Currently Reading: 50 Shades of Grey (Yes I'm still reading book 1). I don't get that much reading in, but I'm really trying lately. My goal is a minimum of 10 pages before bed. I would like to get through all 3 books
Currently Eating: Chinese food for lunch at work. Just rice and noodles. Still trying to keep it somewhat light from being sick this week.
Currently Purchased: I actually just bought this off of Amazon today. I've been wanting one for awhile now and really want to start doing morning smoothies and protein shakes in it. I won't get it for another week, but I'm excited!
Currently Listening to: country music as of late. You can blame my Husband for that. Thanks Wayne. More specifically I've been listening to K102 at work trying to get to know the artists and songs. I've been listening on my computer through iHeartRadio. The station doesn't come in so well on my regular radio. I still listen to my hubs though at night from 6-Midnight on KDWB no matter what.
Currently Watching: Bachelorette just finished up this week so that leaves a bit of a void, but I am loving Mistresses, So You Think You Can Dance, Guiliana & Bill, True Blood, Keeping up with the Kardashians and The Challenge on MTV. These shows will keep me going through the rest of summer and then I can gear up for fall TV!
Currently on my Nails: French. Boring I know, but sometimes you just need a break from color.
Currently Excited: that today is Friday and we don't have a super busy weekend ahead! I'd like to get to the gym tomorrow if I feel good enough. I plan on going out with friends tomorrow night and then a birthday brunch on Sunday at my MIL's. Not too shabby.
Currently Wearing: Jeans and a tank top...casual Friday, which we don't get to do very often.
Currently Nervous: About how I've been feeling lately. Being sick and not sure what's going on with my body. And no, I am not pregnant. As my MIL asked me..."Have you peed on a stick lately?" Yes, I have and no I am not.
Currently Wanting: A tropical vacation.
Currently Looking ahead to: The MN State of my favorite times of the year. Less than 2 weeks people!!
Currently Enjoying: My easy days at work. It's been a nice balance lately.
Currently Crossing my Fingers: That we will be able to get approved for a home loan sometime in the near future.
Currently Feeling: Content with life.
Currently Loving This Quote:
Currently Crushing on: Jimmy Fallon. Anyone else? No? Just me. OK then.
Happy Friday!
I think I have a little thing for Mr. Fallon. A sense of humor and easy on the eyes. What's not to love?
I'm not much a reader either...but I read all 3 of the 50 books pretty fast! I was just so interested to read what happened!
I just got a new bullet...I've had one for many years...but it was finally falling apart so my parents got me a new one for my bday! Love it still!!!
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