I missed all of 2nd quarter. My main goals for April, May and June were packing up our house and life, finishing working, growing a baby and being a Mom, moving across the country/relocating to Las Vegas and getting settled.
Here are my Goals for July 2015!
Have a baby.
It's not as much a goal, because I don't have a choice. He's coming whether I am ready or not. I just want him to be healthy. Hopefully my recovery will go better this time around and I will be feeling better sooner.
Pregnancy Posts
I have most of them drafted, just adding final touches and hoping to get caught up soon.
I have most of them drafted, just adding final touches and hoping to get caught up soon.
I've been trying to enjoy as much time with just Hailey as I can as these last few weeks of her being an only child.
I've been trying to enjoy as much time with just Hailey as I can as these last few weeks of her being an only child.
My family is coming to visit us this month. My sisters are here now and I couldn't be more happy to have them. My parents come mid month and I can't wait to see them after 2 months.
My family is coming to visit us this month. My sisters are here now and I couldn't be more happy to have them. My parents come mid month and I can't wait to see them after 2 months.
Continue experimenting with recipes. Since living in Vegas and staying home I've tried a few recipes that have been a hit with the family.
Continue experimenting with recipes. Since living in Vegas and staying home I've tried a few recipes that have been a hit with the family.
What are your goals for this month?
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