within the next few weeks, but I am confident I can find things in my closet and drawers to drag out of hiding. It's not as hard as what I thought it would be. I just can't look at my emails with all the "deals." Have you ever done a wardrobe freeze?

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And lastly, is anyone else as obsessed with Frozen as I am? It's not just my kid, but me AND my Husband, too. We watch it in the mornings before school/work and every evening so far this week.

Oh ya know. Just Hailey sitting on the coffee table eating breakfast, watching Frozen.

Is it sad that we have the soundtrack, too? I put it in my iTunes immediately and uploaded it onto my iPod. Now I can have it with me wherever I go. It's so addicting. #don'tjudge

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Any fun plans?

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